Monday, November 3, 2008

Unbalanced Sheets

There's this thing that's been floating around the Internet lately. It asks a bunch of hypothetical what-if questions. Some of these questions are, what if Barack Obama ranked fifth from the bottom at the Naval Academy?, what if Barack Obama cheated on and ultimately divorced his recently disfigured wife?, stuff like that (stuff, in other words, that make Obama look magnificent and McCain significantly less so - a chump, basically)..................................................Kind of an interesting line of attack, wouldn't you say? Is it fair? Yeah, I guess it's fair. I mean, they aren't necessarily fabricating anything here. Obama DOES have some good points that need to be stressed and McCain some weaknesses. But it also must be stated that the McCain campaign could just as easily play this game, too. For example, what if John McCain had uttered the phrase, "typical" black people? What if John McCain had started a run for the presidency less than two years into his Senate career? What if John McCain had broken a promise about taking public financing for his campaign? What if John McCain had voted "present" 130 times as a member of the Illinois State Senate? What if John McCain had attended a church for 20 years where the pastor at least occasionally uttered anti-American rhetoric? What if, indeed.......................................................P.S. Just for the record, I think that all of this is idiotic. It's idiotic for Obama supporters to be doing it. And, yes, it would be just as idiotic for the McCainiacs to be doing it. The bottom-line is that BOTH of these guys, while they're no doubt decent fellows over-all, are extremely flawed as candidates. Our job tomorrow will be to pick out the one that is least objectionable. For me, I don't know, I guess that that choice will probably be Obama.


  1. What if John McCain had broken a promise about taking public financing for his campaign?

    He has multiple times. It seems you don't know John McCain.

  2. John McCain has made a lot of mistakes. He's paying for them tonight. I'm just saying that Obama, he ain't perfect, either.

  3. "What if John McCain had broken a promise about taking public financing for his campaign? "

    No you were saying something far different from that.


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