Monday, July 21, 2008

Pre-Hatched Eggs

"We're winning in Iraq." That's another slogan that the pro-war forces have spitting out a mile a minute of late. Unfortunately, for me, all it does is conjure up images of all that rhetoric that came out of the Johnson and Nixon administrations during Vietnam. I mean, weren't we always pretty much winning over there, too? In fact, I don't think we ever lost a battle, for Christ. I just wish I could get the people who weren't around during Vietnam (and some of the ones that were, frankly) to realize that, yes, there will always be a big difference between "winning" and having won - a big difference. We haven't won anything yet, folks......................................Yes, the violence is down. But it's like I've been saying over and over and over again. There are numerous competing explanations, other than the surge (which, sure, has probably contributed somewhat; increased checkpoints, etc.), that could account for this lessening; ceasefires, the results of ethnic cleansing, the buying off of Sunni militants, etc.. I mean, sure, we can probably keep the lid on this situation for as long as our army holds out (yes, that's the real strategic challenge here). But, really, until the Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds (not to mention the myriad of sub-groupings) completely bury the hatchet (yes, preferably not in each other's backs) and we get the vast bulk of our men out of there, "winning in Iraq" will remain exactly what it is; namely, another in a long line of platitudes.


  1. Hey Will, have you checked out the new poster girl at LC's?

    Get a load of this one:

    "Oh and Mike the last think we need in this country are more frickin refineries, nuclear crap, and clean coal's a frickin oxymoron dude."

    Gee, when these people get into power you reckon they might let us rub two sticks together to make a fire?

    Probably not, CO2 dont'cha know...

    But hey!, we can lower the rising ocean levels by starting desalination. ROTFLMAO!!!!

  2. Voltron and Will rubbin' two sticks together,

    Yuk, not any image I want to think about.

  3. Then why did you?

    Any latent tendencies you wanna tell us about Clif?

  4. No dolty but then again;

    I don't post about imaginary children,

    I don't have,

    needing three showers a day,

    when I'm around ........

  5. and as for your fake outrage chicken boy stuff it, you blew that one years ago.

  6. Well dolty, I'll leave you and will alone to console each other.

  7. LOL, this from a guy who empathizes with a WW2 deserter and got medically retired while serving ONE tour of duty...

    Are you sure you aren't really John Kerry?

  8. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    Hate to do this,Voltron, but I think I'm going have to bounce Clif. He's just too obnoxious. And, besides, the bastard deletes me over at LC. All because I made fun of a frigging TV show!!!"

    No you dont you snotty little lying hippocrite..........YOU cant hang with the big dogs, all you are is an intellectually lazy little punk instead of defending your positions with factual evidence you start a new thread derail with irrelevant BS, fail to answer or take the cowards way out like O'Reilly and threaten to delete.

    Just like Bill O you are too dishonest or intellectually lazy to support or defend your positions, or admit when you lied or were wrong!

    1) Clif NEVER deleted you, in fact Clif hasa NEVER had the power to delete yet YOU lie or post totally wrong information like it was fact.

    2) Lydia Never said what YOU attacked her for you were told this on at least 10 occasions by several people YET you STILL lie and act like this is a fact.

    3) I NEVER deleted once nor agreed with that article yet YOU KEEP assigning that and other similar positions to me like a little troll while crying and whining like a little bitch when and a HIPPOCRITE when people assign you a position, you claim isnt yours........further only a complete idiot would call someone a partisan with no facts to back up their statement......back up your statements with facts or else resign your self to being nothing more than a lying hippocritical blowhard like Bill O's that denies facts and is an intellectually lazy stooge.


    apparently its somehow cool for you to be obnoxios and push the envelope on Lydia's blog, and its somehow wrong when Larry or Lydia delete you but its ok if you delete Clif on your little echo chamber..........that just shows you cant hang with the big dogs and have to delete because you arent smart enough to defend your positions and deleting is your desperate attempt to NOT look as stupid.

  9. Ahh I see you are admiting you cant hang with the big dogs and deleting is your ONLY option!


  10. Voltron said...
    LOL, this from a guy who empathizes with a WW2 deserter and got medically retired while serving ONE tour of duty...

    Are you sure you aren't really John Kerry?"

    BTW Voltron how many tours did YOU SERVE?

  11. Hey Will,

    You ever notice how they cry every time you simply threaten to delete them?

    I mean hell, it's not like THEY delete anyone on their board eh?

  12. Voltron said...
    Hey Will,

    You ever notice how they cry every time you simply threaten to delete them?

    I mean hell, it's not like THEY delete anyone on their board eh?"

    First of all you lying hippocrite I dont have a board do you EVER tell the Fu#$ing truth...........secondly I have NEVER deteted YOU or Will......truth be told i love when you morons post there it just shows how ignorant and stupid you are and the hippocrites you try to defend.

  13. They actually deny that people get deleted. Wow, huh? Little wonder that they're all on disability. Frigging stooges.

  14. Yo stupid,

    I said I don't delete posts on Lydia's blog;

    YOU must have a reading comprehension problem.

  15. Just how do you "not have a board" that you've "never deleted" someone on and "love it" when someone posts there?

    Is that one of those Farm subsidy things where they pay you to NOT grow crops?

    I always wanted to get into that.
    Maybe someday expand into not raising livestock or something...

  16. I've tried to tell him they don't trust you that much Clif.

  17. well dolty boy i know just HOW mentally challanged YOU are son;

    your STILL a reichwinger son;

    but try understanding this son;

    It is lydia's Blog,

    it has HER name on it, NOT mine son;

    She registered it with blogger NOT me boy.

    got it yet?

  18. I wasn't talking to you Clif.

    Like I said to Will they obviously don't trust you enough to make you part of the family...

  19. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    They actually deny that people get deleted. Wow, huh? Little wonder that they're all on disability. Frigging stooges."


    there you go LYING AGAIN

    1) WHO denied you got deleted........Clif doesnt have the power to delete, and I said i never deleted you.........You either have a reading comprehension problem TT, or your a liar or BOTH!

    2) Who is on disability support your LIE with facts or admit you are a liar?

    BTW...........wanna make another wager on the election punk?

  20. Really Mike.

    Steroids and Caffeine don't mix well.

    AND, if you spent a little more time on brain power you might realize you're backing the REAL Nazi's.

    I did especially like this part of your rant:
    ".......i also had another uncle who seized power in Germany, Poland and Austria during WW2-the Cold War and had countless people put to death......."

    So, you're closely related to Nazi's?

  21. Never would've guessed it considering how you try to silence anybody that disagrees with you.

    Go threaten someone else, it's kinda boring.

  22. Oh and Will, he now thinks you're TT. (another conservative poster from LC's)

    And the laff riot continues...

  23. Duncetron said "I did especially like this part of your rant:
    ".......i also had another uncle who seized power in Germany, Poland and Austria during WW2-the Cold War and had countless people put to death......."

    So, you're closely related to Nazi's?"

    No Slim............i've opposed Nazi's and Nazi tactics my entire life..........kinda like all DECENT repugs and Libertarians oppose these the Neo Con Reich wing Vermin that have hijacked our country and torched our Constitution based on a pack of treasonous lies just like Hitler did........its REALLY pathetic how you spin and lie to defend the treasonous Vermin YOU support.

  24. What are you the enforcer around here that fights the snotty little punks battles for him.

  25. Voltron said...
    Never would've guessed it considering how you try to silence anybody that disagrees with you.

    Go threaten someone else, it's kinda boring."

    Who have "I" silenced you lying little punk........other than Crusty or Moo Moo the molestor, or troll tex when he spews lies i've never deleted anyone!

  26. Do you EVER tell the truth.........all you are is a paid partisan stooge and all will is, is a lonely guy looking for a friend and some attention that YOU are exploiting just like you did MOO MOO..........ONLY difference is Will is more intelligent and alot more stable than that psychotic loser you glommed onto.

  27. Volt you speak so highly of your cut and run former comrade in deception.

  28. Only a lying partisan Reich wing Stooge could twist a post totally opposed to Nazi's and Nazi tactics and spin things like i'm a Nazi supporter or closely alligned with them............EVERY family has a black sheep look at YOU for example.............i doubt YOUR family supports gutting the Constitution, or the torture and genocide of 1.4-1,8 billion people...........unless they are inbred of course.

  29. Look what you pathetic fools are reduced to a couple of lying shills who shun and deny facts, and resort to spin and deflection rather than admiting mistakes or retracting lies...........its so pathetic and sad its almost funny............time to go hide or hit/shit and run cause you cant hang.

  30. Will this is dedicated to your buddy the Fascist Fan, along with breaking up the MSM media empires and conglomerates to insure truth and honesty in media and fact based news rather than Reich wing lies and spin, and preventing the SCOTUS from being stacked with freedom hating elitist fascists who crave a fascist police state, several other reasons we need to win back the White House are to stop the bogus dishonest government stats currently being used to steal from the working class and the poor.

    I've talked about the Core CPI and how it is a complete joke and utter lie many times before firstly it excludes food and energy the two things that have probably inflated and risen in price the MOST the last 8 years, particularly the last year, food and energy probably make up 90% of my expenses other than housing.......and as for housing the CPI doesnt even measure housing it measures rents, so if 65% of America owns houses and those houses were rising like crazy the last 10 years that inflation is hidden just as the current food and energy prices were hidden, last year gas prices double and the core CPI about half way through the year was listed around 2% food and gas which make up roughly 90% of my non housing expenses doubled and the idiots calculating the CPI say inflation is around 2%..............ok they gotten better recently they are around 4%-5%, the trouble is when you use the older more accurate method of calculating the CPI it is around 14%..........among the worst its ever been.

    Lets examine some other bogus ways of calculating the CPI, i've discussed Hedonics before but lets briefly go over it again in a general way Hedonics is used as a sham to vastly understate inflation and overstate GDP, just as an example lets say computer processing speed has gone up 5 times over a 10 year period while prices have remained the same now this is likely a slight exaggeration but for simplicity sake lets say that Hedonics would say that computer prices are "FALLING" by 50% per year even though the price you pay for a computer is the same and even though the government claims productivity is rising at 50% a year for computers you cant type or generate a report 50% faster or do your job 50% faster.......this also works for other items take coffee makers say the price for a coffee maker rises 20% from last year but the new models allow it to set a timer to make the coffee automatically that saves you about 90 seconds of sleep in the morning Hedonics could claim the price went down 10% because you are more productive even though you are paying 20% more........see the Hedonics sham allows many items particularly electronics and appliances to dishonestly offset the rise of items like food and energy, consider that a computer is usually only bought every 5 years or so while food and energy are every day expenses. Further Hedonics could be used to overstate GDP, in several ways firstly inflation is always subtracted from GDP so if inflation is understated at 4% instead of 14% then GDP will be overstated by a similar amount because much of the rise in GDP is illusory because of inflation and devalued dollars, the second way is if computer prices remain the same but processor speed rises 50% the government could take that 50 million in sales Bartlebe had for instance and make it 75 million thus overstating GDP, understating CPI and cheating seniors and the working class particularly those on fixed income who get raises according to the stated CPI.

    The purpose of CPI AND Fed is to stop inflation from robbing the working class and poor and reducing their standard of living, in fact the Federal Reserve has a dual mandate to control inflation and maintain maximum unemployment...........lets examine yet ANOTHER sham they utilize to cheat the poor and working class and do the EXACT OPPOSITE.

