Friday, May 1, 2009

Bad Example

While I feel that Obama overall did fairly well at his press-conference, the fact that he ended up inserting Churchill's name into the torture discussion - that, me-buckos, was extremely moronic. I mean, sure, maybe Churchill was in fact opposed to torture. But come on here, this is a guy who willfully (after the war was clearly over, mind you) incinerated over 100,000 civilians (the fire-bombing of Dresden). I mean, if that isn't a war crime, folks, then, seriously, nothing is.................................................................And to hold up Great Britain as some sort of entity that benevolently treats it's prisoners, give me a frigging break. Ever heard of the Irish Republican Army? The frigging Brits used to beat the crap out of those bastards - un-frigging-mercifully. And the fact that the British army was administering rifle butts to the heads of Holocaust survivors as late as 1947. Little that, my friends..........................................................I don't know, folks, I'm thinking that maybe Obama should have researched this little analogy more so. What do you think?


  1. I think you make WAY too much of it.

  2. I actually DO agree with Obama on this; 1) that water-boarding shouldn't be done and 2) that maybe we need to move on from it. I just thought that the Churchill example wasn't a good one.


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