Thursday, August 20, 2009


Rachel Maddow (who, granted, is far more civilized than most of the cable-news partsans) is now referring to the town hall protesters as individuals opposed to "health reform". She's apparently no longer saying that they're simply opposed to the Democratic plans/proposals in Congress. That (she's apparently concluded) would be a much too excusable/understandable mindset. No. Miss Maddow instead wants to paint with a different brush, a broader brush, a brush that clearly makes ALL of these individuals seem like extremists.............................................................................I mean, sure, there probably are some folks at these protests who've been "means-tested"/co-opted by powerful interests. And, yes, there are no doubt many more who are clearly misinformed. But to continue to imply that ALL of this orchestrated by these special interests (as Maddow and Olbermann repeatedly do, night after night), and that these protesters are GENERICALLY opposed to ALL types of "health reform", to me, that's a little too much in terms of partisanship. Questions? Comments?


  1. No, Rachel, that Goddess, is spot-on. Every damned night. Keith Olbermann is a brick short of a load. But that's just one brick. That's not much compared to those anchors on the other networks.

  2. I know you like Rachel, Vig. I actually kind of like her, too. But I do think that it's unfair to say that everybody opposed to the Obama plan is AGAINST healthcare reform. Hell, Obama's own advisor, Ezekial Emanuel (if in fact you read his book), has a plan that's different from Obama's. I personally think it's much too complicated for an "us vs. them" tag.

  3. Give it up Vig, last I heard she was a vagetarian...

    Jus saying...LOL

  4. So am I, Voltron. We can have company over for dinner and eat together. Not a problem.

  5. I'd go on a date with Ann Coulter (partly to see how she acts when the cameras aren't around). Top THAT, fellas! LOL Unfortuneately, I've also heard that she hates moderates even more than she does liberals. Not a good omen for a guy who constantly argues with himself.

  6. Vig, I hope you noticed I said "VAGetarian" NOT vegetarian...

    By the way Will, Ann used to date Bob Guccione Jr. not exactly Mr. Conservative...
    (Penthouse publishers son?...)

  7. Actually we have MORE hotties on the right than you guys do on the left.

    Of course OURS shave their legs and pits and bathe once in a while...

    (ugh, picturing Janeanne Garofalo)

  8. Actually, Volt, have you seen some of those wenches on Fox News; Martha MacCallum, Jane Skinner, Julie Banderas, Allison Camarotta, Dagan MacDowell, Jamie Colby, etc.? Wow, huh? And they say that Murdoch doesn't know what he's doing. LOL

  9. "Obama plan?"

    There's no such thing and using the term indicates a form of koolaide drinking.

  10. Opposed to the Democratic plan, the policy preferences that the President himself has stated, etc.. I highly recommend Emanuels's book.


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