    The Federal Reserve uses the PCE Deflator to hide and camaflage inflation and lower standards of living and reduced lifestyles, it basically says instead of inflation infiltrating the economy and lowering peoples standard of living you just substitute one thing for another and everything is great......kinda like when Cheney stated the Iraqi's will scatter rose petals at our feet and greet us as liberators. lets look at another cute little example of scams like the PCE Deflator and Hedonics dreamed up by economic charlatans and hacks like Phil Graham, Milton Friedman, Helicopter Ben Bernanke, The Maestro, Reagan and others:

    Lets say the year is 2005 and our good friend Fascist Fan drives a Dodge Viper with a big block V10 engine, eats Filet Mignon and King Crab legs 4 times a week and takes 4 vacations a year to Europe along with putting $15,000 a year away for retirement in a 401 K.................lets say food and energy rise 50% as does insurance and other costs and the Fascist Fan only receives his 2% raise, now while the CPI has only gone up a "CLAIMED" 2% the Fascist Fan feels the pinch so his wife gets a job and he substitutes Filet Mignon and crab 2 nights a week for hamburger and fries, substitutes 2 vacations to Europe for a relaxing vacation 2 weeks at home.

    Now the Year is 2007 and food and energy have again risen at 50% per year, so now the Fascist Fan substitutes his Dodge Viper with the mighty V10 for a Toyota Prius, his 2 nights a week of filet mignon and crab for hamburger and fries 4 nights a week, he substitutes his remaining 2 vacations to Europe for 2 relaxing weeks at home, and 2 weeks were he goes to work and takes the money instead of the vacation time off.

    Now the year is 2008, food and energy have risen 100% per year, so now the Fascist Fan substitutes the $15,000 he puts in a 410K for retirement for paying down his credit card debt and the Foole's wife substitutes the free time she has from her 20 hour a week part time job for a full time 40 hour a week job so she can earn more money.

    Now the year is 2009 food and energy have again risen 50% a year, so now the Fascist Fan substitutes the hamburger and fries for catfood, substitutes all his vacations for working 52 weeks a year and takes the money instead.

    Now the year is 2010 food and energy have risen 150% a year, so now the Fascist Fan substitutes driving his Prius to work with riding a bicycle to work, he substitutes paying his electrical bill for light and heat with using candles and wrapping himself in a blanket, and he substitutes the catfood he bought to scrounging for roadkill or shooting and eating birds and the neighbors dogs or cats and raiding other peoples gardens and stealing vegetables........................BUT according to charlatans and hacks like Helicopter Ben Bernanke, Greenspan, Milton Freedman, Phil Graham etc............there IS NO INFLATION AND YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING AND LIFESTYLE DID NOT DECLINE............oh YEAH AND PHIL GRAHAM MCSAME"S OLD ECONOMIC ADVISOR SAYS TO QUIT WHINING THE ECONOMY IS FINE!

  31. BTW isnt Phil Gramham BACK on McSAme's looks like he gets fired/resigns..........comes back...........gets fired/reigns then it "sounds like the BS Express is assuming the American public is STUPID and can bring the elitist predatory capitalist back.........even after he tells people to stop whinging the economy is fine..............wonder how all the people losing their jobs and houses feel about being called whiners by two senile old millionaires?

  32. Hey isnt McSame claiming to know more than the Iraqi's what they want and whats good for them............him and Bush are looking for excuses to occupy a sovreign country when the war on terror is being lost in Afghanistan...........Bush said when the Iraqi's ask us to leave we will leave and McSame said He knows BETTER than the Iraqi's what they want and whats good for them..........this from a dunce who has been wrong on EVERYTHING and doesnt even know the difference between Sunni and Shite or the borders or names of countries that have been in place for over 15 he STUPID or just SENILE?

  33. Mike he even gets the time line of when the Sunni Awaking happened claiming the troops who protected the very early Sunni's who decided to side with the Iraqi government against the religious fanatics in their region didn't do anything since it was surge troops who did it.

    Mccain slanders the troops by denying what they did.

    But like CBS the corporate owned MSM will try to leave that latest gaffe on the cutting room floor and insert a different answer to hide just how out of touch with the reality of the Iraq occupation is.

    BTW it is NOT a war but an occupation.

    If anything the War was over in the summer of 2003, and the occupation began when L Paul Bremer arrived to dictate to the Iraqis what options they had for their futures.

  34. "Volt and Will along with breaking up the MSM media empires and conglomerates to insure truth and honesty in media and fact based news rather than Reich wing lies and spin,..."

    like the "Reich wing lies and spin" being delivered by the ANCHORS of ALL THREE networks following Obama around the middle east just like they did McCain? - Oh wait, they DIDN'T follow McCain did they? Be careful what you wish for, you get that passed and they'll have to start telling the truth about Dems and quit lying about Republicans...

    "...and preventing the SCOTUS from being stacked with freedom hating elitist fascists who crave a fascist police state,..."

    You mean preventing SCOTUS from having originalists instead of those who think we need to incorporate European law (Kennedy) or who think they can take private property and sell it to corporate interests for higher property taxes (Souter)???

    "...several other reasons we need to win back the White House are to stop the blah, blah, blah, nauseum."

  35. Voltron said...
    "Volt and Will along with breaking up the MSM media empires and conglomerates to insure truth and honesty in media and fact based news rather than Reich wing lies and spin,..."

    like the "Reich wing lies and spin" being delivered by the ANCHORS of ALL THREE networks following Obama around the middle east just like they did McCain? - Oh wait, they DIDN'T follow McCain did they? Be careful what you wish for, you get that passed and they'll have to start telling the truth about Dems and quit lying about Republicans...

    They didnt follow McSame because he's a boring ignorant old man..........btw i thought you didnt defend or like seem to be defending him quite well.

    BTW the truth is the truth like i said yesterday.....if a dem does something wrong throw the bum out or put em in jail just like the repugs........YOUR the partisan defending based on political party not me there are many dems i loathe and despise and i dont defend em, while claiming not to defend em like you do.

    You talk to us like your trying to preach to and convince a demographic......your as transparent and as partisan as can be.

  36. "They didnt follow McSame because he's a boring ignorant old man.........."
    Who only happens to be running for president too, although if you watch the so called "Reich wing media" you'd think Obama already won...

    "btw i thought you didnt defend or like McSame....."
    I DON'T like McCain and won't vote for him, and I won't defend his politics when he's wrong, which is about 99% of the time. But I thought you cared so much about "equality and fairness" in the media?

    "you seem to be defending him quite well.
    To a partisan hack like you I suppose I do. What I'm "defending" is that "fairness" thing you keep harping on... AND just because I don't like McCain doesn't mean I intend to just surrender to jack booted left wing thugs like you.

    "BTW the truth is the truth like i said yesterday.....if a dem does something wrong throw the bum out or put em in jail just like the repugs........"
    Just how are you gonna KNOW if the Dems do something wrong? All the "Reich wing media" that YOU watch or read will just sweep it under the rug or downplay the significance. Think Raw Story, KOS, DU or even the big three networks will say a harsh word? How about CNN? They haven't yet. Oh sure they criticize Bela Pelosi, Dingy Harry and the rest like you do because they don't completely tow the lunatic fringe line, but do they do any in depth reports on the REAL crimes these people commit? Hell no.

    Where's the story on Dingy Harry's Las Vegas land deal? What about the outrage over Dodds loan? What about Clevelands freezer full of cash? What about Bela trying to get a pass on the minimum wage for a company she holds stock in? Hey I know, what about Sandy Burglar stuffing National Archives documents down his pants? What about the Red Chinese cash that Clinton and Algore were taking while giving them US missile technology?

    Republicans lost their seats for MUCH MUCH less, and some even went to jail. Deservedly so, but I'm not gonna join the dogpile while you sneak your guys in and out the back door.

    So take your phony outrage and "Reich Wing Media" and stuff it up your ass.

  37. LOL, I just caught an article claiming the DNC host committee in Denver is fueling their cars at city pumps to avoid paying state or federal gas taxes.
    (but hey, WE don't need a tax holiday do we?)

    I wonder if we'll hear about that in the Reich wing media?

  38. Hey Mikey, this should tell you exactly where you and your group fits in with the public's perception.

    "Half See Pro-Obama Bias and Say Media Make Economy Seem Worse
    More than three times as many Americans see a media tilt in favor of Democrat Barack Obama than toward Republican John McCain. A Rasmussen Reports telephone survey released Monday, of 1,000 likely voters, "found that 49 percent of voters believe most reporters will try to help Obama with their coverage, up from 44 percent a month ago," compared to a piddling 14 percent who "believe most reporters will try to help John McCain win" while "just one voter in four (24%) believes that most reporters will try to offer unbiased coverage." Exactly half, 50 percent, "believe the media makes economic conditions appear worse than they really are," a separate Rasmussen Reports telephone survey posted on Monday determined. That poll discovered "a plurality of Americans (41%) similarly believe that the media has tried to make the war in Iraq appear worse that it really is, while 26 percent say reporters have made it look better than reality and 25 percent think they've portrayed it accurately." Meanwhile, the "Scapbook" section of the latest (July 28) edition of the Weekly Standard magazine dubbed Newsweek "Obamaweek" and illustrated the media's infatuation with Obama by displaying images of six Newsweek covers featuring Obama, five of them just this year."

    Behold the "Reich Wing Media" in all it's glory...LOL

  39. So how's it feel to be a "piddling 14 percenter"?

  40. Voltron said...
    "Volt and Will along with breaking up the MSM media empires and conglomerates to insure truth and honesty in media and fact based news rather than Reich wing lies and spin,..."

    like the "Reich wing lies and spin" being delivered by the ANCHORS of ALL THREE networks following Obama around the middle east just like they did McCain? - Oh wait, they DIDN'T follow McCain did they? Be careful what you wish for, you get that passed and they'll have to start accurately reporting on Republicans too...

    I'm all for accuracy and truth in NEWS in fact ANY time a NEWS anchor and/or network lies or is factually innacurate they should have to pay BIG punatative fines after all it is their job.

    An Honesty Doctrine is more crucial than a Fairness Doctrine at this point but make no mistake I am in no way opposed to a Fairness Doctrine as well..............Like I said the MSM chose not to cover McSame not because they favor Obama but because he is a boring incompetent fool no one really cares about and they are after ratings..........If I had my way they WOULD give him equal coverage to Obama so it would show what an incompetent fool he is and his campaign would implode even faster.........kinda the say reason I would like You and Will to be able to post on Lydia's without getting deleted because exposing your lies, hippocracy and and delusional out of touch ideas is too easy.

    If you are somehow CLAIMING the MSM leans to the left or is left wing you are a delusional fool.........The MSM is CLEARLY Right Wing and has CLEARLY favored McSame over Obama, they have trasahed Obama over stupid idssues like Rev Wright, Patriotism, correctly ointed out his wrong stance on FISA etc.....while McSame has essentially had a free pass.........What your crying about is the MSM in the last week has stopped giving McSame a free pass, theyve stopped covering and glossing over his ignorant mistakes and incompetence and that galls you because you see his pathetic campaign imploding.......I wish McSame got MORE coverage because that buffoon would crack like an egg under pressure.

  41. Volt said ""you seem to be defending him quite well.
    To a partisan hack like you I suppose I do. What I'm "defending" is that "fairness" thing you keep harping on... AND just because I don't like McCain doesn't mean I intend to just surrender to jack booted left wing thugs like you."

