Friday, October 3, 2008

Take a Walk on the Vile Side

To all the bloggers who've so shamelessly and moronically been comparing John McCain and George Bush to Hitler, you might want to listen up/take notice of how the Anti-Defamation League responded to that piece of shit, Madonna, after she did basically the same thing.............................................In case you hadn't heard, Madonna, during one of her more recent fiascos (concerts, I guess you'd call them), flashed, in rapid succession, images of Bush, McCain, and Hitler - all on the large screen behind her (inferring some sort of equivalence, I gather). The Anti-Defamation League, upon hearing of this, released a blistering condemnation of the "artist". It appears, folks, that they just don't appreciate tactics such as this. In the words of Abraham H. Foxman (National Director of the Anti-Defamation League), "It is inappropriate and offensive to make comparisons to the man ultimately responsible for the death of six million Jews and the death and suffering of countless others during the Holocaust. It trivializes the Holocaust and is an insult to the memories of the victims, their families, and those who fought Nazism."...............................................And the thing is, folks, I warned these clowns - over and over and over I warned them. I literally told them, "Dudes, you really ought to knock this shit off. Number one, you look like a bunch of idiots. And, two, you're eventually going to start pissing the wrong people off - possibly hurting a lot of people, too." Obviously, they weren't receptive. They usually aren't.


  1. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ....

    they won't listen to will.

  2. But then again they probably heard about his failed dates and all, so they know better.

  3. Um Will... YOU told them?
    Who the Hell are YOU?

  4. I'm an insignificant speck, just like THEM, only I know it.

  5. Is the "Seinfeld" show now off limits will?

    They were the ones who used the term soup nazi not me.

  6. I guess the Jews got some sort of copyright to the image of Hitler?

    I call BS on this, it's dumb to wantonly make the comparison but it's just as stupid for the JADL to jump up every time and become the Hitler defense force.

    There's still a little shred of something called freedom of speech in this country and even offensive speech deserves defense (even more so). So let it be measured on it's merits and let it rise or fall on those merits. That "piece of shit" Madonna Louise Ciccone has earned through talent and business skills a larger stage than Will Hart insignificant speck in "Connectcut".

    Madonna has played a smarter game in life than you so I'd say the advice should probably go the other way, you try listening to her a bit Mr. Jealous - maybe Brit or some other cutie would give you a kiss without having to be paid for it.

    For now there's still a bit of America left if she thinks McCain takes us to Hitler I think she's allowed to say so even if offends the survivors of the evils of the holocaust. Democracy is not trivialization.

  7. Oh Klink,you witty bastard.I'm telling you,you're some kind of wordsmith.Yes you are.

  8. No, Clif. Seinfeld is fine. That was comedy, just like that Mel Brooks movie that made fun of Hitler was comedy. The stuff that you and Mike put forth, however, that is disgusting and has no place in rational discourse, in my opinion.

  9. The Jews, 1138? Of course, we have free speech. That talentless pig can say whatever that limited brain of hers can come up with. But so do I have the freedom to condemn it/her. As for her having been more "successful" than me, sure, if you measure it by money. And, come on, commercial success in the arts and actual artistic merit, they hardly ever coincide. Commercially successful artists play to the mediocre, easily led by the nose masses. Shania Twain, for example, sells way more records than Neko Case, but the latter is a million times more talented/intelligent. Arnold Schwarzenegger was always a bigger box-office draw than Jeremy Irons. Did that mean he was more "successful? It seems your definitions here are simplistic. And, no, I'm not jealous of Madonna. I only find her disgusting.

  10. Will,I'd expect Clif to call you something vile in the next few minutes.

  11. Actually, I thought (seeing that a new comment had "landed") that that was him now!

  12. Don't need to be a wordsmith to know your a yellow bellied pussy crusty.

  13. Um will, they are getting closer to herr who shall not be named then you think;

    Hannity's Witness: "Exterminate Jew Power"

    Still think we are far off?

  14. "Thank you for the thoughtful comments, folks"

    Gave you one and that upset your sensitive little tummy too Will. Seems your antisocial.
    The only comments you want are ditto's.

  15. What a total creep you are, 1138. You have no idea what success or nonsuccess I've had in my life. And I can only guess about you and what you "claim" to have accomplished. As for Madonna/my condemnation of her, I'll condemn whoever I damn well please. That's part of MY free-speech. And, yes, if that bitch had compared McCain to Stalin, etc., I would have condemned that, too. Sounds like you have a problem with the "Jews" - a whole hell of a lot bigger one than I have with the vets, that's for sure.

  16. No, you don't insult me. Yeah, right. What, you want a medal because you don't say it in 4-letter words. So, what do you think about your fellow veteran, Clif, and this personna of his, Nicholas? Wow, and you point to me as needing help.

  17. I'll condemn whoever I damn well please. That's part of MY free-speech.

    Too bad you don't allow the very people who gave you that free speech, the same, asshole,

    but then again your never about being honest were ya boy?

