Saturday, March 7, 2009

"Token" Resistance

There are a lot of reasons why a person shouldn't take illegal drugs. And, while, yes, a lot of these reasons can sometimes border on sanctimony, there are many, MANY, others that don't..........................................................Just take, for instance, this statistic. According to recent reports coming out of Mexico, more than 8,000 drug-related homicides have occurred over the past two years in that country. And, yes, folks, being that we're the number one consumer of Mexican drugs, it wouldn't be too far of a statement to say that we ourselves have more than a little of this blood on our hands. Something to think about, no?.............................................................P.S. A lot of people will look at this statistic and use it as an argument for legalization. I don't have a problem with that (or at least I don't have a problem with us engaging in discussions here). I mean, seriously, anything would be better than what's happening now.


  1. Hey Will, don't forget that a large percentage of that 8000 are drug gang members killing each other.

  2. On a side note, I see where Bela Pelosi is trying to push the "fairness doctrine" that Mikey likes to piss and moan about.

    Wanna see Why?

    Look at any post below the first one. Maybe ONE comment if their lucky.

    Now note the top post from March 3. 137 comments. Now look at the date stamps on those.

    Yep! Reposting old comments to make it look busy...

    I think that's called the free market in action.

    Maybe they need a fairness doctrine on websites too.

  3. Check out Lydia's comment on the previous thread:

    "Hey, I can't believe this toxic gasbag Rush Limpbotomy is allowed to spew his racist, hateful, treasonous garbage on the public airwaves and get paid 400 million to do it!

    And we are not allowed to earn one dime for having an incredibly fun and funny controversial show.

    Because the conglomerates own all the stations, they won't allow any opposing view to right-wing.

    This is America?"

    Evidently all those evil right wingers won't allow anyone to post on liberal radio show websites either...

  4. Well there's 35 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

    I was a little bored today so I downloaded Doug and Lydia's Mar. 3 show.

    It was kinda like sitting through root canal without anesthesia.

    If that's their idea of "incredibly fun and funny controversial" then it's no wonder the website is dead.

    We should play that show at Gitmo, but I'd bet the Geneva accords wouldn't allow it.

    Wolves would probably chew each others ears off.

  5. I see their having Helen Thomas on the show next.

    I thought Jim Henson was dead?

    Might be interesting if they get into details on how they make her seem so lifelike, how they make her mouth move and all that.

  6. As for Bart, I think maybe a truck carrying telephone poles jack knifed behind him in traffic and he got one lodged up his ass.

    Have you seen his picture? He looks like he hasn't taken a dump since the 60's.

  7. After showing us your mug, I wouldn't be mocking anyone's photo there Fabian.

    Especially considering you feel a picture of a dog makes a better impression than your own.

  8. I see you have entire threads dedicated to me Will.

    I'm touched.

    Now, ....which one of us is the " paranoid obsessed" one again?


    I'm having a difficult time sorting that one out, after reading your blog.

  9. And please. Frank, Will, anonymous.

    Enough of the "Bartlebee runs Lydia's blog" nonsense.

    I "comment" there, just like anyone else.

    That my comments seem to aggravate you more than the others is your problem. You attribute so many "agenda's" to me its laughable. So I guess that works both ways, huh?

    I try to post every day in Lyds blog. I don't always make it but I try. And I see no shortage from posts from any of you there, so your blog here, "paranoicstoogetalk" seems to be aptly named.

    You call me the paranoid one, yet I'm the only one who's actual photos are posted along with his comments. So you can see who you're talking to.

    The rest of you hide behind icons, photos of animals (given the one and only photo Voltron's showed us however, I'd have to concur with his decision there) and no photo's at all.

    It'd be nice to see the face of the men I am talking to once in a while.

    That is if you're all not to paranoid to show it.

    And Will? I've been trying to drop our discussion on concern trolling but your close friend here Voltron keeps bringing it up.

    Perhaps you can convince him that moving forward, we don't need to keep rehashing it.

    I'll think what I think. You think what you think. And we'll just focus on what we actually "say" from now on, and leave the motives and the paranoicstoogetalk, on the side.

  10. Hi Volt. Yes, a lot of those murders are gang-related. But a lot are innocent bystanders. At this point, I think that people should just stay home and get drunk.

  11. Interesting stuff on the fairness doctrine, Volt. I need to think more about it.

  12. Hi Bart. I only really have one problem you. You keep stating and/or implying that I'm bogus, disingenuous, etc., that what I write isn't what I really think, that I've been doing a masquerade for 2 years. Well, that and the fact that nothing I say can dissuade you. It's all very frustrating. And, yes, if you take a load off of that, we'll be fine. Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

    Hi Bart. I only really have one problem you. You keep stating and/or implying that I'm bogus, disingenuous, etc.

    Well no, I don't "keep implying that".

    I tried to drop it.

    Then you came in and brought it back up after storming out saying you were not coming back.

