Sunday, September 27, 2009

A La Egypt and Israel

Could it possibly be - the O'Reilly-Olbermann feud - OVER? Seriously, that's what I've been hearing lately. And, yes, based on what my own eyes and ears have been witnessing, that just might be the case here. I mean, sure, Olbermann will still on occasion put Mr. O'Reilly on his worst person list/O'Reilly still take a periodic swipe at G.E. (that's code-talk for Olbermann - he still refuses to call the fellow by name). But, yes, overall, there seems to be a marked cooling of the vitriol............................................................................Not that either one of them is lacking in people to talk about/criticize. Olbermann has more than been able to fill in his gaps with Glenn Beck yada-yada (the latter seemingly putting his foot in his mouth daily). As for O'Reilly, well, let's just say that dude has the entire planet at his beckon call. And probably will so "forever", too. Barney Frank, anyone?


  1. Actually Will, O'Reilly's frustration with GE goes much further than simply Olberdork.

    GE up until VERY recently has been selling parts to Iran which have ended up in roadside bombs killing our soldiers in Iraq.

    I think O'Reilly has a legitimate gripe with Jeffery Immelt (head of GE) in particular.

  2. Hey, Volt. I was just thinking about you, man. Yeah, I guess that G.E. does have some 'splainin' to do on this issue. I'll have to confess to you here. I haven't researched the issue very much. I guess I just always thought that O'Reilly was being O'Reilly. Maybe he does have a gripe.


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