Friday, March 13, 2009

To the Clifster, Folks

Clif, this is yet another example of how you moronically and one-sidedly examine issues. Yes, there has been voter fraud at various stages in our history. And, yes, in many instances the Republicans have been the perpetrators here. But to imply that the Democratic party is completely clean here (as apparently you are), I really think you need to do a double-take, bro. To quote a conservative blogger I recently came across, "Democrats want clean elections about as much as Dracula wants a sack of Garlic.".................................................................And, yes, that's exactly why we NEED photo I.D.s at the voting booth. Just in Ohio alone, they have four counties in which the Dems have registered more voters than they have people 18 and over in the population. Registering felons, illegal aliens, and even dead people - these are all tactics that have been employed by various/unscrupulous party heads. Clif, we need a photo I.D. to cash a check. Even to buy a six-pack of beer, for Christ (I got "carded" well into my 30s)! Don't you think that maybe we need to know who the hell is who - at the very least on election day?................................................................P.S. And, Clif, what do you think about Obama wanting to move the census operation from the Commerce department to the White House? I mean, I know that Obama is way cool and everything but, still, I always thought that the census was supposed to be kept separate from political operatatives. Is this yet another example of change we can believe in.


  1. Cliffy,

    The founding fathers, (you know, those people whose ideas you guys keep saying we need to get back to) didn't believe everyone should have the right to vote either.

    As I recall only land owners could vote back then since they only wanted people with a vested interest in America to vote.
    (They only wanted educated and INFORMED people to vote as well)

    So I guess to Cliffy the founding fathers are equal to Joseph Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Kim il Jung, Fidel Castro and Adolph Hitler...

  2. Will,

    The reason Cliffy and the rest of the libs don't want voter ID cards is so illegal aliens and dead people can vote for them. (their largest constituencies...)

  3. Yeah, Volt. I was trying to impress that upon him, too. Unsuccessfully, of course. I mean, seriously, though, say you got this guy who knows NOTHING about EITHER candidate. He ends up voting for the guy who looks like his uncle. What kind of a frigging vote is that? And I never said that that person should ever be blocked from voting - only that I prefer he stayed home.

  4. And, really, Volt, it's Obama that Clif should be arguing with. He said that Bush was WRONG to favor those Palestinian elections in Gaza. And you know what else, too, Volt? Ike was one of our greatest presidents, ACCORDING TO OBAMA. I agree with Obama on this one.


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