    Then when I tried to drop it again, Voltron for some reason came back in, and started bringing it up.

    I "respond" to it now, but I don't "keep" saying it.

    What I believe is what I believe, and you're not going to change that. I can change that, but you can't.

    So stop trying to make me believe something and just be what you're gonna be.

    I'll address your words, and nothing more.

    Unless you and your friends here keep bringing it up.

  14. It just seems that whenever I say something you disagree with, I'm a troll. I'm a this. I'm a that. That's the frustrating part, not the fact that you disagree with what I say.

  15. You're mistaken.

    I told you I'd dropped it.

    But you kept coming in and challenging me on it, which is why I continued to discuss it.

    Then Voltron came in bringing it up, denying you ever positioned yourself as a liberal....until Clif blew that one out of the water last night, but showing you repeatedly identifying yourself as a liberal.

    Even though you'd denied that to me time and time again, and played word games with me over the meaning of "left of center", which you conveniently changed to "SLIGHTLY left of center", and other such nonsense.

    When you talk to me like I'm an idiot, and can't see the words you are typing, and when you constantly professed you ran a liberal blog, only to then deny it, we'll ....don't get mad if someone calls you on it.

    Consistency is the key to credibility, and so far you've displayed none.

  16. Like I said, I'll be glad to drop it, when you do.

    But if dropping it means you expect me to first change my mind, than sorry, I can't help you there. I think what I think. And I've told you what I think.

    But at the same time I will keep an open mind, and if I ever feel I am wrong, I'll openly confess that.

    I'll pay attention to the words you write, and I'll let those be my guide.

  17. For example, you said you were "right at the line" on gay marriage.

    What did you mean by that?

    Why the shroud of ambiguity?

    How hard is it for you to just say what you mean?

  18. I've said (many times) I started off left of center. And when I wrote that comment over at Media matters, I probably did consider myself a liberal. And like I've also said, I've moved to the center somewhat. And that's where I am now. P.S. One of the reasons I moved to the center was the exposure I had to the far-left blogosphere. I realized that it wasn't just the far-right that utilized hypocrisy and vitriol. The left could be just as bad/nasty. I made a concerted decision not to fall prey to either. Am I perfect? Obviously not. But I am trying to be fair.

  19. And none of you guys can adequately explain why I would waste 12 months of my life being critical of the neocons (as a ploy, mind you), only to be a neocon troll a little down the road. You've got to admit. That is a little paranoid.

  20. Don't feel too bad about it Will,
    whenever I have a different opinion I'm a liar.

    Bart seems to find it newsworthy that I support Rush or Ann Coulter and I don't believe I've ever been ambiguous about that.

    I'd like to see the post where "awhile ago" I claimed Rush wasn't the voice of conservatives for instance. Although I will readily admit he isn't the voice of Republicans, to their detriment of course.

    AND I never denied being Eric on their board either. No one other than Mikey ever brought it up and a poster by the handle of "Tall Texan" was the target of his suspicions.

    I've always said that I never posted under a different name since my first starting as "Voltaire/Voltron", and I haven't. I never said anything about before that though.

    Yet I still get accused of having multiple "sock puppets" although I only post as Voltron on any board I go to now other than an old stock message board. (ragingbull)

    Ol Bart's in his third (at least) incarnation because he keeps getting ran off other boards...LOL

    And I don't know what he told his buddies in private, but he never told the rest of the board he was Worf. He only reluctantly admitted it when I recognized his posting style.

  21. I should probably rephrase that last paragraph, he NEVER actually admitted he was Worf, he just simply quit denying it.

  22. It's what I told you when I first posted here Will.

    It's called projection.

    THEY do everything they accuse others of and think they're justified.

    And they feel justified, because they just assume (wrongly) that we're doing it too.

  23. "You call me the paranoid one, yet I'm the only one who's actual photos are posted along with his comments. So you can see who you're talking to."

    Wow, and how long ago was that when I finally goaded you into it?

  24. Hi Volt. I think he still thinks that I'm Frank Frey and/or MCH. And he apparently thinks that you and I blog together (those time-zones are just a figment of our imagination, evidently). How do you debate something like that?

  25. Obama and I both moved to the center. The only difference, I didn't do it to get elected.

  26. Volt, everyone knew I was Worf. I made it clear when I first came in. If you missed it that's your problem.

    It was just a different handle. Wayne is my name. That's a handle I've used for a long time in other blogs.

    Now stop being so obsessed with me or I'm going to start thinking you're in love with me.

  27. Voltron said...

    Wow, and how long ago was that when I finally goaded you into it?

    You didn't "goad" me into it, we mutually agreed to it out of common curiosity.

    And I posted my photo then, and I've since posted numerous CURRENT photos of myself.

    You on the other hand provided a single photo that looked like you found it on the wall of your local post office.

    It was a cross between Charlie Manson and John Merrick, and you never, ever posted another. Nothing current. It was an old photo then, you said so.

