Thursday, February 5, 2009

Not On My Watch, You Don't

An interesting evening on cable-news tonight, folks. This, I'm saying, in that right in the middle of their eight o'clock broadcasts, CNN and Fox cut in and showed live coverage of President Obama's economic speech....and MSNBC DIDN'T ("Countdown" was NOT preempted)!!! Wow, huh? I mean, I couldn't believe it, the station that basically served as Obama's headquarters snubbed him, refused to give him a forum to plead his case, etc.. Oh well, I guess that that just goes to show that as much as Kid Olbermann worships Obama, as much as he likes to listen to him speak, bottom-line, he'd rather hear himself speak instead. Talk about a man-sized helping of an ego, huh?


  1. Absolutely, Will. That's a disturbing revelation: sounds Limbaugh-esqe or Bill-O to me.

    I always watch CSPAN for news (like the inauguration) and Jon Stewart/Steve Colbert for fun. I still adore Rachel Maddow: I've been a fan of hers for quit a few years.

  2. I like Campbell Brown and John King for real news. When I want to be entertained, however, I tune in to Hannity, Olbermann, etc..

  3. Campbell Brown and John King

    Both Republicans

  4. I don't know what their political affiliations are. They both come across as even-handed to me.

  5. First time poster here at your blog --- please keep it up! I'm enjoying the reads.

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