    You sound so bitter and Angry Volt kinda like McSame.........Calling ME a partisan hack thats rich............i'm probably to the Right of your buddy Will, I'm not nor have I EVER been a Demacrat, in my entire life i've only voted for a Demacrat once, I support the right to own guns, own several guns, I support Pickins Energy plan OVER Obama's...Obama is opposed to Nuclear, clean coal, building more refineries and deep sea drilling, and I believe LNG, I like Worf have openly attacked and criticized key demacrats like Clinton, Obama, Reed, Hoyer, Pelosi and been attacked and given the cold shoulder for doing so, in fact i believe I was wearing out my welcome at Lydia's and Tomcats for doing so, I have Recently quit Obamas campaign and terminated any financial support to his campaign because of his stance on Addition i do not support a windfall profits tax on oil, or limited traders or investors to invest in oil, i believe in free market capitalism what I would do is raise the margin limits to prevent speculative froth and manipulation.......further i belive in fiscal responsibility and NO person can CLAIM to be fiscally responsible IF they support trillions being wasted on a unwinnable war in Iraq while the REAL war on terror is being lost in Afghanistan, I believe in a strong Military something Bush has destroyed and Mcsame wants to further weaken with reckless stupidity........We NEED to include the costs of the WAR in Iraq IN the budget THEN We'll see who is Fiscally responsible and who isnt.........hint it sure wouldnt be McSame.

    You and your buddy Bill labeling ME a a rabid partisan far left fringe person just further shows how dishonest, and untrustworthy EVERYTHING you say I said compare my positions to Bills and i'm willing to bet i'm either slightly too the right of him or pretty similar to him.

  42. Volt said "Just how are you gonna KNOW if the Dems do something wrong? All the "Reich wing media" that YOU watch or read will just sweep it under the rug or downplay the significance. Think Raw Story, KOS, DU or even the big three networks will say a harsh word? How about CNN? They haven't yet. Oh sure they criticize Bela Pelosi, Dingy Harry and the rest like you do because they don't completely tow the lunatic fringe line, but do they do any in depth reports on the REAL crimes these people commit? Hell no."

    There you go again assigning me positions.....if the dems commit a crime through the bums in jail right along with the guilty repugs a crime is a crime no matter who commits it. as for the fairness doctrine thats fine with me as fact i'm glad your on board with taking back the media and insuring they are truthful and honest.

    BTW, i have admitted this several times but i'll say it again you were right about Bill Clinton, he's a slimy piece of dirt..........See I concede points and acknowledge when i'm wrong unlike YOU clowns.

  43. Half See Pro-Obama Bias and Say Media Make Economy Seem Worse

    Media Research Center (MRC) is a conservative media watchdog group dedicated to bringing political balance to the news and entertainment media.

    Still recycling reich winger bullshit propaganda eh Volt,

    Like I said widdle boy;

    All ya got left is lies and reich wing spin son.

    A gutless chicken hawk right winger to the bitter end eh Volt?

  44. Citing Brent Bozell on media fairness, is the same as citing focus on the family about evolution.

    Here is the author's OWN version of his bio son;

    Brent Baker is the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center, where he writes the daily CyberAlert e-mail report. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker "the scourge of liberal bias." Baker lived in Massachusetts through high school, whereupon he fled the liberal commonwealth for George Washington University in DC and, since graduation, a life in Northern Virginia.

    Not exactly an HONEST broker there son.

  45. Just another right wing propagandist living on wingnut welfare for dishonest spinnin' pundits for less eradicate trolls* on the tubes to quote.

    *That would be you Volt.

  46. Clif, ever heard of "Rasmussen"???

    Would you prefer I quote that very same poll from some other site?

  47. Yes dolty boy however that christian fundi owned site ALWAYS leans right wing.

    And any pollster can slant the poll by the way they frame a question, and like most right wing christian groups they frame it to benefit their pre-concieved notions,

    BTW where is the RAW data, by which the truth of how slanted a poll can be determined?

    Rasmussen like all other pollsters will handle polls if they are asked and paid to, which right wingers have done since they began their war on the middle class for rich right wing bastards.

    Since Brent Bozell is pushing this poll it is probably one he got started in the first place.

    Like the idiotic one you triumphed about anal retentive conservatives being happier then the rest of us.

  48. Here you go Cliffy,

    Belief Growing That Reporters are Trying to Help Obama Win

    "The idea that reporters are trying to help Obama win in November has grown by five percentage points over the past month. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey, taken just before the new controversy involving the New York Times erupted, found that 49% of voters believe most reporters will try to help the Democrat with their coverage, up from 44% a month ago.

    Just 14% believe most reporters will try to help McCain win, little changed from 13% a month ago. Just one voter in four (24%) believes that most reporters will try to offer unbiased coverage.

    The New York Times’ refusal to run an op-ed piece by John McCain challenging an article in the paper less than a week ago by Barack Obama is sure to further fuel the belief that much of the major media is biased in favor of the Democratic candidate. At issue is McCain’s response to an article by Obama entitled, “My Plan for Iraq.” Obama was in Afghanistan over the weekend and in Iraq today attempting to build his foreign policy portfolio for the fall campaign.

    A Rasmussen Reports survey earlier this year found that just 24% of American voters have a favorable opinion of the New York Times. The paper’s ratings divided sharply along partisan and ideological lines, with liberals far more supportive of the paper than conservatives.

    At the time of that survey, the paper was being criticized for an article it had run about McCain’s ties to lobbyists. Sixty-six percent (66%) of those who were aware of the story in question believed it was an attempt by the New York Times to hurt the McCain campaign.

    In the latest survey, a plurality of Democrats—37%-- say most reporters try to offer unbiased coverage of the campaign. Twenty-seven percent (27%) believe most reporters are trying to help Obama and 21% in Obama’s party think reporters are trying to help the Republican candidate.

    Among Republicans, 78% believe reporters are trying to help Obama and 10% see most offering unbiased coverage.

    As for unaffiliated voters, 50% see a pro-Obama bias and 21% see unbiased coverage. Just 12% of those not affiliated with either major party believe the reporters are trying to help McCain.

    In a more general sense, 45% say that most reporters would hide information if it hurt the candidate they wanted to win. Just 30% disagree and 25% are not sure. Democrats are evenly divided as to whether a reporter would release such information while Republicans and unaffiliated voters have less confidence in the reporters.

    Republicans and unaffiliated voters are more likely to trust campaign information from family and friends than from reporters. Democrats are evenly divided as to who they would trust more.

    A separate survey released this morning also found that 50% of voters believe most reporters want to make the economy seem worse than it is. A plurality believes that the media has also tried to make the war in Iraq appear worse that it really is.

    A survey conducted earlier this year found that 30% of voters believe having a friendly reporter is more valuable than raising a lot of campaign contributions.. Twenty-nine percent (29%) believe contributions are more important and 40% are not sure.

    These results are consistent with earlier surveys finding that large segments of the population believe the media is biased It is also clear that voters select their news sources in a partisan manner. During Election 2004, CNN viewers heavily favored John Kerry while Fox Fans preferred George W. Bush.

    Please sign up for the Rasmussen Reports daily e-mail update (it’s free)… let us keep you up to date with the latest public opinion news."

    Always happy to help the special needs crowd.

  49. Sorry Volt but that rehash of non-fact BUT Rasmussen conjecture contains NO Raw Data son.

    It contains what they say the raw data says.

    do ya know the difference son?

  50. Well there you go, it's those damned evil Christians again.

  51. BTW volt great comment from fester at Kay's blog

    I would like to know where all of the republicans are who hate giving out hand outs to the poor are today? How do they feel about our government bailing out Bear Stearns, Fanny and Freddie Mac?

    Little does America taxpayer know it but they have become the insurance company for Wallstreet. Funny how the corporations cry that they don’t need government regulation when things are going great, when they are making record profits and salaries but the minute things go bad they go running to the government for help.

    I would add to that volt, for granny hips also.

  52. Can't find the raw data Cliffy, but here's the questions and responses...

    National Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters
    Conducted July 19, 2008
    By Rasmussen Reports

    1* When covering a political campaign, do most reporters try to offer unbiased coverage or do they try to help the candidate they want to win?

    16% Offer unbiased coverage
    71% Try to help the candidate they want to win
    13% Not sure

    2* Think for a moment about the three major presidential candidates this year. Which candidate received the best treatment from the media so far—Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or John McCain?

    57% Barack Obama
    11% Hillary Clinton
    21% John McCain
    10% Not sure

    3* Looking ahead to the campaign between Barack Obama and John McCain, will most reporters try to help Barack Obama, offer unbiased coverage, or try to help John McCain?

    49% Try to help Barack Obama
    24% Offer unbiased coverage
    14% Try to help John McCain
    13% Not sure

    4* Suppose a reporter learned some news that might politically hurt a candidate they wanted to win. Would most reporters hide that information to help the candidate?

    45% Yes
    30% No
    25% Not sure

    5* When it comes to information about the Presidential campaign, who do you trust more—news reporters or family and friends?

    29% News reporters
    43% Family and friends
    28% Not sure

    NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence


  53. Thanks for your concern Cliffy, but those are now paid off. Out of my own pocket after taxes thank you.

  54. Scott Rasmussen notes that this data suggests "voters are looking at reporters in the way reporters want us to look at Wikipedia." They provide "a nice reference point, but ultimately you have to check out the facts for yourself."

    Seems they under cut their WN poll eh dolty?

    From Rasmussen's own website.

  55. So scott Rasmussen says check the facts for yourself, BUT don't report the facts just their distillation of the facts eh dolty?

  56. Seems he just under cut your entire screech eh dolt?

  57. No Cliffy, Scott Rasmussen DIDN'T say "you have to check the facts for yourself"...

    Geez, this would be so much easier if you guys would learn to read.

    This is what he said:

    "voters are looking at reporters in the way reporters want us to look at Wikipedia." They provide "a nice reference point, but ultimately you have to check out the facts for yourself."

    He's comparing the way VOTERS look at reporters to the way reporters look at Wikipedia.

  58. Wow, I missed a lot. First of all, I'm not lonely, Clifffff, Mike, whoever. I mean, I know I spend a hell of a lot less time at the computer than you guys do (you know, the fact that I work and shit). And, secondly, I never said you couldn't use your idiotic Nazi innuendo (ala Bill O'Reilly). I just challenged you to use it in front of a holocaust survivor. You know, somebody who actually knows the true meaning of the word (this, I'm saying, as opposed to a lunatic stooge taking a free-ride at the people's expense). And do it without a cup, I'm saying.

  59. So, you're a "progressive", Clifffff? That's interesting. I've never actually known one who was a homophobe before.

  60. He's saying that VOTERS think reporters are a nice reference point, but you have to check any facts a reporter may claim...

  61. Howdy Will, just holding down the fort...LOL

  62. BTW dolt this appear at the top of the poll;

    National Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters

    Well since Rasmussen DOESN'T use cell phones in it's polls, it leaves around 30-45% of the people under 30 OUT or the raw data since they either don't even have a hard wired phone OR they don't use it nor answer it, ie it is for Internet access only.

    Which means that have already cut out a large part of the electorate BEFORE they even begin polling.

    Oh and BTW how do they KNOW just who the hell is gonna vote?

    Do they already have Rove inc's caging lists?

  63. And you know what else Cliffy?

    I can't find a liberal leaning pollster anywhere who has conducted a poll on media bias...

    Think they might be a tad afraid of the results?

  64. No volt he said CHECK the FACTS but only gives his distillation of what he claims are the facts.

    seems to completely undercut Bozell's propaganda driven poll

    but continue to believe such crap dolt,

    it helped you right wing clowns a lot in 2006 right?

  65. Will your just so screwed up with all your INTERNET failed dates you can't think straight son.

  66. "Which means that have already cut out a large part of the electorate BEFORE they even begin polling."
    Not true Cliffy, historically the under 30 crowd doesn't participate much.

