Sunday, February 1, 2009

"To All My Friends!!"

Genuineness - how incredibly precious is that these days, huh? And, yes, folks, being that is in fact a rare commodity, when do have the good fortune to stumble upon it, so, too, you're more than eager to appreciate it. An example of such an event happened at the recent Golden Globes ceremony. I cite, specifically, that moment when Susan Sarandon opened up her envelope and uttered those two little words, Mickey Rourke. I couldn't believe it, folks, the response. Virtually everybody in the room stood up and cheered, cried, and were seemingly overcome. Hell, I was frigging crying in my living-room, for Christ!!.............................................................For those of you aren't aware, Mickey Rourke was one of Hollywood's golden-boys in the eighties and early nineties. He starred in such films as "Barfly", "9 1/2 Weeks", "Angel Heart", "Wild Orchid", and "The Pope of Greenwich Village". And, yes, as quickly as all of this fame arrived for him. so, too, it disappeared. I don't know, I guess that the guy basically hit the skids (a lot of his wounds apparently self-inflicted, unfortunately) for a while and, because of it, he ended up pissing away the better part of fifteen years. Nobody, nobody, NOBODY, ever thought that he'd come back in any sort of meaningful way...............................................................But he did, folks. He has. Hence the inspiration. And you know what, I hope he wins the frigging Oscar, too. Sean Penn already has one and, besides, he'll probably be up for the Venezuelan and Iranian equivalents anyway.


  1. Mickey Rourke was in 9 1/2 Weeks? Maybe I was too focused on Kim Basinger.

  2. Kim Basinger, yes, she was definitely hot in this flick. Boo-yah!!


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