Thursday, July 30, 2009

Too Late to Call Wesley Clark?

V.P. Biden is perilously close to Palin territory. I mean, seriously, "We have to keep spending money to AVOID (my emphasis) bankruptcy." And just this week (for Christ!), he said that the stimulus package was meant to give the economy a "jolt", only to two days later say that the stimulus package was never intended to be a "jolt". Talk about a guy who can't keep it together, huh?............................................................................And the thing is, folks, I actually kind of like the fellow. His honesty, in particular, I find quite refreshing. But we are talking about the number two man in the government here. It would be nice if he (as the President himself would say) "calibrated " his words a little more judiciously. I mean, come on, don't you think?


  1. Clark and, yes, a dozen other candidates would have been far, far better.

  2. Yeah, Hart. I always thought Wes Clark would have the automatic anti-Cheney for Obama to select as VPOTUS. However, for many independents he can be portrayed by the reich wing as too 'edgy'. He could only have ascended to VPOTUS by election by popular vote. I don't think Congress would assent to his replacement of Biden should the latter become incapacitated.

  3. My choice would have been Bayh. But that probably would have never flown with the left.

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  5. No, Clif, I don't think that President Obama listens to me. No argument on that one. LOL

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  8. I slander and attack people who disagree with me, Clif? Now that is rich, coming from you. P.S. I could care less what a person's political views are. Even yours don't offend me, Clif. I just don't like a lot of the mean-spirited slander I've been hearing on the left-leaning blogs lately (McCain is a traitor, Palin dresses slutty, etc.). And especially you, Clif, calling people who disagree with you politically Nazis. Yeah, that stuff I don't like....and I'm not afraid to say so. Sue me.

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  10. I didn't attack those people (I was actually very civil with Tomcat and even agreed with him occasionally). I attacked their positions. Existential Cowboy says that 9/11 was an inside job (even you don't subscribe to that, Clif) and Tomcat constantly compared McCain (who I've said over and over and over again was a weak and disappointing candidate) to Hitler. I'm sorry, Clif, but stuff like that is way over the pale and, yes, I will in fact call it such.

  11. Oh, and, Clif, you keep forgetting. I'm the one who functions in society, not you. You need the help, Pal.

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  14. No, Clif, my dates are fine. As for this anger thing, you might want to read your own comments from time to time.

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  17. You're a liar, Clif. You accused me of using right-wing talking points to criticize a Democratic plan. That was a bald-face lie. I was arguing against a single-payer system (something that Obama himself is apparently against). And I've provided the link to Congressman Weiner's proposal for single payer on Lydia's site. I'll be waiting for your apology.

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  22. Clif, I gave you the link (you can play the clip, Cliffy, and hear his own words). And I told you, I wasn't talking about the Medicare game that Weiner was playing. You're parsing words. He may not have proposed a bill yet, but it is clear from the link that I provided, THAT THAT IS HIS GOAL. And he said the same thing on The Rachel Maddow Show. So, screw you.

  23. Bart is full of crap. It is debateable, under the Obama proposal, whether or not people would ultimately be forced onto a public plan. I wasn't arguing either way on that. But it isn't debateable under a single payer (single, meaning one, Cliffy) system. People would defacto be forced into whatever the government picked out for them. Man, are you guys imbecilic. And you know what, I'm being attacked here for taking a position on single-payer that is no different from Obama advisor, Dr. Ezekial Emanuel (who Mike referred to as an idiot). Hell, it's no different from Obama himself. What is frigging wrong with you people?

  24. Know what I'm thinking?

    I think it's definitely too late to call Wesley Clark...

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  27. Ever thought of seeing a therapist Cliffy?

    You know, get those feelings of inadequacy under control so you can stop the projection and quit lashing out at others?

  28. I mean really, it's OK man.

    So you sympathized with a deserter.
    So you left the military for minor reasons.

    Everyone has flaws Clif. It doesn't make you less of a man. Really.

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  30. Voltron: Back off the the anti veteran screed.

  31. Will, Obama is pro single payer.
    But he's more pro "getting a health bill".

    I disagree with almost everything I've heard proposed from all partys on this.

    Mostly I'm for a national system of basic health care.
    Anything beyond the basic of basics should fall under REGULATED private insurance.

  32. As for Biden, I think he's doing a fine job of not doing his Boss's job.
    I've had enough of that.

  33. Referring to Mr. Cheney, I gather. LOL Yeah, I realize now that Obama actually proposed single-payer in 2003. But as he's done on a lot of things, he's thinking more pragmatically (liberals no doubt have a different word for it) now.

  34. 1138,

    Not an anti-veteran screed.

    Just an anti-Cliffy screed.

    To Clif being a veteran is a bullet point on your resume.

    It means you get a free pass on trying to stifle others opinions and bash them over the head with your service.

    As an American citizen I have a right to my own opinions just as he does. Most veterans would say they fought for that right, And I do respect and honor those who did.

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  36. Volt

    Clif didn't use his veteran ststus in this conversation, you did in a negative context and that makes it anti veteran.

  37. My problem with Clif is that if you don't agree with him 100%, he tends to label you a Nazi, right-winger, troll, etc.. He basically just needs to grow up. And Volt isn't anti-Veteran at all. His problems strictly center around this one individual.

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  39. Volt becomes anti Veteran when chooses to attack in this manner.

  40. I've witnessed this fued for quite some time now. Believe me, Mr. Cliffy dishes out/lambastes far more than he takes.

  41. Then be a voice and conduit of reason instead of a part of the problem, and cry about it Will.

  42. "He basically just needs to grow up."

    Hell the same can be said of everyone in this "conversation."

    There's an chafing that needs to stop. Statements like that just increase the frequency of the rub.


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