Monday, July 20, 2009

Terminator In Chief

Let me tell you something, folks. I've been a animal lover since I was a kid. I've also been a vegetarian for the past 17-plus years. So, yeah, I actually DO kind of sympathize with P.E.T.A. at times. Unfortunately, so, too, do I find their tactics a damn sight goofy on occasion.........................................................................For example, did you happen to see that recent John Harwood interview of President Obama; the one where the President smacked that pesky fly out of the air? Well, guess what, it seems that P.E.T.A. has cited THAT as yet another example of animal cruelty. Yeah, that's right, a frigging fly!! I mean, I know it's a living creature and all but, please! 1) They're pesky and 2) what was the President supposed to do, put it in a jar, walk outside the studio and release it? It's time for a little perspective - what do you think?........................................................................Oh and, P.S. Mr. President, if you're listening, you can swat as many flies as your heart desires (terrorists, too, but that's a different story). This 17-year vegetarian won't hold it against you - EVER!!


  1. BTW, "The Fly Swatter" approach to fighting terrorism was the original pre-911 model. I still think it has a lot of merir.


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