Sunday, February 22, 2009

Night and Day

To all of my conservative male friends out there who worship (and/or have a crush) on Ann Coulter. I have two little words for you: Amity Shlaes. I mean, think about it. She's beautiful. She's brilliant. She's insightful and provocative. And, yes, me-buckos (drum-roll, please) - SHE'S CONSERVATIVE!!.......................................................Of course, what makes her even more appealing (and, yes, far more tolerable to liberals and moderates) is the fact that she isn't a freak-show. I mean, I don't think I've ever seen her engage in those Coulterian tactics of hyperbole, demonization, false dichotomies, shrillness, etc.. If anything, folks, Shlaes follows more along the lines of nuance. Does it plump up a show's ratings (as Ms. Coulter's appearances evidently do)/"entertain" us as much? Probably not. But I am telling you one thing, folks. She sure as hell stimulates you to think a tad. And isn't that why we read, watch the news, etc?............................................................P.S. And like I said at the beginning, she ain't exactly ugly, either.


  1. Not bad, but nowhere near as good as Dr. Jill Biden. Hi Will... quick break!

  2. Can't disagree with that, Stella. Thanks for stopping by!


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