  18. So, what do you think about your fellow veteran, Clif, and this personna of his, Nicholas?

    Once again will, I have never posted here or anywhere else as "nicholas", but continue LYING about it son.

    It is what you do best LIE about others.

  19. Clif, you can say anything you want. Start a blog and get typing, bro. Why am I not honest, Clif?

  20. Who do you think Nicholas is, Clif? The only place he seems to blog is here. If not you, then who? Like your fellow looney tune, Mike, says, "nobody reads your blog, Will." That kind of narrows the suspect list a tad, no?

  21. Ever thunk he is somebody you trust trying to yank your chain and keep you spinnin' your wheels, and throwing your juvenile hate at people they disagree with?

    Mike and I ain't the only ones who read your waste of bandwidth and some you seem to trust have a track record of numerous sock puppets at LC. They revel in stirrin' the shit.

  22. .... and never make any real points at all,

    just throw insults and attacks.

  23. Clif, you can say anything you want.

    Bullshit asshole, you have censored much already here, which is why I actually have more respect for duncetron then YOU asshole.

    PS don't want or need a waste of bandwidth because you already got one son.

  24. Clif, you're LYING again!!! I've only deleted your Nazi innuendo and "Nicholas's" sexually inappropriate jargon. Oooh, so maybe Voltron or Rusty is Nicholas? I don't know, Clif, I think that those guys sleep through the night/have a life of some sort.

  25. Well shows what ya DON'T know don't it boy?

  26. "Sounds like you have a problem with the "Jews""

    Gee how did I know you were going to go there, even though you were the one who used the word Jew first in this thread?

    nope I've got no scrap with Jews, Moslems, Christians, Atiests, or any other group but you traynd make it up will.

    What I have a problem with are groups like the ADL that do themselves and others a disservice by trying to control history and the open dissemination and discussion of history and as I pointed out and you avoided REAL history.
    Stalin killed more people of the Jewish faith (and note the word Jews was from the ADL site) than Hitler but the ADL says that Hitler shouldn't be compared to Stalin, meaning Hitler was worse.
    BS and if you were the "fair" "honest" 50/50 guy you claim to be you would call bullshit on it too.
    But you aren't because you are a personal partisan not an honest person.
    Nope, I've got no problem with God chosen. Keep trying.

    I don't believe I've been talking to Clif. Are you having trouble handling him with just Dulltrons help and now you want mine?
    Why do you think I want medals for not being a foul mouthed loser like you? Nope I was raised by better people than you were and kept my upbringing.

  27. "You have no idea what success or nonsuccess I've had in my life. "

    Actually sluggo I do.

  28. "...the entire Huffington Post, Hitleresque in its proportions..."

    One of Will's posts from his own Blog.
    He's allowed to paint pictures with words that puts Hitler image next to others.
    But others are not permitted to the same with actual images or he, Will who makes all rules and breaks them as he wishes, will with a false self righteousness condemn them.

  29. 1138 your just learning will speaks out of both sides of his ass?

  30. But I guess nazi imagery is HIS special place and no ones else, other wise he would be censoring a veteran's first amendment right to speak his mind freely.

    Especially since widdle will has NEVER defended that right personally.

  31. Foxman used the word, Jews. You said, "the Jews". Kind of like saying, the blacks, the gays, the Mexicans. Phrasing like that gives me the creeps.

  32. Put that racism gun down Bill boom boom boom boom boom!!!

    Sounds like to you, you would have rather I had said "Jewish People" after the word Jews had already been used. Ypu're come kinda creep yourself looking for things that aren't there (I'm Jewish).

  33. Found 1 results for slopehead:

    Slur Represents Reasons/Origins
    Slope Asians Facial description, Self-explanatory. Also: Slopehead

  34. Go get the context Bill, it's right here in your blog. I haven't changed the FACT the YOU used the word, not that fox meatball, you the guy who doesn't want anyone else to ever conjure an image if Hitler of Nazism, did so yourself and proud of yourself when you did.

    Not an invention of Maddona's, Bill an invention of yours Hitleresque. Context is not needed.

  35. So, you're one of "the Jews"? You really shouldn't lump groups of people collectively like that. It makes you look not only bigoted but idiotic, as well. Plus (again, I must address your basic lack of comprehension), there's a big difference between Foxman saying, "Jews" as a device to underscore Hitler's brutality (he targeted JEWS!!!!!) and you complaining about "the Jews". I know this is over your head but, sesriously, I'm trying. P.S. Where I come from, slopehead means idiot, and idiot only.

  36. When I was referring to "out of context", I was talking about that quote you dug up; "the entire Huffington Post, Hitleresque in its proportions." THAT quote was totally take out of context. I was complaining about O'REILLY making the comparison, Huffington Post to Hitler/the Nazis. You extracted that quote to make me look like I was comparing the two. What a pig. You knew exactly what you were doing, huh?

  37. "where you come from"?
    Where I'm at is America and that's where you're using a known racial slur Mr. provincial.