    "Oh and BTW how do they KNOW just who the hell is gonna vote?"
    I doubt if they "KNOW" beyond a shadow of doubt, but that's where market research and demographics come in. They know who is statistically likely to.

  67. Why waste time finding out why the corporate OWNED and controlled MSM has channeled the right wing message for the last 30 years as America was SHIT on by the very people the MSM was trumpeting for.

  68. well stupid do ya thunk that the pollsters and MSM work hard to KEEP the under 30 crowd out of the process, like right wingers do with caging efforts (including minority soldiers serving overseas)and demand they vote in the place their parents live NOT where they spend at least 9 out of 12 months for at least 4 years?

  69. "voters are looking at reporters in the way reporters want us to look at Wikipedia." They provide "a nice reference point, but ultimately you have to check out the facts for yourself."

    "No volt he said CHECK the FACTS but only gives his distillation of what he claims are the facts."

    Well I think we've figured out why you're a "regressive"... No reading comprehension.

  70. Must have been a product of the Public school system eh Cliffy?

  71. but ultimately you have to check out the facts for yourself.

    No problem reading son.

    It is just YOU don't like the truth of that statement any more then you like the fact it was 30 years of con-servative attack on the middle class which has resulted in the GOPer brand being thought of equal to dogshit

  72. BTW dolt your the 3 showers a day liar son NOT me.

  73. I never claimed a son I don't have.

    BUT you did.

    then told LIES about him

    At least I hope you were lying about his need to shower 3 times a day around you.

  74. Later loser, I have a few things to do

  75. "well stupid do ya thunk that the pollsters and MSM work hard to KEEP the under 30 crowd out of the process,"
    No, I think the under 30 crowd likely think they have better things to do and aren't as interested in politics until they get older and start a family of their own.

    "like right wingers do with caging efforts (including minority soldiers serving overseas)and demand they vote in the place their parents live NOT where they spend at least 9 out of 12 months for at least 4 years?"
    Wow Clif do you just make up bullshit out of thin air? You know damned well the military can vote at their bases and on ships...

    Remember Algore trying to disenfranchise the military vote in 2000 by claiming the post marks on the ballots were wrong?

  76. Wow, Cliffy can't win an honest debate so he stoops to ad hominem attacks...

    Well nothing new about that eh?

    Hey Clif?

    Jesus loves you...

  77. Behold the liberal in all his glory...

    Can't understand the context of something he read. Has no facts to back up his position. Loses debate. Tosses an out attack on innocent bystanders. Leaves....

  78. Jesus loves you...

    maybe, nut you ain't gonna like your one on one with him

  79. And now "anony mouse" Mikey chimes in...

  80. Behold the lying sack of shit denying he wrote lies in august 2006 on lydia cornell's blog about a non existent son and three showers a day.

  81. Or was the three showers a day true and you don't wanna tell why dolt

  82. Yes son, I still have the links.

    Remember the story about the "fight" in Amsterdam?

    And how Paris smelled?

    Do we really have to have the links, or at least can YOU admit YOU wrote that?

  83. And dolty don't go erase it because have screen shots so if you erase it I can PROVE you said it then it will say

    Comment deleted

    This post has been removed by the author.

    which would mean YOU the author remover what you the author wrote.

  84. So did YOU write about a "son" who was NOT your real son takes three showers a day

  85. You wanna go back over that again Cliffy? I'll post the whole damned exchange.

    I got carried away because I do consider him my son. And I still do. And it was I who immediately thereafter posted a clarification in order to show how our relationship came about.

    It wasn't because someone else caught me lying or even knew the facts, because no one else did.

    I was being honest.

    And for that you continue to try and debase and degrade my relationship with him.

    Would it have been better of me to simply abandon him after his mother DIED Clif? I took responsibility for my relationship with his mother and him.

    Not the "progressive" thing to do obviously.

    It just irks you because it doesn't fit your stereotype of me, and you know YOU wouldn't have the honor or integrity to do the same were you in a similar circumstance.

  86. Does this refresh your memory dolt?

    about 1/3 down of the page, just scroll.

    Voltron said...

    OH, and he also says the rumors about the French are true. In Paris he said they were very rude and uppity, and when he was in an elevator with a few at their hotel he thought he was gonna pass out from the smell.

    (my son is VERY clean and showers and changes his clothes about twice a day, sometimes 3. That makes for large water bills though, and lots of laundry.)

  87. gettin' touchy son?

  88. I know what was said Clif. Like I said, do you want me to post the whole damned thing?

  89. It wasn't because someone else caught me lying or even knew the facts, because no one else did.

    Not the completely true(why am I not surprised)

    Worf called you OUT before you told the truth.

    and YOU weaseled a whole lot son.

  90. like I said son;

    keep spinnin' your less than whole truths

    It is really all you have left son.

  91. Oh yea your right Volt you still have Bullshit too.

  92. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    Wow, I missed a lot. First of all, I'm not lonely, Clifffff, Mike, whoever. I mean, I know I spend a hell of a lot less time at the computer than you guys do (you know, the fact that I work and shit). And, secondly, I never said you couldn't use your idiotic Nazi innuendo (ala Bill O'Reilly). I just challenged you to use it in front of a holocaust survivor. You know, somebody who actually knows the true meaning of the word"

    You dumb as dirt dunce I told you my Great Aunt and uncle were Holocaust survivers are you that DUMB, do you have a reading comprehension problem or are you that big a troll..........say see the similarities as do several otrher holocaust survivors i unless your man enough to shut me up or dicate what ican say STFU you little geek.

  93. you are an insignificant bug.

  94. You are an insignificant whiny little bitch.

  95. Well thanks for that Clif.

    I just had to go over about 400 posts just to put an end to your lies.

    After I posted my original story about my boys trip to Europe, NO ONE mentioned it for about 300 posts until Lydia posted this at 12:07pm:

    Lydia Cornell said...
    "Voltaire, how old is your son? I liked the story of your son in Europe. It's nice to know you have kids."

    To which I responded at 6:10pm:

    "Well I probably overstated the case.

    He's kinda my adopted son. His mother and I were very close, I was there in the hospital when he was born and I used to babysit him while she was working from the time he was an infant.

    Mom was also quite the partier. She was kind of a "lost" soul if you know what I mean. I did my best to care of them both, but she died of an overdose when he was 3.

    He went to live with his grandpa and still does. Granpa knew we were pretty attached to each other and allowed me to keep seeing him.

    (His real father is not very responsible or a good role model and RARELY sees him at all.)

    He's pretty much been the light of my life, and we've had great times together while he was growing up. I'm probably more like a built-in "big brother".

    He'll be 18 this October and he's a really great young man. (He still hugs me and tells me he loves me when I leave, EVEN in front of his friends. And that's something I found hard to do with my own father.)

    He's read both of Rush Limbaughs books and one of Sean Hannity's. (we went to a local book signing and he has a autographed copy of Sean's book)

    For some reason his history teacher passed out a questionaire to determine his classes political leanings and He was found to be the most conservative kid in his class!

    He can even argue his teachers into a corner. That's cost him a grade or two here and there, and the more politically active liberal teachers hate him, but since he generally gets high marks it hasn't hurt him too much.

    (I should mention that grandpa is a democrat. We argue politics a lot, and I think it irritates grandpa a little that he comes down on my side.....LOL)

    We're good natured about it though, and even bet on the outcome of national races.
    (Grandpa's bought steaks MANY times so far, although I am nervous about November...)

    Anyways, probably more than you wanted to know....LOL"

    Worf doesn't mention the ANY PART of our exchange until TWO posts later at 6:14.

    (I should note that he has since apologized for that attack)

    I ALSO note that Lydia asked for pictures which I posted and were immediately abused by the minister Carl who went on to ridicule him being bi-racial.

    Why don't you jump on that one too Cliffy?

  96. Want some cheese with that whine dolt?

  97. But dolt you STILL haven't explained why he needed 2-3 showers a day around you.

    Teenage boys just usually aren't like that .......

  98. BTW did your NON son ever JOIN the service Volt, since HE turned 18 in Oct 2006 according to YOU?

  99. Wasn't ONLY around me Clif.

    He takes a shower when he gets up in the morning and another in the evening before he goes to bed, if he's going out somewhere after work or school he sometimes takes one in between.

  100. Not yet Clif, he's still considering it. Right now he's finishing up his second year at the local community college, and plans on going to the University of Illinois for computer engineering this fall.

    (And I should mention that he's been on the honor roll for most of those past two years)

  101. Ho Ho Ho Ho..........thats what you need is a ho son, tape a $500 bill to that neanderthal forhead and maybe you'll actually get some.

  102. So the non son who attacked Arabs in Amsterdam who WAS going to JOIN the Army, went the Voltron chicken hawk route, just a chip off the old block, eh Volt.

    Bet you even got him enrolled in the chicken hawk college repubies right?

  103. Or is he gonna go the freedum fraud route, dodge active service until Obama ends the illegal occupation?

    Not THAT I would suggest he went right about NOW,

    however for someone who spouted SO much crap back then

    NONE of if ever came true.

  104. Typical right winger, wrong about everything for years, but still spout the same failed crap.

  105. Voltron said...
    Not yet Clif, he's still considering it. Right now he's finishing up his second year at the local community college, and plans on going to the University of Illinois for computer engineering this fall.

    (And I should mention that he's been on the honor roll for most of those past two years)"

    Good for him, maybe he'll actually make something of himself and learn how misguided and delusional the Neo Cons are.

    That said At least i have some respect for Volt on some level, he is somewhat honest about who and what he is and what he actually stands for and believes.........Volts a man at least, i bear him no ill will and would even buy him a beer if i was passing through his part of will are pathetic deluded mouse of a man, a whiny litte bitch not even worthy of the keystrokes you been getting.

  106. Hell mike I don't drink, But it would be interesting to buy volt a beer and shoot a little pool with him, even though i attack him and his beliefs, I still respect him as an opponent, a severely misguided opponent.

  107. Well thank you for that Mike.

    But on that note I have to go. Have to pick up steel in East Chicago tomorrow morning.


  108. Oh man, I'm gonna have a heart attack....LOL

    I hope we aren't betting on the pool. You'd lose big time...

    But I do have to go.

  109. As for being right volt here is a oldie but goodie;

    Voltaire said...

    Don't start the victory party just yet guys....

    The Republicans MAY lose a few seats in November, but not control of congress. And don't bet on a Dem pres in 08 either...

    I guess your crystal ball is kinda out of whack eh son?

  110. BTW Will here is a great comment on the difference between liberals and conservatives;

    See this is the problem.... liberals don't think the country is rotten. Liberals are like a coach.... even when the team is winning they still bitch about all the little things the team does wrong because they want it to be better. Conservatives, on the other hand, interpret this wrong, and make it sound like liberals aren't grateful to be American. It seems to me the liberals (the ones I've talked too) ARE very grateful, while the conservatives are proud. Too proud in many cases.


    too bad moderates just wanna get along and NEVER really improve much.

  111. How come you never mentioned, Mike, this holocaust survivor family scenario before? Took you this long to concoct some idiotic excuse?

