Monday, November 9, 2009

Always the Jews

It's very easy to find negative stories on Israel. All you have to do is a Google search and you'll drown in 'em. Unfortunately, most of the places that have these stories are left-leaning enterprises that clearly don't like Israel to begin with. That, or they're Arab sites such as Al Jezeera. Again, not necessarily fair or reliable....................................................................................The latest of these stories to go "viral" is the one that "informs" us of how the Israelis are booting Palestinians out of their homes in East Jerusalem....and of how, too, the Israelis are building settlements there. I mean, yes, it sounds terrible. But, again, I would really like to get a more reliable/less biased source to examine/confirm/debate these stories.................................................................................And, yes, folks, I say this precisely because of my previous experiences with such biased reporting. Take, for example, that supposed massacre at Jenin. According to the Palestinian propagandists (the source for a lot of these anti-Israel stories/diatribes), the Israeli army brutally mowed down some 500 Palestinian civilians (killed these folks in cold-blood, supposedly). And, yep, you got it, terms like genocide and holocaust were cavalierly tossed around as well. Now, granted, we eventually did learn the real truth about Jenin - namely, that only 52 Palestinians (the majority of which were found to be terrorist fighters) were actually killed. But the public-relations damage had already been inflicted (coupled with the fact that a lot of regular Palestinians never learned this truth)........................................................................................As for this particular story about East Jerusalem, I would at least like to know 1) the extent of these evictions (this, in that, yes, folks, terms like ethnic cleansing are already being bandied about) and 2) if in fact there were any terrorists being harbored in these dwellings. This, for a little bit of perspective, I'm saying. And, yes, folks, I'm frigging saying all of this as a person who strongly OPPOSES Israel's settlement policy.....................................................................................P.S. You know what else would be nice? It would be nice if, on occasion, all of these bloggers/academics who constantly hammer Israel for its "mistreatment" of the Palestinians, would do the same to China for its treatment of the Tibetans, Turkey for its treatment of the Kurds and Armenians, Russia for its treatment of the Chechnyans, Spain for its treatment of the Basques, and, yes, YES, Palestinian terrorists treatment of the Jews (nails soaked in rat poison, stuffed into bombs). It would be extremely nice in fact.


  1. Hey Will,

    Hope you don't mind me leading off with an off-topic comment, but it seems our friend Worf/Bart doesn't have any functioning long term memory.

    I know he/they can't accept it, but I AM just a casual blogger. (or a casualty of blogging...) Lydia's blog was my introduction into blogging and what a education it's been.

    First off, I have NEVER EVEN portrayed myself as a moderate or passive. I have always been a Conservative first and a Republican second. And have ALWAYS said so.

    Secondly, if Barfeus had any reading comprehension skills he would have noticed that the current thread on my blog was posted by Freedom Fan.
    (though my sympathies do lie with the tea party protestors, my work schedule doesn't permit me to be an activist.)

    Third, the projection! I have never posted under more than one alias during a given period and I have told them of all of my previous monikers.

    It seems I must scare them or something the way they see me in everyone who disagrees with them.

    I don't even care anymore. Is it really important whether a group of liars believes you're telling the truth or not?

    (by the way, it's awful hard to right flank you on this post...LOL)

  2. Oh and regarding the bit about how they don't harass us in our blogs?

    Mike and Cliffy have visited us both quite frequently haven't they? Or is that just a figment of my imagination?

  3. "The difference with Israel, is the Palestinians are the sovereign nation driven off the land by Europeans. Completely different situation."

    I've been searching for information on this for years now. Can you tell me the dates that Palestine was a sovereign nation? Who it's leaders were?

    Also, the vast majority of the land that used to be called Palestine lies in Jordan. Why aren't the Palestinians waging jihad against them?

  4. Hi Volt. I just got up to speed on what they've been saying over there. And wow, all I can say is that that guy is nuts. Not only does he think that you're Cosmic Cowboy (I don't, btw - I think instead it's probably Rusty), he thinks that you're Rusty....and he thinks you're frigging me!! Not even Cliffy thinks that that's possible. I have no idea why Lydia (who I'm really trying to have some compassion for) would want to deal with somebody like this. Is it simply because he agrees with her? I don't understand it at all.

  5. Oso, the Chinese have invaded and taken over Tibet. And the Russians have created havoc inside of Chechnya. These are not strictly internal problems. As for the Jews, they have ancient and continuous ties to that region. As do the Palestinians. That is why we need a 2 state solution. The Jews have agreed to that since the 1920s. The Palestinians, on the other hand, have targeted civilians FROM DAY ONE and have continuously tried to eliminate them from the region. Oh, and, yes, during WW2, the Palestinians supported the Nazis. The Kurds have a far more compelling case for statehood than do the Palestinians - if for no other reason than that.

  6. Good point, Volt. 80% of British Mandate Palestine was given to the Hashemite Kingdom. And it was them who controlled the West Bank from 1948-1967. Why is it that THEY never offer the Palestinians a state? Better yet, why didn't the Palestinians ask them for one?


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