Friday, November 14, 2008

Words Can Be Dissected, Too

I guess another thing about Obama that bugs me is his terminology at times. Take, for instance, this whole tax-cut notion of his. He's promise to give 95% of Americans an income tax cut. Of course, what he doesn't explain to us is that 40% of Americans pay NO income tax. Or that, therefore, the money/reimbursement that these folks would be getting wouldn't exactly be an income tax, per se, but an entitlement.....................................................And, no, folks, I'm not necessarily saying that this is a bad idea (maybe those lower income folks DO need some help). I could probably be persuaded either way. I'm just saying that we should call a spade a spade here. If you want to give people an entitlement, tell them, "I'm giving you an entitlement." Don't try and insult their intelligence/try to sell the rest of us a bill of goods at Sassy's. That ain't even close to being presidential. P.S. And, yes, McCain certainly did his fair-share of pandering, too. In fact/like I said before, this whole election seemed like a pander fest at times. Yeah, huh, like I should have expected something different. LOL


  1. I could probably be persuaded either way.

    Story of your life will,

    Story of your life.

  2. I can see both sides to a lot of issues, Clif. It can be a curse AND a blessing.

  3. I think old Klink might just be a bit latent.

    Perhaps there is a bit of truth in that story about how he got drummed out of the army.

  4. We already knew you swing both ways son, thats pld news.

  5. Bartlebee couldn't dissect a triangle, Clif, and neither could you. Actually, though, he did kind of spank you pretty good during that economic summitt of yours. Did you catch any of that, Rusty? I'm thinking that the Nobel committee might just have a hard time deciding this year. LOL

  6. And I do think that Rusty might be right here. Think about it. Don't most people who ridicule the "prowess" of others have an issue or two of their own? I've found that to be the case. Cliffffffffffffffffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. All you're doing, Clif, is making the case for your own being a little light in the loafers.

  8. Yes,I believe Klink actually does resides in Bumf*&k....not the town....the act.

  9. Do you think old Klink may have got caught up in the "dont ask,dont tell" thing? Appearently someone did ask and Klink told.

  10. Yea Will,I read the transcript of the "economic summit" between Moe,Larry and Curly over at LC.I was wondering why they were'nt called to D.C. to help put the bailout package to gether.Someone sure dropped the ball on that one.

  11. Will you fuckin tutti fruiti

  12. Speaking of the economic situation,the bailout and proposed rescue of the auto industry the other night Charlie Rose had a guy named Bill Ackman as his guest.Ackman is the CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management and is one of the smartest people I've ever heard talk about our current situation.

    His conversation with Rose is available on line and is something well worth listening to.

    One thing I absolutly agreed with him on was letting GM go into bankruptcy.

  13. Klink,Will seems to think your playing for the other team.True?

    Not thats there's anything wrong with it.

  14. A couple months ago I told that story of how you got booted out of the army....and I'll be damned if it did'nt turn out to be true.

  15. Aint that right son?

  16. Next thing you know the one about Mike dressed as a Klingon at a Star Trek convention will be fact.

    Aint life grand.

  17. You know Klink,Will was correct about you always bringing sort of a homosexual twinge to your postings.

    Thats a bit quizical...dont you think?

    Is there really a Mrs.Klink?

  18. You'd better run back to LC....Moe and Larry are looking for you.

  19. I've got to run numbnutz.Catch ya on the flip flop.

  20. I'm sorry, guys, but I'm thinking that if Clif wants to "commment" he really shouldn't do so under the moronic pseudonym of "Nicholas". Agree?

  21. Will,

    You could just turn off the "anonymous" comments in the settings on the blogger dashboard.

  22. "we should call a spade a spade here"

    the racism from will never stops

  23. 95% of tax payers is what was meant and thanks for buying into the retardation of the mass hysteria of the day (95% of Americans instead of taxpayers) it shows you are no smarter than the typical Fox toad viewer

    YOU are pandering bullshit and you consume the same without question

  24. That's deceptive, Cliffy. They're "taxpayers" but only because they're paying payroll taxes (which they'll someday get back in social security). They're NOT paying INCOME TAXES! And this is the supposed "break" that Obama is referring to. Nice try.


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