Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Book/Dog Ends

I have to make a confession here. As much as Sean Hannity grates on me (and, believe me, folks, he does), Keith Olbermann is actually starting to irritate me more. I don't know. I think it might have to do with the fact that 1) he uses such crude ad hominems on people: wack-job, idiot, etc. (Hannity, as bad as he is, even HE doesn't use language like that) and 2) the frigging guy is smarter and absolutely should know better a) not to be such a frigging a-hole and b) that complex issues don't necessarily always lend easily to these pat and hackneyed approaches. I'm going to be honest with you, folks. In my opinion, neither one of these jerks deserves their own show - rat's ass or not about the ratings.


  1. Will,
    I don't watch Olberman's show-I've seen a few YouTube's I've liked,but that is highly selective as opposed to seeing the typical day to day work so if I watched I might feel the same way.

    I used to listen to Air America and I felt the same way about Rhodes and Franken,although I liked Ed Schultz.

    Maybe it's when they morph from being a journalist/announcer into a public figure which can get on our nerves ?

    They're no longer the person doing the 4:00 show, they're (fill in the blank) doing the 4:00 show. They may assume people tune in to hear them,rather than tuning in to hear news and views read or told by them.

  2. Actually, Oso, I initially liked Olbermann; his intellect, the irreverance, etc.. But, lately, he's just getting too weird for me. And mean.

  3. Shhhh! I can only take Hannity in small doses and that's generally when he is saying something supportive of the troops. I also like to watch him give Ollie North a platform. Politics aside, you really can't beat North's visits over there with the troops. I am not saying North is some crackjack embed, but when you see him talking to the troops and how they react to him, that's a real connection.

    So in short, I am a Hannity fan when he is doing something positive.

    I went to a Hannity Freedom Concert a few years ago to try and get North's autograph. I missed North but got kissed by a hot New Jersey State Trooper. Some day I have to blog that adventure. His name was Henry.

  4. Hi Maggie! Nice to have you back, my friend. So, you like a man in uniform, huh? Let's see, I still think I have my old prison guard outfit with me. Does it fit, though? LOL

  5. I am a Navy girl....first my Dad, then John Wayne....

  6. I loved the "Duke" in Red River. That was Monty Clift's first movie, and a great one.

  7. Personally, I'm Glad that ppl like Randi Rhodes and Keith Olbermann are on the air. Big Eddie, too! Where I live, Thomm Hartmann rules the A.M. Talk.

    The more time goes on the less time I spend listening to them, however. The only TV I watch is Dodger Baseball (look out Bosox - you have a date in Mannywood!) and Rachel Maddow. Maddow is a national treasure.

  8. I don't have a problem with them being on the air, Vig (and, yes, I'm including the Republican partisans, too). I just wish that they didn't have their own shows. I'd much rather see them as commentators with a moderator.

  9. I don't have an objecvtion to their having their own shows. I just wish Keith O. would grow up a little sometimes. Either that or go back to sportscasting.

  10. He could do the worst person in the NFL every Sunday. That actually might be funny.

  11. Can you say Terrell Owens....Chad Ocho Cinco....?


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