  112. Here i'll dedicate this song to you Willie the Wimp

    Willie the Wimp
    by Stevie Ray Vaughan

    Willie the Wimp was buried today,
    They laid him to rest in a special way.
    Sent him off in the finest style
    That casket-mobile really drove 'em wild
    Southside Chicago will think of him often
    Talkin' 'bout Willie the Wimp and his Cadillac coffin,
    Willie the Wimp and his Cadillac coffin

    That casket, it looked like a fine Seville
    He had a vanity license and a Cadillac grille
    Willie was propped up in the driver's seat
    He had diamonds on his fingers and a smile sweet
    Fine red suit had the whole town talkin'
    Talkin' 'bout Willie the Wimp and his Cadillac coffin
    Willie the Wimp and his Cadillac coffin

    0h, Cadillac to Heaven he was wavin' the banner
    He left like he lived, in a lively manner
    With a-hundred dollar bills in his fingers tight
    He had flowers for wheels and a-flashin' headlights
    He been wishin' for wings, no way he was walkin'
    Talkin' 'bout Willie the Wimp and his Cadillac coffin
    Yeah, Willie the Wimp and his Cadillac coffin

  113. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    Where do you get this shit, Mike, a fascist coup? You're insane."

    Its historical fact son, its in the National Archives, its aired on the BBC and I believe the History Chanbnel, google Smedey Butler and FDR........then google Prescott Bush and Fascist coup.

  114. your aweful ignorant of history son, get of your lazy ass and do some research or are you afraid of what you might find.

    afraid of the truth eh son?

  115. Will I'll make it easy for you;

    Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940), nicknamed "The Fighting Quaker" and "Old Gimlet Eye", was a Major General in the U.S. Marine Corps and, at the time of his death, the most decorated Marine in U.S. history.

    During his 34 years of Marine Corps service, Butler was awarded numerous medals for heroism including the Marine Corps Brevet Medal (the highest Marine medal at its time for officers), and subsequently the Medal of Honor twice. Notably, he is one of only 19 people to be twice awarded the Medal of Honor, and one of only three to be awarded a Marine Corps Brevet Medal and a Medal of Honor, and the only person to be awarded a Marine Corps Brevet Medal and a Medal of Honor for two different actions.

    In addition to his military career, Smedley Butler was noted for his outspoken anti-interventionist views, and his book War is a Racket. His book was one of the first works describing the workings of the military-industrial complex and after retiring from service, he became a popular speaker at meetings organized by veterans, pacifists and church groups in the 1930s.

    In 1934, he informed the United States Congress that a group of wealthy industrialists had plotted a military coup known as the Business Plot to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    The Business Plot run by the for-runners of the rightg wing of the modern republican party.

    They were trying to stop what Reagan and his philosophical descendents want ripped up.

    The action of the right have been to force this country BACK into the Gilded Age with all the problems that entailed, and with all the damage they have done to the countries government, protection of the middle class and poor just for more wealth for a rich few, have almost created the same conditions economically we had in 1929-30 combined with the untenable wars we can't seem to actually IN by any common tenets of winning(we didn't "win" in Korea we decided to stop fighting a war where neither side could win with out using nuclear weapons).

  116. There is NO way the neo-con's dreams in Iraq can come true given the fact the vast majority of Shiites Sunnis and even Kurds do NOT want what the neo-cons have pushed since L Paul Bremer laid out those conditions in 2003.

    We have fought a losing occupation (which I claim since even al Maliki is stating we are going to have to leave) with out any of the set conditions Bremer laid out like the oil law for western corporations, or US permanent bases ....

    The only thing this occupation accomplished was an enlarging Iranian cooperation with the Shiites (ie government that Maliki and the Hakim movement now control) and advancement of hatred for the US by the locals which al Qaeda and the Shiite radicals will use to their benefit for years to come.

    I guess being a moderate you think questioning the insanity McCain keep proposing to continue this insane foreign policy, from the classical national security, instead of the neo-con distorted security standpoint, is unjustified, but I do not.

    John Mccain has totally obfuscated who he is and what his history really means, at the same time he is trying very hard to obfuscate the truths about Iraq with the normal bumper sticker claims and half truths as the only truths.

    He is right now as big a fraud as bush has been, and the actions they are pushing so hard for could end up as disastrous for the US as Hitler's ended up being for Germany.

    Both are for undermining the US constitution in ways neither FDR or Abraham Lincoln ever did in much more precarious situations.

    Both are for ignoring international treaties which end up putting US troops in a worse situation.

    Do you think any future POW's in an Arab or primarily Muslim land will be treated as well as the two helicopter pilots of others with them were treated after Abu Graibe Guantamino or the other black prisons?

  117. Cause will THAT is the very real boots on the ground effect for the troops from all torture and War crimes Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld ET Al unleashed, however sine they nor their descendants are in uniform they are really worried about it.

  118. Mike sound familiar?

    My blog personality is fairly different from how I am in person. I am fairly shy and rarely discuss politics or religion with anyone I don't know intimately and dislike offending anyone. So blogging is my outlet to express my inner remove the mask which everyone must wear to get along with family and work associates. I enjoy using poignant insults, satire, and humor of every sort which I might refrain from using in polite company. I love debating and relish a challenging fight (I usually win at least in my own mind).

    In real life, I am the peacemaker who reconciles feuding folks. I despise gossip, lies and hypocrisy. I hate true intolerance which I would define as disliking someone for who they are, over which they have no control. But I don't pull punches when I am opposed to what someone does or says or believes. I won’t be intimidated when someone pointlessly calls me naughty names. I routinely defend weaker folks from stronger folks; I don't tolerate bullies. I also brush my teeth regularly and wear clean underwear (usually).

  119. That would be the Foole I believe..........sounds kinda like Willie The Wimp with his delusional sweeping generalizations!

  120. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    I don't know, most of the non-Fox coverage of Obama I've seen has been glowing. Even Chris Matthews (who I normally find to be down the middle and who irritates both sides) seems to have fallen prey to Obama's charisma. Remember after that platitudinous race speech that Obama gave, Matthews said he "felt a chill run up his leg"? Do I think that the media is "in the tank" for Obama, as O'Reilly claims? No, I wouldn't go that far. But, clearly, to say that they are rooting for McCain, that's a little on the delusional side, too."

    Are you EVER capable of reading and comprehending what people say or do you suffer from ADHD and have a reading comprehension problem.........i'll say this REAL slow so maybe someone of your limited mental capacity can understand Willie The Wimp................The media "DID" want McSame to win but after seeing what a buffoon he is they essentially gave up on him and are pretty much not covering up his ignorance and stupidity they want Obama to win because they see McSame is a senile doddering dunce........probably but they dont want to wreck the drama and potential ratings they could get if it is still perceived as a competitive now they will most likely play this fairly straight up rather than trashing Obama and giving McSame a free pass like what was happening a few months ago.

    The Media gave up on McSame just like the power players in the repug party did in 2000 when Bush and his thugs trashed aqnd destroyed him because they realized McSame was not presidential material and not electable.

  121. Is there a conspiracy theory that you guys haven't bought in to? My God. And, like I've said about a million times, disability boy, I'm not voting for McCain. I'm either holding my nose for voting for Mr. Hubris or for a third party candidate. Talk about comprehension problems!!

  122. Um, Will ......

    The person posting as anonymous is NOT me son,

    So your venom for me telling you posting about all your failed INTERNET dates was in bad taste is being spent on the wrong person,

    But you'll never apologise will ya son?

    But it is nice to see just how touchy you are about all those failed dates.

  123. Why do you leave the same post on multiple sites? Like I said at Voltron's, I thought it was Mike.

  124. Well id-jet ....

    because you posted in BOTH places thinkin' it was ME

    even IF you are gonna LIE about it now son.

    I just used the same quote because it was relevant in both place,

  125. Oh and will jus; so's ya know son,

    I've never seem TCFC or any thing Lydia has been in as far as I know;

    I was invited to her blog in Feb 2006 by somebody, (but not her).

    So your insight looks as lousy as your ability to get a second date it seems.

  126. Are you EVER right about ANYTHING Willie The Wimp.......maybe should take both sides of every issue so at least you'll have a CHANCE of being right you Dunce!

    Your ONE of the dumbest SOB i think i ever encountered other than Crusty and TT.

  127. Your none to smart son, none to smart, inbreeding i reckon!

  128. All you do is lie and spin son, your a damn joke, a pathetic joke.

    No Wonder no one reads your blog or takes you seriously.

  129. Care to explain why you are so hateful, bitter and obsessed with people you have never met and who you have never interacted with.

    You seem psychotically obsessed with and possess a deep seed pathological hatred for Lydia and Average Patriot when you have never even interacted or communicated with them a single time.

    Me thinks this deranged socially inept behavior is the reason you never have a successful date and resort to acting like a cartoonish freak to get attention and try to win friends

  130. You really need professional help son, maybe you were dropped on your head or molested as a child.

  131. Your nothing more than a partisan stooge pretending to be a moderate, your a liar and a Bill O'reilly clone. a b;owhard liar that denies facts.

  132. Hey Nicholas good to see you buddy, i guess you heard about this stooge too huh?

  133. Maybe there was a woman that looked like Lydia that spurned you and maybe you decided you got taste for dudes and a guy that looks like Average Patriot scorned you or cheated on you, that could explain the psychotic rabid and frenzied hatred and obsession you show towards them for no logical reason, its quite over the top and not rational.

  134. Hey Mike,
    Try this on for size:

    Perhaps the media DID (and still does) like McCain because he was (and still is) a turncoat who stabbed the Republicans in the back every chance he got.

    They published all their glowing reports and endorsements of him hoping to get him nominated as the Republican candidate because they know he was the weakest Republican candidate, and they KNEW they weren't going to support him in the general election anyway. But now they win either way.

    They KNOW he's simply saying whatever he has to to get elected and that IF he is elected he'll go right back to doing just what he's always done. Stab Republicans in the back.

    Now in the general election, of course they're gonna push the Democrat. After all why vote lib lite when you can have the real thing?

    So of course they want Barry, they would've supported Hillary too. But even if they lose, they still have McCain.

    The country IS moving left this election. It's just a matter of degree.

  135. Nicholas now, huh? A whole bunch of sick people in one body. Fascinating. Like I said, Clifffff, I thought it was Mike. Maybe if you guys left your names or, better yet, got some actual jobs and contributed to the body politic instead of leeching off it.

  136. "The big dogs", I love it! We've got a couple of insignificant slow-learning and nameless adults who nobody outsde of their little chat-room gives a shit about. Talk about delusions of grandeur.

  137. A partisan right-winger pretending to be a moderate? How stupid can you possibly be? I wrote over 100 postings that were critical of Bush and the Iraq War BEFORE I EVEN MET YOUR SORRY ASS, asshole!!!! Talk about a guy who doesn't like the facts. You guys don't dig me precisely because I'm not a partisan/refuse to mindlessly corontate Obama. You're so dispicable, Mike (Nicholas).

  138. Are widdle willie's panties in a bunch AGAIN?

    Such a insignificant whiny widdle titty baby bitch.

    No wonder why your dates keep failing son ......

  139. Just get a job, huh? Anything. All work is good work, bro. Might help your self-esteem, too.

  140. Voltron said...
    Hey Mike,
    Try this on for size:

    Perhaps the media DID (and still does) like McCain because he was (and still is) a turncoat who stabbed the Republicans in the back every chance he got.

    They published all their glowing reports and endorsements of him hoping to get him nominated as the Republican candidate because they know he was the weakest Republican candidate, and they KNEW they weren't going to support him in the general election anyway. But now they win either way.""

    No Volt, i dont think its the "MEDIA" that ever liked McSame it was the Media emperors who owned the Media empires and conglomerates that tried to push McSame the media is clearly Reich Wing, they figured they could push McSame and sell him to the stupid public as a Maverick Centrist......after a while they saw he was nothing more than an ignorant old buffoon that drank the Neo Con koolaide.

