Friday, March 20, 2009

Explosive Evidence

So, Clif, are you now saying that those generals in the field have the capacity to over-rule the President - THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF? That's very interesting, bro. The only problem is that apparently President Truman didn't get the memorandum..............................................................And, no, Cliffy, I'm not referring to that episode where Truman ultimately canned MacArthur. I'm talking about something that happened earlier than that. According to professors Peter Kuznick and Mark Selden (of American and Cornell Universities, respectively), Truman actually went against the advice of his generals when he finally decided to drop that mega-tonnage. These men, after a thorough analysis of the diplomatic archives of the U.S., Japan, and Russia, have concluded that Generals Eisenhower and MacArthur, in addition to Admiral Leahy, advised President Truman that the dropping of the H-bombs was unnecessary, that Japan was genuinely on the cusp of looking for a peaceful resolution to the conflict...............................................................They further concluded, Clif (and like I also alluded to in a previous thread), that Truman's true motivations were far more Machiavellian. He wanted, one, to punish the Japanese, but also to put some fear of God into the Russians (he had the foresight to see them as an evil entity/future adversary). He killed hundreds of thousands for bluster, in other words (this, according to Kuznick and Selden, anyway)...........................................................................Not that there's anything wrong with that.......................................................................P.S. Cliffy, look. I can't say definitively whether Truman did the right thing or not. I'd like to think that he did. All I'm saying is that none of these guys are really pure, and that if in fact you do go on a fishing expedition, yeah, you're probably going to catch something. Keep me posted, huh, bro?


  1. Do your own mental masturbation will

    I ain't interested in playing your idiotic games.

  2. BTW Numbnuts Eisenhower NOR MacArthur were ever consulted by Truman about dropping the bomb, they NEVER advised him about the act, so as usual YOU LIE.

  3. Norman Cousins was a consultant to General MacArthur during the American occupation of Japan. Cousins writes of his conversations with MacArthur, "MacArthur's views about the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were starkly different from what the general public supposed." He continues, "When I asked General MacArthur about the decision to drop the bomb, I was surprised to learn he had not even been consulted."

    Norman Cousins, The Pathology of Power, pg. 65, 70-71.

    Keep posting out right lies will, it is part of your stock in trade.

  4. So you LIAR go fuck off

  5. Professors Kuznick and Selden must be lying, too. I mean, come on, Cliffy, they're the ones who scanned the diplomatic archives, NOT YOU! LOL But even if your source is accurate, that places the entire decision on Truman. He DIDN'T consult with the generals. Not good.

  6. they're the ones who scanned the diplomatic archives,

    But did they TALK to MacArthur or his aides?

    Damn you are FUCKING stupid

  7. "Over the years, as a writer and an editor, Mr. Cousins was a champion of nuclear controls, the United Nations, world government and other causes, and was also a social critic. So strong was his interest in nuclear issues that he helped to arrange for victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima -- the "Hiroshima Maidens" -- to come to the United States for medical treatment.

    Under his energetic direction, Saturday Review also inveighed against pollution, cigarette advertising, violence in the performing arts and a variety of other targets. Some critics, unimpressed, derided what they called its superficiality and such characteristics as its continual praise of the United Nations."

    -NY Times obit

    "...continual praise of the United Nations."

    Yeah, he couldn't possibly be lying...

  8. How old are you again Clif?

    And still ashamed to post under your name eh?

  9. Hey Nick,

    Could you possibly come up with some new material?

    You sound like a broken teleprompter...

    (Hey Will, maybe Obama's posting on your blog!)

  10. Will,

    Cliffy and one of his buddies tried to do the same thing at my place when I first started it.

    I turned off anonymous posting.

    It's your blog, but that's my suggestion.

    Might not stop him, but it'd make him work a little bit harder to do it.
    (you know how liberals hate work...)

  11. Comment moderation might help too if he becomes persistent.

  12. Yeah, Volt. Actually, I did have it set for no anonymous comments a while back but changed it. Maybe I should change it back. LOL P.S. You know, the ironic thing is that these 2 professors are probably on the same wavelength politically as Clif. That's right. It's actually from the left that Truman's being criticized here. Oh well, I guess that partisanship trumps ideology with Clif. And, really, when I said that Truman was a staunch anti-Communist, I kinda meant it as a compliment. LOL

  13. hey will take that dick out of your mouth

  14. Will got proof THIS time or are you making more accusations with no proof?

  15. Last time you accused me, I had NO electricity when somebody spammed your waste of bandwidth with comments like you accused me of.

  16. Why don't you take Voltron advise and turn off the anonymous comments and that would probably stop it.

    You admitted you turned them off, and the spam stopped.

    However you turned them ON for some reason.

    Seems like you want an anonymous comment so you can complain.

  17. If I had to deal with obnoxious spam and could STOP it,

    I know I would.

    But it is your blog

    You allow people to post anonymously while just accusing one person of it, even when you KNOW you got it wrong in the past.

  18. Being an "anti-communist" isn't a complement to liberals Will...

  19. Sorry but Truman was a relatively decent president the worst mistake was allowing the French to think they could violate the UN charter to reestablish their colonies.

    Will just wants attention so he tries very hard to create controversy.

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