Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hide and Boink

Everybody's pissed off at Governor Sanford for cheating on his wife. And, while, yes, I agree that this was an extremely shitty thing for him for him to do and all, aren't we also kind of missing the bigger picture here? I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I'm a little more peeved by the fact that this governor took off for 4-5 days and failed to tell a frigging soul of his whereabouts. Seriously, folks, he's the frigging governor, for Christ's sakes. He can't just be disappearing like that. I don't know, to me, it's THAT that ultimately disqualifies him from running for president - not the fact that he got a little extra nookie, for Christ. It even (in my opinion) beats the shit out of that hypocrisy thing.


  1. Why fer Christ do you the the boob made the sex confession?
    Just so the media sharks would mistake the sex for the salable story and ignore the meat of dereliction of office that's why.
    The Republican Party in spite of it's claims of "moral purity" and superiority increasingly gives out get of adultery jail free cards for it's own while continuing to talk trash about Democrats who are far more reluctant to pretend next to God perfection.

    Promise Keeper Sanford deserves all the sh*t he gets though.

  2. Hopefully, for the people of his state, the fellow will step down sooner than later.

  3. Nope.
    He's a Republican - the God forgave damn the people type.

    Dereliction of office.


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