    The Media doesnt hate repugs or wasnt look to get McSame the nom then betray him in the general election........what REALLY happened was they thought they could sell this idiot to the public and they realized what the Bush Neo Cons realized in 2000 namely that McSame was an unelectable buffoon............see the Media Moguls and emperors didnt realize the true depth of the anti repug sentiment.

    See Volt it wasnt the media that turned against McSame it was the American people, the MSM intended to "SELL" McSame to the masses when they realized that sale was impossible they gave up on McSame and stopped carrying his water..........and NOW That the free pass is over you see his campaign imploding.

  141. Voltron said "They KNOW he's simply saying whatever he has to to get elected and that IF he is elected he'll go right back to doing just what he's always done. Stab Republicans in the back.

    Now in the general election, of course they're gonna push the Democrat. After all why vote lib lite when you can have the real thing?

    So of course they want Barry, they would've supported Hillary too. But even if they lose, they still have McCain.

    The country IS moving left this election. It's just a matter of degree."

    Yeah your right McSame is a liar that will say ANYTHING to get elected and that insincereity is readily perceived by the public.

    I dont think they will PUSH a i said before the Media elite wanted McSame, but once they realized he was an unelectable idiot they decided to play this straight up because the perception of close election will generate better ratings and secondly they dont want to be on the wrong side of the likely winner if they tried to trash him and used the media as a Reich wing propaganda machine........can you say FCC breaking up the media empires and an honesty doctrine.

    You are certainly correct though that the country has shifted to the left and the MSM has sensed the winds of change and is behaving more fairly..........they dont want their empires broken up .

  142. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    Nicholas now, huh? A whole bunch of sick people in one body. Fascinating. Like I said, Clifffff, I thought it was Mike. Maybe if you guys left your names or, better yet, got some actual jobs and contributed to the body politic instead of leeching off it."

    Do you EVER tell the truth about ANYTHING

    1) I Dont Know Nicholas

    2) YOU Dont seem to KNOW who ANYONE is that addresses you because your not too smart.

    3) I do leave my name when i post and the few times i ever didnt i made it completely obvios to ANYONE but a complete idiot exactly who i was.

    4) I have a job and i'm fairly positive Volt knows what it is.

    5) Care to explain how a guy with a job doing something you would NEVER have the guts to do and a military veteran are "LEECHING" off the public.

    Interest to see the amount of respect you have for a veteran Bill...........all you are is a slimy lying hippocrite do you hate the military or our Vets THAT MUCH you would call them leecxhing off of society???

  143. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    "insignificant slow-learning and nameless adults who nobody outsde of their little chat-room gives a shit about. Talk about delusions of grandeur."

    You should take your own advise boy and look in the mirror.............."insignificant slow learning nobodys......outside of their little chatroom/echo chamber.......delusions of grandeur........How many people read your blog again Billie Bob............BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

  144. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    A partisan right-winger pretending to be a moderate? How stupid can you possibly be? I wrote over 100 postings that were critical of Bush and the Iraq War BEFORE I EVEN MET YOUR SORRY ASS, asshole!!!!"

    Opposing the war DOESNT make you a moderate or Left Winger Pal...........i've heard around 80% of America opposes the war and Bush so are you saying 80% of America are Left Wingers and/or Liberals.

    Lets see you associate with two of the biggest Reich Wing partisans around one of which smears veterans regularly and acts like nothing more than an ignorant name calling troll weho ignores and denies facts and NEVER admits mistakes.

    You also rabidly defend McSame while gleefully smearing and attacking Obama.

    You Deny facts contnually keep parroting lies and assigning otherrs phony straw man positions after being presented facts.

    For example I have strongly attacked Clinton, I have strongly condemned Obama on Fisa energy and many other issues to the point of quiting his campaign and pulling all financial addition, i have NEVER been a registered Democrat, only voted ONCE for a democrat, condemned the Dem Congress, own several guns, support building refineries, LNG, nuclear, clean coal, off shore drilling and many other positions that Obama and liberals strongly oppose not to mention i support fiscal responsibilty and not bailing out reckless speculators with tax payer money..........YET YOU DEFEY FACTS AND LOGIC and LABEL ME A RABID LEFT WING PARTISAN BASED ON WHAT???????????

  145. Am I a Rabid Left Wing Parisan because you dont like me Billy Bob?

    Do you call EVERYONE you dont like a Partyisan BILL?




  147. Will said "Talk about a guy who doesn't like the facts. You guys don't dig me precisely because I'm not a partisan/refuse to mindlessly corontate Obama. You're so dispicable, Mike (Nicholas).

    REALLY I provide facts to back up what I say you havent provided a SINGLE fact to support your claim that:

    1) I am a left wing partisan

    2) I blindly suppor Obama, I have criticized and strongly opposed him on MANY issues, in fact i hgave even quit his campaign and withdrawn financial support over FISA

    3) I dont have a job

    4) I have deleted your posts

    5) I have repeatedly stated no one is deleting your posts

    6) I am Nicholas who ever that is

    7) I am attacking you on Lydia's orders


    PLEASE BACK UP YOUR CLAIMS or admit you are a Reich Wing Partisan troll that loathes truth and facts and relys ONLY on lies ans smears.

  148. See Pal I dont know who the hell Nicholas is and i really dont care.........but I will tell you this.........your gonna have to back up what you say from now on or i'm gonna make you look aweful stupid got it BillO

  149. will "take no prisoners" hart said...
    I "comprehend" when people make sense. Seriously, bro, you're like O'Reilly in that you can basically spin anything to your advantage (not really, but that's what you seem to think)"

    REALLY "I"M like O'reilly.........YOUR the one who has behaved JUST LIKE O"REILLY by :failing to provide facts to back up what I say you havent provided a SINGLE fact to support your claim that:

    1) I am a left wing partisan

    2) I blindly suppor Obama, I have criticized and strongly opposed him on MANY issues, in fact i hgave even quit his campaign and withdrawn financial support over FISA

    3) I dont have a job

    4) I have deleted your posts

    5) I have repeatedly stated no one is deleting your posts

    6) I am Nicholas who ever that is

    7) I am attacking you on Lydia's orders


    PLEASE BACK UP YOUR CLAIMS or admit you are a Reich Wing Partisan troll that loathes truth and facts and relys ONLY on lies ans smears.

    All you do is spin and Lie BILL

  150. Will Said "McCain's coverage soured NOT because of his gaffs, disability boy, but because he turned from being a maverick to a conservative. The MSM doesn't like conservatives, asshole"

    Wrong again his coverage MOST CERTAINLY DID sour because of his continuous Gaffes and incompetence........they essentially gave up on him as an unectable buffoon.

    And your WRONG again as usual McSame morphed from a so called "Maverick or moderate conservative to a hard core koolaide guzzling Neo Con...............And the Media LOVES Conservatives in fact they TRIED real hard to sell McSame till they realized that it was impossible to sell an out of touch old Neo Con buffoon to an American public sick and tired of out of touch war mongering elitist Neo Con buffoons.....

    See slick its not the media that doesnt like Conservatives its the public who doesnt like Neo once the MSM realized they couldnt make custard out of mustard with McSame and "SELL" McSame to the masses they gave up on McSame and stopped carrying his water..........and NOW That the free pass is over you see his campaign imploding.

    I dont think they will PUSH a i said before the Media elite wanted McSame, but once they realized he was an unelectable idiot they decided to play this straight up because the perception of a close election will generate better ratings and secondly they dont want to be on the wrong side of the likely winner if they tried to trash him and used the media as a Reich Wing propaganda machine........can you say FCC breaking up the media empires and an honesty doctrine.

    Volt is certainly correct though that the country has shifted to the left and the MSM has sensed the winds of change and is behaving more fairly..........they dont want their empires broken up .

  151. BTW BILL, you seem so angry and bitter........maybe you should seek counseling, I think you need professional help.

  152. Care to explain why you are so hateful, bitter and obsessed with people you have never met and who you have never interacted with.

    You seem psychotically obsessed with and possess a deep seed pathological hatred for Lydia and Average Patriot when you have never even interacted or communicated with them a single time.

    Me thinks this deranged socially inept behavior is the reason you never have a successful date and resort to acting like a cartoonish freak to get attention and try to win friends

  153. You gonna have yorself a good cry Willie The Wimp

    your nothing more than a pathetic mamaluke.

    You speaking sandskrit son your incoherent ramblings are unintelligible and you are none too smart son, none too smart

  154. Such an angry pompous, deluded little man you are.

  155. We have discussed numerous times the crux of this but Have you guys discussed this secret meeting on Declaring Martial Law?
    As you know, I am very concerned this election too will be stolen from us too in any number of a growing myriad of ways. This Government manufactured "perfect" storm is going to get much worse but its affect is coming to a head. This morning I was listening to more bail outs coming up for financial Institutions, the shocking price to heat my house, drive my car, eat, foreclosures up nation wide 121% since this time last year and here in Massachusetts up 330%. I thought I would check into what Polishifter said about the secret meeting many of us heard Congress held last March on declaring Martial Law if things continue to get much worse and sure enough!

    A secret meeting of Congress discusses immanent martial law? B A Brooks The United American Freedom Foundation March 13, 2008 On March 13th 2008 there was a secret closed door meeting of The United States House Of Representatives in Washington. In the history of The United States this is only the fourth time a secret meeting was held by the house. Even though Representatives are sworn to secrecy by House Rules XVII, some of the members were so shocked, horrified, furious, and concerned about the future of America by what was revealed to them inside the secret meeting, that they have started to leak this secret information to independent news agencies around the world. The mass media said almost nothing about the secret meeting of the House, mentioning only one of the items being discussed. (The new surveillance techniques that are going to be used by the US Government to watch all American citizens).

    * The story was first released in a newspaper out of Brisbane, Australia revealing the contents of the secret US Government meeting and plans for America including all of it’s citizens. Shortly there after, David J Meyer from Last Trumpet Ministries found it and made it more available for the world to see... Here is what was revealed: The imminent collapse of the US Economy to occur sometime in late 2008 The imminent collapse of the US Government finances sometime in mid 2009 The possibility of Civil War inside the United States as a result of the collapse The advance round-ups of “insurgent US Citizens” likely to move against the government The detention of those rounded up at The REX 84 Camps constructed throughout the United States The possibility of public retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses The location of safe facilities for members of Congress and their families to reside during massive civil unrest The necessary and unavoidable merger of The US with Canada and Mexico establishing The North American Union The issuance of a new currency called the AMERO for all three nations as an economic solution. Except for a few hundred thousand US Patriots, most Americans have no clue what has really been going on within The United States over the past 100 years, and the sad thing is that most do not want to know the truth.

    The further you look into the rabbit hole, the deeper it gets. Go to any currency conversion site and convert US dollars to Euros so you can see for yourself the massive decline of the dollar. Look at how much money is and has been spent on the Iraq War to date, ($12 billion per month)... Look at our currency and when it stopped being backed by gold... The Federal Reserve is not federal but a private bank who does not have Americans best interests at heart. We no longer have any manufacturing really based out of America and there is no way that our economy can survive this incredible strain very much longer... The IRS strong arms every American yearly with income taxes, yet there are no laws saying an income tax is to be paid... The CIA is involved in everything from global drug trafficking and covert military missions, to assassinations around the world and including US Soil. Look at JFK for instance. It did not take long after JFK announced that he was going disband the CIA that he was shot in Texas... America’s new Stasi The Department Of Homeland Security is and has been slowly eradicating our rights for a few years now based organization called House Bill H.R. 1955/S-1959 was read by the senate and then sent to DHS for some reason, but is now back and sure to pass. Once passed, this bill introduced by Jane Harman (D/CA), will be the proverbial last nail hammered into every American patriots coffin. H.R. 4279 or the Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008 which was recently passed by the US House of Representatives, will give the government draconian powers to do just this...

