Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tea With a Venom Chaser

As to these tea parties, folks, was there orchestration involved? Yes (Fox News's constant promoting of them alone is evidence), of course, there was. Was there a radical/fringe/sycophant element to those who participated? Yes again (there are wack-jobs full-fledged in every movement - Louis Farrakhan in the civil rights movement, for example). These are not points that I'm going to debate at all............................................................But come on here. Enough is enough. To suggest (as partisan hacks such as Keith Olbermann and Jeaneane Garafolo have) that every single person who participated in these protests is nothing but a dangerous moron and a racist - that, me-buckos, goes FAR beyond the pale, in my opinion. And if you don't believe me, just ask Howard Fineman. This, I'm saying, in that, while appearing on none other than Olbermann's show itself, he told his host that a lot of these people weren't just mad at Obama but mad at Bush (HIS deficits, HIS bailouts, etc.), as well. Hell (he further went on to say), a lot of them actually had some kind words for Bill Clinton. They see the former president as someone who clearly put fiscal responsibility near the top of his agenda................................................................I don't know, folks, it doesn't sound as if these protesters represented a monolithic group at all. But then again, I'm not exactly a partisan stooge when it comes to analyzing, either. You'll have to go to Olbermann and Cliffy for that.


  1. No Will, it's true.

    Americans who disagree with Obeyme are now terrorists and lunatics.

    Ask the Dept. of Homeland Security.

    Just wait until he gets his national police force brownshirts with equal funding to the military up and running.

    Dissent is only patriotic when the left does it.

  2. Regarding Hannity,

    Obama really had very little choice in the matter of the pirates. If he didn't sign off on the use of force he would have been perceived as weak, and it's really not as big a deal as the rest of the MSM have made it out to be. According to them you'd think he just single handedly won WW2.

    And think what they'd be saying about Bush right now if he'd done this, ordering poor TEENAGERS who have no other means of survival to be EXECUTED!

  3. Did you see Garafolo on "Countdown"? It was absolutely disgusting. She basically said that everybody in those crowds was a racist. And Olbermann is just sitting there smiling. I literally couldn't believe it. As far as the Somali thing goes, I just think that Hannity could have take a pass on this one. Jonah Goldberg and Bernie Goldberg - even those 2 guys said "well done". Hey, how you doin', man?

  4. Yeah, I saw that idiot. She's simply a disgusting piece of work.

    You have noticed that CNN and MSNBC have been real classy with all their "tea bagging" remarks.

    Oh, and did you catch the one CNN spot with Susan Rosegen? Tell me she isn't biased. There was also a follow up video made by some people there who take her to task for it too.

    Doing OK so far, how are you Will?

  5. I think we could solve the oil shortage if we could just drill in Garofalo's hair...

  6. Commercial TV doesn't give you much time for a complicated narrative. We have clips to show. We have the next segment to promote. We have buttons to push (bash on the (fill in the blank with right, left, government, bankers, etc.)). With all these time constraints, the story line needs to be kept simple.

  7. You and I don't perceive CNN the same way, Volt. I don't think they're anywhere near as bad as MSNBC (they dedicate entire hours to bashing the right). But, yes, that reporter you're referring to in that clip was way out of line. I think that she should be fired, personally.

  8. Welcome Ron. It sounds like you speak from experience (broadcasting).


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