Sunday, March 22, 2009

Options Limited

Just for the record, folks, Ho Chi Minh didn't turn to Stalin because of what happened in 1956. There clearly wasn't a need to do so. This, I'm saying, in that Ho, the bastard, had in fact turned to him earlier than that - much, much, earlier (1950, at the latest). Add to that the fact that Ho himself was as hard-core a Bolshevik as any of his tutors and, yeah, you do kind of understand the need to slow him down a tad..................................................................And, really, this whole thing about Ho being the man to bring Democracy to Vietnam, seriously, folks, does anybody with even the hint of a pulse think that that passes the smell test? First of all, North Vietnam was a single-party state. So if in fact there ever was a second election in Vietnam (itself not a sure thing), who in the hell BUT a Communist would win? Never mind the fact that Communism doesn't allow for such minor Democratic "technicalities" as open dialogue, freedoms of assembly, worship, the press, etc................................................................I don't know, folks, in my opinion, there probably would have been a civil war in Vietnam anyway, elections or not. One, the people who didn't support Ho clearly wouldn't have tolerated such bull-crap and two, the Communists no doubt would have tried to crush that dissent. Then what? Hopefully, presidents such as Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson would have had the sense to stay out of it (i.e., not have "American boys do the fighting that Asian boys themselves should be doing"). Well, that and be prepared for some boat-people, etc..

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