Friday, February 20, 2009

Put "Em Up! Put "Em Up!

I usually don't give a damn what Ann Coulter thinks, folks. I mean, why should I? It's all about tweaking and I generally prefer not to take that type of bait. But on Larry King this week, I have to admit it, she did rather get to me a tad. Joy Behar (who was subbing for Mr. King) asked Ann Coulter if she ever dated "liberal men". When she said that she didn't, Behar pressed her, "So, what type of men DO you date?" Coulter countered by saying, "Just that, men - real men. Men who don't feel that they have to go to the U.N. in order to defend this country." Neocons, in other words, I gather...........................................................I mean, talk about a slap in the face, huh? So, it's like, what, she only dates men who, when they were younger, went out of their way to avoid the actual fighting and mayhem of conflict, but who are all too willing to pull the trigger now? Give me a frigging break. Go back to beating up on the 9/11 widows, Ann. At least with that I can fantasize on some cat-fighting scenarios.


  1. Oh, my God. I think I may have just alienated Voltron, Mike, AND Stella - all at the same time. Oh well, I know that at least two of them will forgive me.

  2. So your interpretation of that is "neo-cons" are the only men who wouldn't go to the UN first to ask if it's OK to defend America?

    If you honestly feel that way, it's a sad sad state of manhood that's left.

    Personally, I think we ought to pay 'em whatever that ugly building in Manhattan is worth and tell to get their sniveling asses back to Geneva...

    But that's just my opinion.

  3. Oh, I don't like the U.N. at all. I think it's an anti-semetic rat hole, frankly. I just don't like Ann's thinking that political affiliation is itself a sign of one's manhood.


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