Saturday, November 29, 2008


Seriously, though, why the hell does Keith Olbermann even bother to have guests? This, I'm saying in that whenever I happen to watch his show, he always has a bunch of folks on who basically answer HIS questions....the same frigging way that he frigging would................................................Just take tonight (11/26/08), for example. He had Jonathan Alter from Newsweek on and, yeah, you better be believing it, folks, Mr. Alter gave Mr. Olbermann exactly what Mr. Olbermann wanted. I think the question was basically, "do the last eight years completely repudiate conservative economic policies?" - something like that. Nice, huh? - Jonathan's response of course being, "well, obviously, Keith." And, yes, folks, that was basically that................................................Now don't get me wrong here. Mr. Olbermann is certainly entitled to his opinion and all (hell, I even agree with him from time to time) but, hey, don't you think we might want to flush some of this stuff out a little more? Like, I don't know, instead of having somebody like Alter ricocheting back to Olbermann Olbermann's party-line, answering the above question in this manner: "I don't know, Keith. It definitely repudiates the policies of this particular Republican president/congress (though, please, Keith, keep in mind, the Dems have controlled the congress since'06). To go beyond that, though, I think you first have to ask yourself the following. Were the policies that this Republican president followed necessarily conservative ones? I mean, just the out of control spending alone would lead me to have some doubts."...................................................Oh, and, yeah, maybe then throw a little Jimmy Carter back at him. "And then there's Jimmy Carter. He and the Democratic congress of his era had 19% interest rates, a 12% inflation rate, unemployment up the poop-shoot, etc.. Did that scenario necessarily represent a repudiation of LIBERAL economic policies (liberals, of course, saying that Jimmy Carter wasn't a liberal)? No, huh? You do see what I'm saying, though, Keith, right?.....................................................I don't know, that's how I would have answered it anyway.


  1. With that kind of an approach you are never going to be invited onto Olbermann's show.
    I remember feeling so relieved to hear Olbermann when he first showed up on my radar screen. Someone to point out the obvious madness of George. But I guess outrage fatigue kicked in - for me he's not nearly as interesting now.
    And yes, wouldn't it be more interesting to let guys like Keith lead a conversation to redefine what works rather than attack or defend political goods that are past their expiration date?

  2. I must admit, I actually liked Olbermann at first, too. Finally, somebody was standing up to O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc.. But lately, I swear, his mean-spiritedness and partisanship is actually starting to rival that of those folks. Thank God we still have Wolf Blitzer and Campbell Brown.


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