Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Thinner the Skin, The Bigger the Lap-Dog

I guess that Olbermann didn't like it when former President Bush (the elder) called him a "sick puppy". He actually decided to go on the offensive about it (never minding the fact that the former president was being critical of right-wing cable-hosts, too). Hell, Mr. Olbermann even went as far as to say that it was THIS former president who prompted this entire downward spiral of negative campaigning; the '88 campaign, the Willie Horton TV add, etc.................................................................................Now don't get me wrong here, folks. The '88 Bush Campaign probably WAS one of the nastier ones. The mere fact that it employed ramrods the calibre of Roger Ales and Lee Atwater is proof sufficient. But, for Olbermann to say that the '88 Bush campaign was the genesis of nasty/negative campaigning is ludicrous. Negative campaigning has been around for-frigging-ever. And it hasn't always been solely a Republican tactic, either. I mean, just look at the way that the left blugeoned Reagan (in 1980, especially). And what about the ad that the Johnson folks ran against Goldwater in '64 - a little girl picking daisies and a nuclear explosion goes off? The frigging Willie Horton ad ain't got nothing on that little ditty..................................................................................As for Mr. Olbermann himself, that blankety-blank is exactly like O'Reilly (how ironic, huh?), for Christ - a thin-skinned lunatic, in other words. It's like, what, he has to retaliate EVERY SINGLE TIME? My God! That, in my mind, is the very definition of thin-skinned/paranoid....And, plus, he's kind of creepy, too.


  1. Are you really one of the five people that watch Keith Olbermann?
    You should receive some sort of an award.

  2. If we are going to go back in history for nasty campaigns....I like "Ma Ma, Where's my Pa?" from Grover Cleveland's opponents.

  3. I'm a channel-surfer, double C. I really can't stand any of 'em for the entire hour....Yes, Maggie, THAT was a true classic. LOL

  4. Calling someone a sick puppy isn't offensive? Do you believe there is someone who WOULD like it? Also, KO is correct in all his criticisms; they aren't "ludicrous".


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