Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bradley Hadley

He was using my back-yard as his own personal latrine, for Christ! And the bull-shitted "artistry" of it, too, I'm saying, the fact that he was even more like Lawton than Lawton himself was, damned if that wasn't just as much of a perforated mess/ball-sack. Of course, the fact that this plugger was never, EVER, in his right mind, a normal fool, etc., it probably would have been prime/magnanimous to cut him some slack, accept him as a nimrod, too. Don't ya' think?


  1. A newcomer to your blog like myself sees this post as a frightening indictment of yourself without any clear references to outside partys or events.

  2. My opaqueness is intentional, much like the mirror (or lack thereof) that you employ. Get used to some non-linear thinking for a change, Mr. Clear-Cut Dichotomy.

  3. Alright since want into look mental you've got the part down pat

  4. That's what all the patient who refuse to take their meds say.

  5. Will, since you claim to be the author of the illogical rantings here .......

    Yes, I guess we could say it is an autobiographical history of your inability to control your mental status or you're over medicating again ....

    Which ever it is, your postings are definitely clinical proof ......

  6. Another word salad from Clifffff, I see. Never one to paint outside the lines, is he.

  7. Well people with mental issues sometimes see plain written english prose as word salads, thanks for showing YOU DO son.


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