Sunday, November 23, 2008

Chin-Strap Reporting

I don't know, folks, to me, of all the various aspects to this year's elections, it had to be the press-coverage of Sarah Palin that truly revealed just how divisive it was. Take, for instance, the disparate coverage that this woman got on the various cable news networks. I cite, specifically, Fox and MSNBC....................................................On Fox (and, yes, especially if a person only watched Fox), the impression that one would get is that Palin is purely and strictly a victim. If in fact she's made any mistakes, they pale in comparison to the vicious/one-sided onslaught that this left-leaning press of ours has delivered; a press that was prone to despise her from the get (the fact that she's a conservative Christian, a staunch pro-life woman, all of it).....................................................Contrast this, of course, to the treatment that MSNBC gave her. I mean, just Keith Olbermann alone, for Christ (not that Olbermann himself is religious, mind you, but, I'm telling you, that son of a bitch was touting her as the frigging anti-Christ)!! Man, did he/they ever go after her....................................................Bottom-line, folks, these two rump cable news organizations have officially entered the fray. And, yes, any attempts to garner unbiased coverage/reporting must, by necessity, circumvent them - unfortunately.

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