Friday, August 22, 2008

Froth-Free Criticism

As I stated in the previous blog, there are certainly things about John McCain that one could legitimately be critical of. Take, for instance, his recent statements about Obama; saying that Obama would "rather win a campaign than win a war', etc.. He says that he isn't questioning Obama's patriotism, only his judgement. I don't know, folks, if he isn't questioning his patriotism with that statement, he's certainly pushing the envelope very close...........................................As for Obama's having opposed the surge, that, me-buckos, was hardly a questionable "judgement" call. Very few people thought that by putting an extra 30,000 troops into that grinder (certainly not at that stage of the war anyway) the people of that "country" would magically start to coalesce. And you know what, folks, they STILL actually haven't. Yeah, that's right, political reconciliation, the purported/specified goal of the surge (as amplified by the President himself - hello!) has yet to be accomplished! It doesn't appear that Obama's judgement was bad at all - at least not on that topic, anyway. Hoe ironic, huh?.............................................P.S. As for political reconciliation, I don't think that that itself could be considered complete, either, as long as the refugee problem (a problem that we created, by the way), too, remains unsolved. This is not to say, of course, that everyone should necessarily be moved back to where they were before the war (what, to start fighting again?), only that a fair settlement needs to be reached. And, yes, folks, here is where the afore-mentioned (in a previous post) partition plan could possibly have relevance. Hell, maybe Obama, if in fact he is elected, can help us to think outside the box on this one. I mean, he is a smart guy, right?

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