Monday, August 18, 2008

Echo Chamber/Network

Fox News, folks, they say that they don't/never take Republican "talking points" - yeah, right. Fred Barnes, the conservative (or should I say, more conservative?) member of that network's, "The Beltway Boys", basically said/spouted ( this, within a week of McCain having said it, mind you) that the counter-insurgency tactic of turning the Sunni militias against Al Qaeda (a strategy that happened well before the troop-surge, by the way) was, in fact, part and parcel TO THE SURGE! I mean, talk about some serious spinning, huh?...........................................P.S. And, yes, this from a guy who, up until McCain had gotten the nomination, had been very lukewarm in his tolerance of/support for the Senator. Oh well, I guess that when a Republican runs against a Democrat, ANY REPUBLICAN, it can in fact make for some strange bed-fellows. This, I'm saying, in that it gets them all on the same wavelength, for Christ!

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