Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tax the Bastards and Ask Questions Later

According to the treasury department, folks, in 2000, the top one percent of the U.S. population made an income that comprised 21% of the G.D.P.. By contrast, this same group ended up paying 37% of the country's income taxes. Follow this to 2005. At that point, the top one percent continued to earn at that same rate; 21% of G.D.P.. Their burden to the treasury, however, that increased to 39% of tax revenue collected. So, even in spite of George W.Bush's reduction in overall tax rates (and, yes, so, too, his perceived favoring of the wealthy in society), the richest amongst us (as of 2005 anyway) ended up shouldering a larger percentage of the burden that they carried by the end of the Clinton years. Kind of interesting, huh?.......................................................P.S. For those of you who are curious, this same trend holds up for the top 5% as well. In 2000, this group made an income that comprised 35% of G.D.P.. The taxes they paid on this income made up 56% income tax revenue. By 2005, their share of the G.D.P. went up one percent to 36%. This, while, at the same time, their tax burden went up four percent to 60%. Again, not necessarily an advantageous scenario for the rich..................................................................I don't know, folks, perhaps the rich in fact are getting richer. This, I'm saying, in that maybe it shows up in a different economic indicator. But it sure doesn't seem as crystal clear anymore...................................................................P.S. As for Bush himself, maybe he does favor the rich. I don't know, I've never been able to figure the guy out (never mind get inside his head). All I'm saying is that his policies haven't necessarily translated into anything tangible. That's all.


  1. You know what you might do some research in, Will? Speaking of the upper tax brackets people of either party, how many of them owe back taxes? $10-20-30-40-50-$100 owed? I'm obviously not in these brackets at all. So I don't know. How many of these fat cats owe taxes, 1 years, 2 years, 5 years? I'm just curious.....

  2. That could be an interesting topic, Vig. And how many of them are hiding their assets overseas, too?

  3. Hiding assets overseas? Absolutely. In 2005, Cheney was worth $10 billion: of course all those no-bid contracts between the government and Halliburton must have helped the poor man earn an income on which he could exist.

    And, speaking of offseas, how about Halliburton moving their trillion dollar company to Dubai? I don't think they divulge accounts, like the Swiss.

    Ah, gee, rant, rant, rant. How ya doin', Vig and Will?

  4. I'm not a huge Cheney fan at all, Stella (thought he was decent back in the 80s). It wouldn't surprise me at all if he was sneaky with his money.


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