    This legislation gives the government the power to seize property that facilitates the violation of intellectual property laws The legislation also mandates the formation of a formal Intellectual Property Enforcement Division within the office of the Deputy Attorney General to enforce this insanity... It has been revealed that F.E.M.A. has been building internment camps all over America granting Halliburton a massive $385 million dollar construction contract to make this happen. Most of these sites only need refurbished because they are mostly closed prisons, old WW2 internment camps still intact and other facilities taken over by the government. Some people have referred to them as FEMA Death Camps where the infamous Red list/Blue Lists will be used to decide who goes where... please read, you need to know the rest

  156. You can pretend NOT to be a republican on the tubes but your slimy republican dirty ops always gives you away in the end.

  157. Where O where is Ralph Furley, he must be out carousing the town trying to pick women, a fruitless encounter if i ever saw one.

    Willie The Wimp couldnt get laid if he had a $500 bill taped to his neanderthal forehead.

  158. That "ladies man" Ralph Furley aka WIllie The Wimp must be at the Regal Beagal trying to pick up women that or some gay bar most likely.

    That or cassenova i just afraid to show his ugly mugg here since Nicholas showed up. The dumb partisan mook would know an original thought if it bit him on his ass all he does is regurgitate or parrot reich wing talking points just like the media does.

  159. Voltron and Rusty arent here to fight Willie The Wimps battles for him and tell him what to say and how to think so the servile little mamaluke is hiding.

    Dont be afraid Willie Nicholas isnt that bad of a guy!

  160. Where O Where is that historical genius and Don Juan himself Willie The Wimp, i hope i didnt scare him off him being the "sensitive" type and all.

    They say women like "sensitive" types, maybe to chat with at the knitting class or to go shopping with for shoes or a purse, but for a good roll in the hay not so much.

    But then you allready knew that son

  161. 1) I respect MOST veterans. 2)I'm accusing Clifffff of being Nicholas ("son"). I was citing you in reference to someone else. 3) I have 4 college degrees (an A.A., a B.A., an M.S., and a 6th year). Most people who know me don't consider me stupid. 4) You say you leave your name but some of the anonymous quotes sound like you (Clifffff, on the other hand, how many names has that S.O.B. used?). I could be wrong. 5) I never accused YOU, specifically (how many time do I have to say this, for Christ?), of deleting me, only that SOMEBODY over there is doing do. Not that I intend to try again, of course. 6) I never used you of acting on Lydia's orders, just that you seem to mindlessly take her side. 7) As for you being a partisan or not, it just seems that a disproportionate amount of your vitriol goes toward Republicans (repugs?) and, when you do critcize Obama, it isn't nearly as harsh. That's just the way it seems to me, anyway. I find it curious. You say that I'm to the left of you while Clifffff says that I'm a partisan right-winger. Can't win for losing.

  162. Widdle Will, I know you have a delusional problem with me stalking you for some reason,

    But I have NEVER posted as Nicholas anywhere in the Internets EVER .....

  163. That "ladies man" Ralph Furley aka WIllie The Wimp must be at the Regal Beagal trying to pick up women that or some gay bar most likely.

    That or cassenova is just afraid to show his ugly mugg here since Nicholas showed up. The dumb partisan mook wouldnt know an original thought if it bit him on his ass all he does is regurgitate or parrot reich wing talking points just like the media does.

  164. 6th year of college eh, you silly silly historical genius you Williie, so it takes you 6 years to get a 4 year degree son, and that somehow makes you an Albert Einstein, i'll bet you were on the 6 year plan in highschool too and failed 3rd grade arithmetic Willie The Wimp.

  165. No Willie The Wimp, i'm not Clif or Mike or any of those mooks over at LC, keep guessing son, keep guessing.

  166. I see that "ladies man" Ralph Furley aka Willie The Wimp is having another action packed fun filled Saturday night at his computer terminal, holy carpal tunnel Batman.

    You should try dating your right hand son, at least you might get a second date.

  167. Well ta ta Casenova you girly man you.

  168. You Willie The Wimp's pimp son, god knows he needs one to get a first date no less a second.

  169. Maybe when you get your first date you'll stop worrying about everyone else.

  170. Nicholas had his "first date" when he was 12 years old son, matter of fact Nicholas was out on a date last night and unlike Ralph Furley's wild night at the key board or stalking chicks or dudes unsuccessfully at the Regal Beagal Nicholas actually got laid last night, something Willie The Wimp has yet to experience, see his right hand dont count son.

    You need to help our boy pimpdaddy unless of course you only pimp dudes.

  171. First date at 12 eh?

    You should have reported him son,
    your gym coach ain't supposed to do that.

  172. Son I think the best part of you ran down your daddys leg.

  173. Voltron said "As to using natural gas for automobiles, there is no infrastructure at all for that purpose (save a few old facilities from the 70's) and would have to be built from the ground up."

    Thats a lie Voltron, the infrastructure for both fueling and building natural gas powered vehicles has been readily available for decades, MANY government vehicles including buses, sheriff cars, fleet and city vehicles etc have been using natural gas for decades, (I just drove one the otherday) it currently costs less than $2 a gallon equivalent and in some cases as little as $1.50 a gallon, the infrastructure to fuel these vehicles just needs to be built just like the gasoline fueling stations currently we wont have this infrastructure on a mass scale unless we get off our asses and build it and give consumers tax rebates to adopt it, but unlike Ethanol, this is a proven and cost effective technology.

    Secondly while YOU screech about drilling that would be put on the world market and even after 10-20 years would not reduce our dependency on imported oil whatsoever no matter how much we drill.......we currently import over 70% of the oil we use and that number is growing every year and no matter how much we drilled that number will increase unless we take other measures renewable as well as hydrocarbon and nuclear, 98% of natural gas used in America comes from North America, Natural gas is FAR cleaner and there is a 60-75 year supply of natural gas along with no quotas or cartels that currently limit production or collude on price, vs oil that has a roughly 20-50 supply depending on who you listen too.

    As for your NO infrastructure lie there are currently 150,000 nat gas powered vehicles in America and about 1500 fueling stations and the technology to build both is readily available they just need to be built just like the gasoline fueling stations do.

    A natural gas powered Honda civic gets 39 MPG on the highway make a hybrid that combines natural gas power with electric fuel cell power and it would have a range that would rival just about ANY gasoline powered vehicle would be exponentially cleaner running so much so that the exhaust is often cleaner than the air it takes in.

    Volty I dont think you would want to debate myself or Clif on this one I know infinately more than you do and to CLAIM you know more than Pickins is riddiculous........Will is absolutely right this ISNT a partisan issue like YOU try to make it...........Pickins plan is a GOOD one.......we NEED to get 75% of our energy from wind and solar and the rest nuclear and clean coal that would allow our cars and other transportation vehicles to be powered by electricity and natural gas which are much cleaner, cheaper and more plentiful than oil.

    One more thing Voltron you throw out a complete boondoggle by saying we dont have any infrastructure to fuel natural gas powered cars..........the TRUTH is we currently have over 1500 nat gas fueling stations and its a proven technology just like the oil infrastructure that would NEED to be built in ANWR or in the deep by YOUR TWISTED and FLAWED LOGIC WE SHOULD DRILL FOR OIL BECAUSE WE WOULD NEED TO BUILD THE INFRASTRUCTURE TO DO IT.

    Hell maybe we shouldnt have invaded Iraq Volt because we need to build the infrastructure to actually develop that oil.

  174. voltron said...

No on the Pickens plan.

First we don't currently have the infrastructure availible for wind energy although it does appear to be coming along nicely.
Add to that wind is inherently unpredictable. On days with no wind you get no power, or days when there's too much wind they have to stop them so they don't destroy themselves. Even on days within acceptable limits the power generated would fluctuate with the given wind speed.

So while wind can help, it's not reliable enough for everyday use as a main supply."

    WRONG AGAIN Voltron wind power has been coming down in price for decades and is competitive with coal and natural gas........Further the energy professionals that build wind farms usually put them in areas that you know tend to be windy so there arent THAT many days there is no wind.........oh and solar tends to compliment wind so usually the days when its sunny there is plenty of solar power and the days its cloudy or windy thers usually plenty of once again your Arguments fall flat on the merits.

    Pickins will have NO PROBLEM recouiping his investments he has a good plan at the right time and like i said this SHOULDNT be a partisan issue.......bottom line ANYONE who opposes wind and solar is an IDIOT.

    One more thing Voltron heres a little challenge, research how much energy WE (USA) could get from drilling for oil or from investing in wind and solar over the next 20 years and get back to me on that one.

  175. Voltron said "Right now we NEED EVERYTHING we can do. That means Nuclear, Wind, Solar AND OIL.

And much like the lefts claims that even if we drill we won't see any results for 10 years or more, the SAME is true for alternative energy sources.

And regardless of their claims, OIL is the one thing we can do right away. Note how prices dropped the minute Bush rescinded the executive order banning drilling offshore and in ANWR.

Prices WILL start to come down IMMEDIATELY because no commodities trader is going to want to be the last one holding a contract for oil at $140 a barrel at a point in the future when drilling begins.

Secondly, I don't believe that 10 years thing anyway. Sure it MAY take 7 to 10 years before full production occurs, but I'll bet the first wells could be up and running in less than 1 year."

    Well Voltron let me just state up front that I agree with you that we NEED TO DO EVERYTHING WE CAN DO, wind, solar, LNG, clean coal, nuclear, deepwater drilling etc........i'd just like to add that the "LEFT" doesnt CLAIM it takes 10-20 years to see meaningful production from drilling thats a fact NOT A CLAIM.........second like if the objective is to bring down energy prices we should do everything not JUST drill.

    Further like i said before I challenge you to tell me how much energy the USA could get from drilling which will be put on the global oil market as opposed to used ONLY in America vs actually builing wind and solar generation facilities were the bounty will ONLY benefit America........all we need is an area the size of Nevada to power our entire country with solar............if we dedicate ourselves we can get 75% of our electricity from wind and solar over the next 20 years, that would free up natural gas and electricity to power cars and mass transit and end our dependency on oil.

    Further YOU just contradicted yourself you stated HOW we NEED to deveop all forms of energy.........YOU then went on to say that oil drilling and alternate energy like wind and solar BOTH take at least 10 years to then contadict your self with Reich Wing talking points and spin and state that oil is the ONLY thing we can do then state without a single fact or shred of evidence that you THINK it doesnt REALLY take over 10 years to see meaningful oil production, then despite not even acknowleding the fact that any oil recovered will go on the world oil markets and not lower prices in America in ANY meaningful or significant way even when peak production is reached..........and despite that intended or unintentional oversite you CLAIM that Bush's executive order is the reason oil prices are going down. 

  176. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    4) You say you leave your name but some of the anonymous quotes sound like you (Clifffff, on the other hand, how many names has that S.O.B. used?). I could be wrong. 5) I never accused YOU, specifically (how many time do I have to say this, for Christ?), of deleting me, only that SOMEBODY over there is doing do. Not that I intend to try again, of course. 6) I never used you of acting on Lydia's orders, just that you seem to mindlessly take her side. 7) As for you being a partisan or not, it just seems that a disproportionate amount of your vitriol goes toward Republicans (repugs?) and, when you do critcize Obama, it isn't nearly as harsh. That's just the way it seems to me, anyway. I find it curious. You say that I'm to the left of you while Clifffff says that I'm a partisan right-winger. Can't win for losing.