    So for all I know, that wasn't even you. Because I have seen no other photos to confirm it.

    So don't go acting big about the photo thing. So far all we have from you is what may or may not be a photo of a serial killer that you found in a magazine.

    When you're capable of putting up a current photo, then I'll be impressed.

  28. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    I've said (many times) I started off left of center. And when I wrote that comment over at Media matters, I probably did consider myself a liberal. And like I've also said, I've moved to the center somewhat. And that's where I am now. P.S. One of the reasons I moved to the center was the exposure I had to the far-left blogosphere. I realized that it wasn't just the far-right that utilized hypocrisy and vitriol. The left could be just as bad/nasty. I made a concerted decision not to fall prey to either. Am I perfect?"
    Obviously not. But I am trying to be fair."

    Hey Will please explain to me EXACTLY WHO is the "Far Left Blogosphere" You are refering to because i'm certainly not "Far Left" as i'm to the right of where you CLAIM to be on Gun ownership, Afghanistan, and other than during Depressions being fiscally is Bart Jolly Roger and pretty much everyone i blog with.

    It seems You just like Rush Sean, Volt and the Media for some reason seem to label ANYONE who disagrees with you or who you dont like as "The Far Left" why would a moderate do something like that Will...........i'm all ears?

  29. All ears? I'm sorry, I'm just visualizing Dumbo here. The far-left blogosphere? That's easy, Mike. The Daily Kos, Huffpo (although I still find Arianna herself sexy), Existentialist Cowboy, and, yes, some of the stuff on Lydia's blog has been WAY over the top (you din't think that Clif is far-left?). As for you, Mike, I would just call you mean.

  30. And paranoid. P.S. And for the record, fellow, I criticize Republicans/Conservatives far, far, FAR, more than you criticize Democrats. That's just a fact, Jack. Just in the past few weeks, I've hammered Limbaugh, Hannity, and even Coulter. And I praised Ted Kennedy for his bipartisanship over the years. And in the past I've said that Bobby Kennedy (for the way he went after organized crime) was one of the best A.G.s in American history - compared to Hank Paulsen, the REPUBLICAN, who I called the worst Secretary of the Treasury in U.S. history. If I were you, Mike, I would definitely drop this "Will is a partisan" subject. It makes you look extremely foolish.

  31. Funny how you skip over the photo thingy.

    Guess paranoids just a word at the end of the day.

    Just another word in the wash of words we all wallow in now.

  32. Might surprise you Will, I liked Bobby Kennedy too.

    But I think John and Bobby both would be considered conservative by today's standards.
    In fact if you read or listen to some of their speeches, they're a lot closer to Limbaugh than they are to Harry Reid or Bela Pelosi.

    As a matter of fact I've often said the world today would probably be a better place if John and Bobby had lived and someone had just plugged Teddy twice.

  33. I'm not going to put a photo of myself on the internet, Bart. Sorry. Just not comfortable with it. Too each his own, right? Volt, yes, JFK, in particular, was a conservative Democrat; tax-cuts, strong national defense. Can we please compare him more to Reagan, though, rather than to Rush? I do see your point, though, about Pelosi. I'm definitely not a fan of hers at the moment. I mean, she's the best present the Republicans have gotten in years. I'll bet that even you agree with that, Bart. Good discussion, gents.

  34. Will, whether you admit it or not you .........already have put a pic of your geek like skinny little self on the tubes.........and the tubes never forget.

  35. I give up for tonight Will.

    They have malicious intent. They post a barrage of lies with no evidence and then expect me to prove all of them false.

    All the while accusing me of not answering other pertinent questions.

    Now they'll claim they really cleaned my clock this time!

    That's how they think they win. They gang up and post so many falsehoods you can't keep up.

  36. Want little cheese with that whine?

  37. Your scenario rings familiar, Volt. "Carpet-bombing and occupying Pakistan."

  38. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

    I'm not going to put a photo of myself on the internet, Bart. Sorry. Just not comfortable with it.

    Then don't ever apply the word "paranoid" to me again.

    You're in no position to talk.

  39. Clearly, you feel you have something to hide.

  40. I don't understand why you want my picture. And, no, that's not paranoia, Bart. Coming up with far-fetched and convuluted theories - THAT is paranoia.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Only someone incredibly gifted in the intricate skills of the canard could possibly translate your fear of posting your own photo into "my" paranoia.

    You are to be commended sir.

  43. when you read the word salads, you realize there are several points of view fighting for control of the synapses in his feeble little mind.

    And usually two or three win out.

  44. I'm more than happy to have a skilled professional decide which of us is more delusional. And, Clif, you absolutely is the bomb, me-bucko!

  45. I thought Voltron was the one with the Pirate references.


    I'm starting to have a hard time telling you two apart.

  46. Social issues and the war, Bart. Social issues and the war. Though Volt did say that he'd be willing to look at civil unions, as an option.


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