Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Killing Two Legacies With One Roadblock

According to NBC News (2002), in his last conversation with President Clinton, Yasser Arafat told the President, "Sir, you are a great man." Clinton responded by saying, "The hell I am. I'm a colossal failure, an you made me one."...........................................................................Yep, that's right, folks, Clinton was pissed and, I'm telling you, if the former president had a gun with just a single bullet in it, I'm not so sure he wouldn't have pushed Kenneth Starr aside and plugged Arafat instead. I mean, I remember it. Clinton was so steamed he couldn't even look at Arafat. I can't say that I blame him, either. This, I'm saying, in that that son of a bitch probably did more to promote regional hostilities than anybody (save, perhaps, for Saddam Hussein). He actually should have been vilified more than he was. That's my opinion, anyway.


  1. I'm swamped at work but, what can I say? Your usual outstanding posts!

    Since I'm pulling 10-11 hour days and my computer broke (Grrrrr...) I've been unblogged.

    Then, I thought, "Well, hell, breaks are good times to blog..." Here's to ya, Will.

  2. You made my night, Stella. Thanks for stopping by.


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