Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Shoeless Joe Blowdulah

I don't know, folks, I guess that George Bush getting a couple of shoes thrown at him is funny, the fact that the whole episode had a cartoon-like quality to it, especially. And, yes, the mere fact that it involved President Bush, that alone, me-buckos, is probably sufficient/ripe. I mean, seriously, everyone knows just how much we love to laugh at the fellow, don't you think? And I certainly don't begrudge the late-night talk show hosts, either. That's their frigging livelihood, for Christ!! .......................................................This, and yet, I do have to admit that there is in fact a part of me that sees it differently. This, I'm saying, in that while, yes, George Bush indeed has been a bad president, I'm not exactly sure I want some Iraqi stooge throwing foot-gear at him (especially knowing what an act such as that means in that culture), either. First of all, if he had done such a thing to Saddam Hussein, the son of a bitch would have been tortured, maimed, and killed. And, secondly, that frigging stinking shoe of his hit the American flag. Not a good thing, me-buckos. Not a good thing at all. In fact, if I was there and saw it, I might have done a little tap-dancing of my own - and, no, not on the press-room floor, either.


  1. I have to admit, I see your point, Will. One of my favorite conservative blogs has a post entitled Enough About the Effing Shoes!

    Not that I didn't laugh about the flying shoes, but I certainly get the other side of the story.

  2. I think I may have laughed initially. But, while I may have as much Bush-fatigue as anybody, I think I have some fatigue-fatigue, too. And it's all getting so surreal, too. How many more days is it? LOL

  3. In no way could this shoeing of the drugstore cowboy who occupies the White House was a physical attack endangering his life. It would have been an attack on the prez if the objects had been hand grenades or rocks. But the throwing of shoes in the Middle East in comparable to throwing eggs, tomatoes or pies in the West. It is a physically harmless act of casting contempt on the target.

    Bush fully deserves this contempt. Al-Zaidi deserves to be runner-up for Time's man-of-the-year, or Nobel Prize for Journalism. Or both!

  4. Sorry, but the office deserves respect no matter who holds it.

    What would you all be saying now if it had been Obama that had shoes thrown at him?

  5. You're talking to some one who voted for Nixon and Reagan.

    Sorry, Bush broke the social contract. That's just the way it is. He's not a symbol of America. He's a national embarrassment.

  6. I will admit to Bush being rather slow at adapting his foreign policy, but overall he's been fairly good at that I think.

    I would agree with you on a vast majority of his domestic policy though. These bailouts prove beyond a doubt that he's no conservative.

  7. I don't hate Bush as much as some people do. But in my opinion (and, believe me, I hope I'm wrong here), he traded in a potentially permanent victory in Afghanistan for a likely temporary one in Iraq. I personally think that Colin Powell would have been a far, far, better president.

  8. And so the ballance seems to come back to "if it had been Saddam" time and time again.
    How sad, that the bar should remain so low.

  9. I just don't think that our dislike for/disappointment in Bush should be enough to glorify this guy. He showed disrespect, pure and simple.

  10. "I just don't think that our dislike for/disappointment in Bush should be enough to glorify this guy. He showed disrespect, pure and simple."......

    Sorry son but no one is "glorifying" a man
    having the right to show his contempt for a war criminal thatwhose lies resulted in the death of over a million of his people many of whom were likely friends and family.

    Tell me son would YOU be respectful to a war criminal whose lies resulted in the deaths of your close friends and family members and over a million of your countrymen. You exhib rabid contempt for homophobes and nazis who have done nothing to you personally.

  11. I'm not going to get sucked into this, Clif. If you think Bush is a war criminal, bring him to the Hague. As for this Iraqi conflict in general, I have been arguing against the wisdom of it FROM DAY ONE. Read my blog from the beginning, before I even knew you (I call those days the good old days LOL I jest). I owe you no explanation on any of this.

  12. "contempt for homophobes (you?) and Nazis who have done nothing to you personally." This makes no sense. Are you drinking again?


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