Friday, February 6, 2009

Hurry Porkdown

I'm probably not the best person out there to be giving advice - let alone not to the President of the United States. But, if I were to give him a suggestion or two, the first one would clearly be to stop listening to Nancy Pelosi. I mean, sure, be dignified to her in public and on TV but behind the scenes, folks, he's really got to put a foot on her, make sure she understands who the real leader of the country is, etc......................................................And I'd also keep repeating to him, over and over again, "Bill Clinton", "Bill Clinton". This, I'm saying, in that think about it, Bill Clinton (put aside his sexual pathologies/propensities to lie aside for a minute) was for all intents and purposes an effective president (or at least he didn't screw things up). And he was able to be this type of president, in my opinion, precisely because he DIDN'T fall prey to the more liberal elements in his party. He triangulated (to use a term from the wretch, Dick Morris), in other words..................................................Look, folks, I DO want Barack Obama to succeed. And clearly (again, my opinion) the best way for him to do that would be for him to take a more moderate and sensible approach to governing. Think about it. Being that it took us a long time to get ourselves into this current economic mess, maybe we ought not to rush into the "solving" of it - especially not via this pork-filled and ludicrous stimulus package. Remember the last two times (Iraq and the last bailout) we rushed into something? I certainly do.

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