Monday, December 29, 2008

Name Regurgitation

Folks, I just caught a little snippet (the audio version) of Caroline Kennedy's interview with the New York Times. One word - ouch!! This, I'm saying, in that, while it may not have been as tortured as some of Governor Palin's early outings were, still, the feeling that I get is that this lady (who, yes, is a wonderful person, no doubt) is no where near ready for prime-time. Couple that, I'm saying, with the fact that New York has, what, a couple dozen Democratic Congressmen/women who actually might be qualified already. Doesn't seem fair, me-buckos. Doesn't seem the least bit fair at all, her getting the attention like this.


  1. Well at least she's as you say a "wonderful person" unlike the Crawford Caligula who was propelled to the presidency despite his ineptitude and a dearth of as you say "qualified candidates" eh Will?

  2. A Rusky just prognosticated that the USA will collapse and be divided up among Mexico, China, Canada and Russia, what a cryin shame this didnt come out during the election, it woulda been priceless to hear ST Sarah Of Wasilla's reply to Alaska being taken over by Russia.

    Absolutely Priceless!

  3. I don't know why you always throw Bush in my face, Clif. I never voted for him and never supported him (especially not his foreign policy).

  4. And I never voted for Carolyne Kennedy Son

  5. My point is exactly what I said Clif. You always throw Bush in my face.

  6. You've become boring again widdle will.

  7. Caroline is more than qualified, but you don't read. Try just one of her books and you will change your mind.

  8. I heard the interview. She sounded like Sarah Palin's second cousin....Yeah, I'm sure she wrote those books all by herself. And I do read, Clif. I'm reading a fascinating Monty Clift biography as we speak. He was crazy! Kind of like you, me-bucko.

  9. "Caroline is more than qualified, but you don't read. Try just one of her books and you will change your mind."

    Really? Have a couple of ghost written books and shazam! you're qualified?

    Well on second thought, I suppose if you're qualified to be a senator from Mass. for killing someone in a drunken stupor, anythings possible...

  10. I'm just looking for some consistency. Sarah Palin flubbed a couple of interviews and was criticized for it (I criticized her!). I don't think it's fair to give Caroline (who I acknowledged was a good person) a pass. Just trying to keep it real here.

  11. They aren't ghost written DOLT


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