Monday, September 29, 2008

On/Off/On the Wagon

As fair as O'Reilly has been trying to be , there are still in fact some stories, embarrassing to Republicans, that just don't seem to make the light of day over there. For instance, when George Will wrote that blistering editorial, basically saying that McCain didn't have the temperament to be President, O'Reilly didn't lay a finger on that one...........................................And, neither, either, has he shown much interest in any of Governor Palin's pork-barrel projects - the latest one being not the "bridge to nowhere" but the "road to nowhere (18 million dollars for basically 3 miles)................................................Of course, he still has time to dissect every which way but loose Obama's "negative associations". And, yes, that's fine folks. I'm not necessarily opposed to looking at anything, really. But, come on, when the leading conservative intellectual of the print-media lambastes the Republican Presidential nominee, that might be worth a segment or two, I'm thinking..............................................And just tonight, folks, he points to the media's unfair treatment of Palin by citing a recent "Saturday Night Live" skit (the one where Tina Fey, as Palin, gets interviewed by Amy Poehler's Katie Couric). As part of his presentation, he shows the SNL skit but, when it came to the actual Palin interview, he only shows the visual. Kind of sneaky, huh? This, I'm saying, in that the viewer doesn't get to see that the words (word salad) coming out of Tina Fey's mouth were basically the same ones that Palin herself used. It was barely even a satire, in other words. I don't know, it sounds like O'Reilly might be trying to protect the Governor here. I hate to think it, but that's what it sounds like.


  1. This fits here,


    P.S. you might just have to agree with he who should not be named again.

  2. I do agree with him. But why can't we name Mark Levin?...oops! sorry.

    But really, Bill O'Reilly is only considered a conservative by you guys. Other conservatives have NEVER thought of him as such.

    He's a populist. Always has been, always will be. He sticks his finger up to see which way the wind is blowing and then tries to get in front of it.

    He missed again?, Oh well...

  3. BTW, He really is getting worse everyday. I think the popularity of his Fox show is going to his head.

    When he first started out he did a pretty good job. I didn't always agree with him then either, but it seems the bigger his contracts get the more arrogant he becomes.

    I still watch on occaisson if I'm interested in the subject matter or a particular guest (or guest host).

    But I can't stand him on the radio period. If you think he's bad on television, try listening to his radio show. Even I can't take more than 5 minutes.

    I wonder if Hannity will mention this? He and Levin are friends, and Levin used to be on Hannity and the other guy quite a bit.

  4. I love it, Voltron. You think O'Reilly's getting worse. I think he's getting better! LOL I mean, he's still an egomaniac and all but he's at least trying to call it down the middle. He's certainly a lot better than Olbermann. That guy is nothing but an Obama cheerleader whose viewpoints can never be challenged. Disgraceful.

  5. I don't know Mark Levin. Also, my computer could open that site.

  6. Mark Levin is the president of Landmark Legal Foundation. He made his name suing the teachers unions for illegally supporting the DNC.

    Rush and Hanninty have both refered to him as their legal advisor "F. Lee Levin". He's been on both Rush's radio show as well as Hannity's and he used to be a frequent guest on Hannity and Colmes until he got his own radio program.

    He's probably the attorney WE should hire...LOL

  7. If he's a good lawyer and Cliffy sues us, believe me, I'll hire him. The Cliffmeister!!

  8. Widdle will, in over 50 years I have NEVER sued any body, that ain't how I roll son.

  9. You measuring in dog years now clif?

  10. No "granny hips" I mean I have never sued a single person or corporate entity in court.

    Boy when you reich wingers lose you get real pissy don't ya boy?

  11. Clif, could you please start calling him a right-winger instead. You know I don't like Nazi comparisons. I mean, come on, anything but that. Seriously.

  12. Again, Clif, no Nazi imagery here. It's a rule of mine.

  13. Freedom of Speech isn't absolute, Clif. You can't swear on network television and women can't go topless on Main Street (well, except in Brattleboro, VT). This is my place and I don't allow certain things; mindless Nazi imagery, inappropriate sexual innuendo, the N-word, stuff like that. If those are rules you can't adhere to, I'm sorry.

  14. Wow Clif, How old did you say you are again?

  15. I think we've determined his mental-age. Did he actually type all that in? Hey, if nothing else, he's amusing.

  16. No duncey, it is easy to produce it with a computer son.


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