Wednesday, September 3, 2008

An Insulting Insult, for Christ

To all the bloggers who toss the term, "gay", around, as if it were an insult, I submit THIS to THEM. Friends, it is NOT an insult to call somebody gay, to infer that people are gay, etc.. In fact, it's about as much of an insult, folks, as telling Joe that his eyes are green - blue, whatever! I mean, talk about a sad situation, huh, the mere fact that I even have to mention such bull-shit? Oh, how far we haven't come, apparently.


  1. Will, it just gives further proof how shallow the left in this country is. (or how really tolerant they are)

    By the way, you watching O'Reilly tomorrow? Barry's finally gonna do an interview...

  2. Come on Volt! You should know better than to make such sweeping comments.

    No party or punditry has an exclusive on shallowness...Ann Coulter tosses the word "faggot" around when it suits her. I don't think a small group of idiots on either side defines the philosphy of the entire group...Voltron, the fact that you, me and Will can talk about things sanely I think proves my point in part.

    I can't believe Senator Obama is talking with can only hope it's not an ambush.

    BTW Will, the folk concert series has been empty spot still. Sad to say, no sign of Carrie Newcomer. The lasses are still there!

  3. Hey fellas. Left, right, and center, we got it ALL covered, huh? Voltron, I said "all" bloggers just in case Rusty made that story up about Clif. I didn't want Mike to say that I'm inconsistent. And, actually, I don't want to be inconsistent. P.S. If it is true, though, it would make some sense. This, I'm saying, in that, yes, I find that a lot of the people who do these innuendos are in fact struggling with their own "identity". Who knows, huh?

  4. Trust me will it is made up which is why crusty don't protest too much when I call him a liar.

    besides something crusty just might not know the entire history of the Lydia Cornell blog is researchable, every thread is there.

    So if according to crusty I said anything it would still be there, and if it ain't crusty is writing fiction AGAIN ........

  5. Will, you still don't understand the right wing attack mentality do you?


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