    My people, the Jews have suffered much and you can stuff you fake understanding of english, I've got your number and it's zero.
    Along with the Jews I'm related to the Scots, the Normans, and the Franks, you can't handle that crawl back under your rock and cry cry cry.

    Nope I didn't take it out of context and I'm not making a distortion you Mr. BIGOT used the word HITERESQUE is describing someone else. Wear it, it's yours.
    You are the one that knew what you were doing, painting a word picture using the image of Hitler, now you want to deny it. Comprehebnsion seems to be your problem - self examination doesn't seem a lesson you ever learned.
    You and our current President share that character flaw.

    As for your tired old statement on you being an unthinking person let me again repeat what I said again. I said Bob Barr was the unthinking persons choice", I stand by that statement and the words that surrounded it in that Barr is an opportunist that has moved to the party and issues he "stands" for strictly for opportunity, not for nay sense of conviction and that Bob Barr will not and can not be elected so it would be a waste of time/effort and a vote to vote for him. Anyone thinking about a vote making a difference wouldn't vote vor him, anyone thinking about the person or issues wouldn't vote for him. So I stand on what I said. If your touchy enough to apply that directly to yourself this hard this long and use foul language, attack my military standing and generally be a person your parents would be ashamed of, that's up to you. Bill Hart I've seen your kind online for over three decades now, hiding behind your keyboard, you're nothing new and you're nothing special but you are something quite sad.

  38. I did not use the word, Hitleresque, to describe ANYBODY. That is another bald-faced lie. I was saying (and you know this, you can't be THAT stupid) that that was how O'Reilly was characterizing The Huffington Post. My criticism was of O'Reilly, for Christ! Again, disgusting!

  39. Well look at the little bigot back away from his "the jews" statement.
    I have as much right to belittle Barr supporters as yu do to condemn Madonna so, stuff your self righteousness.

    I was raised by better people than you were, it shows in the language I use, I dont call people "retards" (slopeheads is your word), I don't run around spouting my education, and then use 4 letter words, I don't belittle the lifetime works of others just because they disagree with me.

    The use of slopehead and other such is particularly egregious with what you claim for an education and background.

    Yep I was raised by better people because if we were both taught what was right, in my case it was taught in a way that stuck. Better parents or you are just a "bad seed".

    I've replied to your Hitleresque on the top post. It's yours or you can't write properly.

  40. You can piss on Barr all you want. I just find it rather arrogant for you to say that those who disagree with you are unthinking voters. PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE WITH YOU! I don't "run around spouting my education", ass-hole. I only bring it up when people give me crap about how knowledgable THEY ARE. People who I work with, for instance, have no idea what my education level is. A couple do but only because they asked. As for the people who raised me, stuff it, douchebag. My mother just died less than a month ago. You couldn't carry her Metamucil, you bastard. You're a good person because you don't say bad words? Wow, what a superficial chump you are.

  41. "My mother just died less than a month ago."

    Aren't you special and unique.
    You want MY sympathy now asshole?
    You aren't likely to get mine or anyones.
    You raised the issues and now you cry over them.
    But since you're letting your dead mother off the hook (like a good son) then it makes it your fault you're the twisted pathetic mess you are on this earth.
    Good to know.
    Let's hope you didn't fuck up too many students.


    I think last time I checked you were a defender of people being entitled to their opinions especially on their own blogs.
    Here you are crying about Willies widdle hurt feelings.
    Like I'm not entitled to an opinion of your opinion. I am.

    "People who I work with, for instance, have no idea what my education level is."

    That I have no doubt of, I wouldn't have guessed it. You hide it most well, almost as if it weren't so.

    BTW Sorry about your Mother
    But I have no sympathy for a congenital asshole like you.

  42. "I think."

    Actually you don't, since you have proclaimed that I've said it so many times. Here I actually will, Billy.

    George Bush did serve in the Air National Guard.

    God you're decrepit and sick.

    Go cry for Mommy now.

  43. The technical term for a person of your character and disposition is not unthinking - it's punk.

  44. Your terms for me are meaningless. But I tell ya', you use my mother in a derisive way again, you and your comments will be wiped off here permanently. Bush went in the guard to avoid having to go to Vietnam. You don't to explain things to me, jack-ass.

  45. I don't to explain things to you Joe?
    Then try this one on you classic retard.

    "George Bush, he's a politician. Does that mean, ala Biden and Obama, that he's served his country, too. "

    Bush served his country - in the guard as I had to remind you of AND as President of the United States as Commander in Chief of the Armed forces.

    You are stupid, rude, insulting and just plain disgusting. If I used a "derisive" phase that included your maternal parental component all the fucking better.
    The only rules that apply in your world you Sociopath are the ones you apply to others and exclude yourself from.
    You called ME a son of a bitch, I'm free from that point forward to talk bad about your mother in return.

    Think about what you say William.

  46. You're done. No more comments. They will be deleted immediately


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