Friday, February 13, 2009

Another Mindy Memory

Bray herself, though, folks, was nothing but an agitator - purely/simply. Add to that the fact that she was always plastered (three sheets to the wind and gruesmely) and, yes, me-buckos, absolutely, SHE WAS PUTRID!! Of course, being that there never much in terms of pickiness at Sassy's, so, too, was it just as easy for a low-ball jammer TO breed. "Somebody for everybody" - that being the battle-cry, the best that I recall.


  1. Hey Will,

    If you're missing the LC Crowd, peruse this site. It's pretty much the same thing without all the nasty retorts.

  2. The New Voter Fraud Complaint Filed in CT Against the GOP's Ann Coulter

    "Moreover, Coulter's expressed fears of being stalked are belied, and revealed as extraordinarily disingenuous, by yet another incident involving Coulter and a BRAD BLOG guest blogger. In November of 2005, Coulter posted the private address and family phone number of Lydia Cornell, an actress and citizen journalist who had filed a story critical of the GOP superstar on these pages."

    Still got "No Opinion" on the blonde bitch Will?

  3. I can't attest to the vote fraud charges other than to state Dan Borchers is a bit of a loon.

    However Lydia DID try to bait Ann into giving her information to use in an article that Lydia had already planned to be a hit piece.

    Lydia ran with her little personal destruction article only a couple of days later BEFORE Ann posted the email to her.

    And of course Lydia was just waiting for Ann to respond because she had the second hit piece against Ann posted less than 24 hours afterward.

    I still have copies of the email and the time line, so don't try to bullshit anyone on that.

    Also, the information Ann posted appeared to be business contact information. Who knew then that it was actually Lydia's home address?
    (unless Lydia's actual name is "Sports Icon Entertainment"...)

    Lydia has played the "innocent victim" card WAY too long on this one.

  4. Oh and Cliffy?

    Man up and at least post under your handle.

  5. It's not Cliff Mr. Candy Ass and your "info" is distorted.
    Ann would have been worng to post the ph# work home or otherwise from a personal communication.
    Tell ya what Let me post yours, see how you react.

  6. Hey, Voltron. I was worried about you, man. Glad to see you're still out and about. Yeah, I'll check out that new site. As long as Bartlebee isn't there, I'm sure I can handle it. P.S. You do know that I know that Roosevelt died in office, right? LOL

  7. Actually, I do have an opinion on Coulter, Mr. Anonymous. I think that she (unlike Limbaugh and Ingraham, who I identify as true believers) is basically doing shtick. I think that she purposefully makes outlandish statements 1) to get attention and 2) to sell books. I could be wrong here but that's the impression I get.

  8. Naw Will, I haven't shuffled off the mortal coil just yet.

    I was just being sarcastic at LC's.
    (you'll note the influx of concern I recieved...LOL)

    Regarding Ann,

    "I think that she purposefully makes outlandish statements 1) to get attention and 2) to sell books. I could be wrong here but that's the impression I get."

    I think you're correct there, but she is a true believer too.

    Also, I think she does it to illustrate the difference in treatment the media gives between liberals and conservatives.

    Most of what she say's is no worse than most liberals spout, but they get much less grief over it.

  9. "Ann would have been worng to post the ph# work home or otherwise from a personal communication."

    Oh and Mr. Anony Mouse...

    Just how kind would YOU be to someone who was plotting against you?

    The "personal communication" was uninvited and proven to be in bad faith BEFORE Ann posted any response at all.

  10. It's not "shtick" to repeatedly vote illegally willy.
    It's not "shtick" to publish the mailing addresses and phone numbers of others on your blog from personal communications.
    It's not "shtick" to promote and lie about racist organizations like the CCC.

  11. And so we all see that Volty did his stunt as a ploy for attention, as most suicide cries are.
    You proved yourself a head case with that Volty.

  12. LOL, @ Mr. Anony Mouse.

    What do you do, just link to the first website you find?

    Sweetness & Light is one of my favorite sites. Here's the upshot from the article YOU linked:

    "As any sentient being can tell, Ms. Coulter was writing about the power and dangers of ‘guilt by association,’ as it is selectively applied by our watchdog media.

    Ms. Coulter was not defending the CCC, but describing it as no more racist — and quite a bit less racist — than Mr. Obama’s preacher of 30 years."

    What an idjit...

  13. I guess you're somewhere below sentient...

  14. If sarcasm is a ploy for attention, then you must want a lot of it.

    Bigger head case eh?

  15. Mr. Anonymous, I was referring to her writings and comments as shtick. What you guys are debating here is something I'm unaware of. If there was wrongdoing involved, I certainly don't support that.

  16. Will,

    What he's referring to is Lydia's rise in political stature.

    About five years back now, Lydia emailed Ann Coulter requesting information about one of her speaking engagements to "enlighten her readers" which numbered around two at the time.

    The email Lydia sent was phrased very coyly and it was obvious that Lydia wasn't a fan.

    Ann didn't respond quickly enough I suppose, because two days later Lydia posted a scathing hit piece to Bradblog on Ann.

    So then after reading her article, Ann posted Lydia's email to her on her site. The email included contact information which was to Lydia's husbands company.

    Then Lydia went ballistic claiming that Ann had posted her home address and phone number, and promptly (less than 24 hours later) posted yet ANOTHER scathing hit piece on Ann to Bradblog.

    Since then Lydia has been playing the "victim" of Ann Coulter to fuel her rise in left wing political circles, and written numerous hit pieces on Ann everywhere she could post them.

    Ann has never responded, and Lydia still bears a grudge and has not relented.

    It seems in order to be a good liberal you have to be someones victim.

    And so it goes...

  17. I'm surprised Coulter responded to the E-mail at all. This, I'm saying, in that, seriously, she must get thousands of 'em. Bradblog? I don't even know what/who that is! LOL I just don't have a dog in this fight. That's for sure. If I had to pick, however, I'd probably go with Coulter (smarter, less boring and I'd rather see her naked).

  18. LOL,

    Maybe we could arrange a jello wrestling grudge match between the two...

  19. We better calm down.

    Stella will think we're male chauvinists...LOL

  20. I just think of the incident as like a kid at the zoo poking a stick at the tiger...

    You just have to know she's gonna bite you.

    I suppose the REAL question is was it naivete on Lydia's part, or was it calculated.

    I lean towards calculated.

  21. I think you're right. Calculated AND the wrestling part. And, hey, how 'bout Sarah Palin and Ashley Judd on the undercard? Didn't they have a spat recently, too?


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