Sunday, April 12, 2009

Defective Invective

I'll admit to it, folks. I have from time to time been a critic of the President. I think he's spending way too much money (yes, the previous president started this trend - no question) and, yes, his approach to foreign policy and "anti-terror" strategies now have an eerie familiarity to them. But, no, folks, not even a little bit to I subscribe to that nightly 60-minute screed that Fox News's Sean Hannity is spewing out every night. I mean, have you seen this guy lately? Talk about an unhealthy obsession. I think if he could blame Obama for his brother-in-law's hemorrhoids, and get away with it, he'd absolutely give it a shot......................................................................And he's a flat-out dishonest guy, too, folks. He totally cherry-picked snippets from President Obama's speech in Europe and purposefully made it sound as if the President was doing nothing but bad-mouthing his country. Yes, the President said that sometimes the U.S. has been arrogant in its approach. But he also said (in the very next segment of his speech, no less) that often the rest of the world has UNFAIRLY blamed America for things that it shouldn't. Hannity left this statement out (as opposed to O'Reilly who praised the President for this part of his speech). How convenient, huh?....................................................................Look, my conservative friends, I agree with you. Certain aspects of the media were extremely unfair to Sarah Palin. Keith Olbermann, in particular, has treated her like garbage. But for Sean Hannity to go on the number one cable news network and do nothing but find fault with a guy who's obviously trying hard (albeit, yes, ineffectually at times) to get the country going again, I don't know, it just kind of feels a little slimy. I just wish that both sides would step back from the precipice here and try to be at least a little constructive. I mean, seriously.


  1. Where are the token "Liberals" at Fux Nudes these days? Not even one now.
    "Fair and Balanced" is just a label at that conglomerate.


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