Friday, October 16, 2009

The Six Hundred Pound Lemming

I'll admit it, folks. I've been giving Mr. O'Reilly a fair amount of credit lately. I mean, I've pretty much had to. This, in that, yes, the fellow has clearly been giving a much more balanced presentation these days (yes, especially when you compare him to some of the others at Fox). The only problem (well, maybe not the only one - the MAJOR one) is that he continues to to have this illusion that Fox News, as a whole, has been fair. So, no, in that regard, he hasn't changed a single iota....................................................................................Of course, what I find even more ludicrous is the fact that he's still using those same old talking-points of his, those flat-out distortions, etc.; "Fox has just as many liberals as conservatives", "The network is just as hard on Republicans as it is on Democrats", etc.. And the fact that rarely has a guest on that'll challenge him on it (even Fox's so-called "liberals" capitulate to him). Nobody, for instance, ever points out to him that only conservatives have star billing/their own shows. OR that most of the stories that they cover place liberals in a vulnerable spot, force them to go on the defense, etc.. And, yeah, what about all of those political "analysts"; Karl Rove, John Bolton, Dick Morris, etc.? - nobody challenges him on that stuff, either..................................................................................I don't know, folks, the entire thing seems a little too convenient to me. And as for Mr. O'Reilly himself, while, yes, he can be doltish at times, I would think that even he has to know (on some level, anyway) that this is utter nonsense. Either that, or he IS paranoid. Obviously that's a real possibility, too.


  1. Whenever I hear someone say "green,pink,or purple,skin color doesn't matter to me.I'm no bigot" I expect it to be followed by some bigoted comment,and I'm rarely disappointed.It's like the person qualifies himself as not a bigot,so therefore he can rant all he wants about other races cause he isn't prejudiced. The caveat is,it only works on other bigots. The rest see right thru it.

    To me that's what O'Reilly does.My hardcore Fox coworkers all echo that qualifying drivel about how Fox was just as hard on Bush as they are on Obama,etc,etc.Just like the "I'm no bigot" statement,it only fools those who already have their minds made up.

    I asked a Fox guy to name some of the Right Wing types that Fox went after during the Bush administration.The guy thought for a moment then said "Jesse Jackson".

    You can't make this stuff up man.

  2. I would respect Fox a lot more if they just admitted what is obvious here. It's the PRETENSE that they're fair which bothers me more than the actual unfairness. I mean, just be up and up with the folks, kind of like the National Review is.

  3. Oh, Oso, I have read that Jesse Jackson DID vote for the moderate Republican, Chuck Percy, in 1972. Maybe that's what your co-worker was referring to. Or not. LOL

  4. Will,
    that must have been it man.


  5. If you dont want to watch O'Reilly,cant you change the channel?
    There are other stations.Why obsess over the guy?

  6. Actually, double C, I've been more or less supportive of O'Reilly lately. He's gotten a lot better and I've given him credit for it.


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