Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Dance With Nance

Keith Olbermann's job description appears to have grown, YET AGAIN! Yeah, that's right, folks. The bastard's apparently now the official spinmeister for Pelosi. I mean, seriously, did you see his show last night? He was spinning like a washer for our dear Speaker - practically defending her, for Christ! Talk about giving somebody the benefit of the doubt - and, yes, for a person who's obviously lying her socks off, too................................................................And, no, folks, I'm not buying any of this "the speaker was sworn to secrecy" bullshit. This, I'm saying, in that, while, no, she may not have been able to say anything in public, she certainly could/should have raised objections at the briefings. SHE DIDN'T! She's not even admitting to the frigging briefings, for Christ! I mean, I hate to say it, folks, but this drooling/moronic partisan wouldn't know the truth if it bit her on the backside. At least Senator Rockefeller has had the calm decency/good sense to keep his mouth shut. That's something. At least it is in this day and age.

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