Monday, September 28, 2009

"Attention" to Detail

I'm going to be honest with you here, folks. "The Kissing Bandit", with Frank Sinatra and Kathryn Grayson, BITES BAD! And, believe me, when I tell you that it's bad, I don't mean that it's just a bad movie musical. It's bad MOVIE, period! Don't believe me? Try watching it, I dare you.....................................................................................But fellas (and, yes, at this stage, I'm talking mostly to the gentlemen out there), there is one small sequence near the end of this torturous experience that YOU might like. There's this dance number in which Ann Miller and Cyd Charrisse are dancing (you're sitting, right? - I much prefer you be sitting for this)....TOGETHER!! Yep, that's right, folks. And, yes, they're even kind of "dueling" with each other. Now, granted, it's over Ricardo (fine Corinthian leather) Montalban. So damned if it doesn't suck in that regard. But, come on, use your imagination. I sure as hell know that I've done so.


  1. There's this scene in "The Band Wagon" with Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse dances in this tight red outfit. She's unbelieveable. One of the best bodies I have EVER seen (politically incorrectly speaking, obviously).

  2. Damn I sure hope that not a picture of Oso's wife or girlfriend.

  3. Yes, Cyd Charisse has (had?) it all. My favorite musical is Brigadoon and simply love watching her.

  4. Sadly, Maggie, it is "had". She passed away about 10 years ago.


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