    Well Will, there were a few times i did post anonymously on your blog but like i said before it was abundantly obvious who i was, i'll bet volt can pick out every one of the few posts that were me, so there was no skulldugery on my part there.

    As for taking Lydia's side just like Obama all though I dont agree with them on EVERYTHING I am more in agreement with them than the opposition..............I've stated on the record i wished they would allow you and volt over there........but its Lydia;s blog and i have to respect their wishes.

    My criticism of Obama isnt as harsh because I agree with Obama MUCH more than I agree with McSame, although I have clearly opposed Obama on certain key issues and been angered and disapointed in his positions........i still support him and want him to win and agree with him much more than other thing i find curious is how YOU picked up the Reich wing talking point the MSM was using that Obama was some trigger happy rokie that was gonna bomb Pakistan and cause nukes to get in the terrorists hands when the truth was he said he would go into remote areas to capture or kill Osama and/or the know the guys who actually attacked us.

    So despite your claim to be fair and balanced i have to ask WHY you misrepresented Obama's position as bombing an entire country with going into a remote region to capture or kill a few rogue terrorists and dismantling their training camps.

    I'm curious here are YOU saying we should let Osama or the Taliban go free, or let them win in Afghanistan or let them operate more training camps to kill us like they did on 9/11 ..............just curious

  177. Reuters 2/27/08

    "HOUSTON (Reuters) - A drop in wind generation late on Tuesday, coupled with colder weather, triggered an electric emergency that caused the Texas grid operator to cut service to some large customers, the grid agency said on Wednesday.

    Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) said a decline in wind energy production in west Texas occurred at the same time evening electric demand was building as colder temperatures moved into the state."

    According to Electric Utility Week on June 9, a DOE official informed attendees at a June wind industry meeting that reaching the goal of 20% by 2030 would entail replicating the entire existing U.S. wind system (about 17,000 megawatts of capacity constructed over the past decade) every year starting in 2018.

    AND natural gas vehicles cost more,
    $3,000 to $6,000 for cars and $30,000 to $40,000 for buses and trucks.
    Also, with only 1500 refueling stations compared to over 180,000 for gasoline we'd have to build more than 10x what already exists.

    Add to that there are over 260 million existing cars and the turnover rate is low, 60% are owned for over 7 years before they get traded or go to the scrap heap.

    And do you think natural gas will STAY cheap as demand increases?

  178. Yes dolt because I trust T Boone Pickens business abilities much more then I trust your partisan googling abilities.

    He has the money to back up what he says, you just newsmax, brent bozell. and faux noise.

  179. Well Mike, your buddy Chuck Schumer claims that if OPEC would release an extra 1 million gallons of crude a day THAT would lower current prices drastically...

    Of course later on while grilling the same oil company exec he claimed that 1 million gallons of oil a day from ANWR wouldn't lower prices 1 penny.

    Can you tell me why if OPEC ups production prices will drop and they won't drop if we up production?

  180. Gee Clif, you trust the guy who funded the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?

  181. You trust him more than a Reuters story that ACTUALLY HAPPENED RECENTLY?

  182. Isn't there a conflict of interest when he has considerable holdings in natural gas AND is building a huge windfarm in Texas?

  183. Did you know the US government SUBSIDIZES windfarms to the tune 1.9 cent per kilowatt hour?
    (till the end of this year anyway, wanna bet they renew it?)

    I thought it was bad when the government subsidizes other forms of energy?

  184. I thought it was bad when the government subsidizes other forms of energy?

    That is the reich wing meme ain't it son, so you're against it not me if it helps our real future, like they subsidized the entire automobile network with all the roads they built especially during the great depression to help so many out of work people thanks to the last group of reich wing republi-cants.

  185. Like I said widdle boy partisan dishonest republi-cant talking points and a very partisan googling for ONE story.

    Try googling wind storage systems son.

    Oh rigth you just wanyt reasons NOT to be for something the GOP told you to be against.

  186. Well I guess time will tell.

    We may end up with Obama presiding over these 57 states for the next 10 years. I'm sure the result will be as dramatic as when the bomb fell on Pearl Harbor.

  187. Dishonest?

    Did he NOT fund the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?

    Does he NOT have large natural gas holdings?

    Is he NOT building a huge windfarm?

    Why is it when the truth is against you it's "dishonest"?

  188. Voltron said...
    Well Mike, your buddy Chuck Schumer claims that if OPEC would release an extra 1 million gallons of crude a day THAT would lower current prices drastically...

    Of course later on while grilling the same oil company exec he claimed that 1 million gallons of oil a day from ANWR wouldn't lower prices 1 penny.

    Can you tell me why if OPEC ups production prices will drop and they won't drop if we up production?"

    Well Volt, first of all i'm not sure OPEC can up production by a million barrels..........and if they can they cant sustain it without doing irreparible damage to production and reserves.

    But in annswer to your last question Dolty if OPEC ups production its relatively immediate since the infrastructure is ALLREADY there they just need to pump more............whereas ANWR would take 10-20 years to build the needed infrastructure to then achieve peak production.

    Are we learning yet OPEC could possibly increase production immediately which would affect prices in the here and now while ANWR would take 10-20 years to reach any kind of meanigful production so that is why your empty reich wing talking point is riddiculous.

  189. Voltron said...

    Did he NOT fund the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?

    Does he NOT have large natural gas holdings?

    Is he NOT building a huge windfarm?

    Why is it when the truth is against you it's "dishonest"?"

    Sure he did Volt but right or wrong is based on whether the merits of what you are saying are actually right or wrong............NOT on what you've done in the past or your political afilliation, or if you stand to gain or lose based on the outcome..........the sole criteria is is it feasible and will it benefit the country..........and Pickins knows a WHOLE lot more about energy than YOU do...........he puts facts out there while you CLAIM YOUR mere opinion trumps a brilliant energy mans facts and studies.

  190. Dolt it is dishonest because YOU are cherry picking facts to PROVE a dishonest republi-cant talking point INSTEAD of including ALL facts.

    That is what right wing internet trolls do just like YOU have done for 3 years son.

    YOU selectively push a hell of a lot of opinion and a very few facts, BUT when handed a LOT of facts you clam up.

    Like you did here or here

  191. Who can forget just HOW WRONG you were here son

  192. Only two points. 1) To Nicholas, a 6th year is a degree program that requires 30 credits beyond a Master's. It's half-way between a Master's and PhD. 2) To Mike, I never said simply that Obama was going to "bomb Pakistan". I said that he (his words) was ready, if he had actionable intelligence, to bomb strategic targets inside of Pakistan. It was basically the same thing that Bush had said earlier (to which I criticised him, too). Pakistan is a very fragile country, with a lot of ant-American groups within it, and with over 40 nuclear weapons up for grabs. My fear (whether Bush or Obama says it) is that too much American force of that nature could cause an uprising and, ultimately, a civil war - a civil war that would, quite frankly, make the Iraq conflict look like the Hatfields and the McKoys. I don't know, it sounded like a bad idea to me. Hillary (who I think looks pretty good right now) didn't seem to like it, either.

  193. Voltron said...
    Did you know the US government SUBSIDIZES windfarms to the tune 1.9 cent per kilowatt hour?
    (till the end of this year anyway, wanna bet they renew it?)

    I thought it was bad when the government subsidizes other forms of energy?"

    NO ONLY subsidizing unfeasable forms of energy like Ethanol is bad.........your getting your talking points confused.

  194. 2) To Mike, I never said simply that Obama was going to "bomb Pakistan". I said that he (his words) was ready, if he had actionable intelligence, to bomb strategic targets inside of Pakistan. It was basically the same thing that Bush had said earlier (to which I criticised him, too). Pakistan is a very fragile country, with a lot of ant-American groups within it, and with over 40 nuclear weapons up for grabs. My fear (whether Bush or Obama says it) is that too much American force of that nature could cause an uprising and, ultimately, a civil war - a civil war that would, quite frankly, make the Iraq conflict look like the Hatfields and the McKoys. I don't know, it sounded like a bad idea to me. Hillary (who I think looks pretty good right now) didn't seem to like it, either."

    I think its safe to say Hillary didnt like it for convieniently political reasons.............if Osama is hiding or running terrorist camps where they are training to kill innocent civilians I say kill them or capture them no matter where they are.

  195. Voltron said "AND natural gas vehicles cost more,
    $3,000 to $6,000 for cars and $30,000 to $40,000 for buses and trucks.
    Also, with only 1500 refueling stations compared to over 180,000 for gasoline we'd have to build more than 10x what already exists.

    Add to that there are over 260 million existing cars and the turnover rate is low, 60% are owned for over 7 years before they get traded or go to the scrap heap.

    And do you think natural gas will STAY cheap as demand increases?"

    More lies and half truths..........sure the cars might cost a little more but the government is giving $4000 TAX CREDITS........not just a tax deduction that lowers your reported income a tax credit acually lowerrs the amount you owe the factor in the tax credit and natural gas cars are very competitively priced with regular cars.

    As for the turnover rates of cars high gasoline prices are causing people to dump year old SUV's for only 50 cents on the dollar to get more fuel efficient vehicles and that trend will ONLY continue.

    Natural gas may go up in price as demmand increases and the dollar inflates but supply is no where NEAR as tight as oil............"IF" you are familiar with scientific terms like peak oil which help us gage supply and and demand imbalances you would KNOW that domestic oil production peaked in 1970, while world oil production is alleged to have peaked around 2005.............Natural gas is estimated to peak between 2020-2030, while coal is estimated to peak around 2060 or so...........couple that with the FACT that there is currently no OPEC like cartel limiting production of natural gas and the obvious conclusion is that natural gas will not rise any where near as fast as oil and coulod be a good transition fuel till we develop a renewable or more plentiful clean burning alternative to oil.

  196. Here Volt this should adress your talking points about ANWR:

    "If the environmentalists get out of the way, can't we just drill in ANWR?"

    While some folks desperately cling to the belief that oil is a renewable resource, others hold on to the equally delusional idea that tapping the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve will solve, or at least delay, this crisis. While drilling for oil in ANWR will certainly make a lot of money for the companies doing the drilling, it won't do much to help the overall situation for three reasons:

    Reason #1. According of the Department of Energy, drilling in ANWR will only lower oil prices by less than fifty cents; probably closer to 30 cents

    Reason #2. ANWR contains 10 billion barrels of oil - or about the amount the US consumes in about half a year.

    Reason #3. As with all oil projects, ANWR will take about 10 years to come online. Once it does, its production will peak at 875,000 barrels per day - but not till the year 2025. By then the US is projected to need a whopping 35 million barrels per day while the world is projected to need 120 million barrels per day.

  197. Will said These bloggers, folks, perhaps if they could just get some other interests. Maybe THAT would help. Like, for instance, I don't know, instead of surfing the Internet/looking for dot-coms that perpetrate various conspiracy theories (this, in an attempt to denigrate their political opponents)"

    There's that hippocrissy and do as I say not as I do double standard AGAIN........apparently is ok for YOU to surf the net looking for conspiracy theories and Reich wing talking points to denigrate YOUR political opponents.

    Like when you stated Obama wants to bomb Pakistan, instead of the truth that he said he is willing to go into the remote mountain regions to capture or kill a small group of rogue terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 and are still operating training camps for terrorists to do the same according to to General Petraeus.............theres a huge difference between recklessly bombing a country as YOU implied and going into remote mountain regions to capture a small bunch of rogue terrorists that are wanted throught most of the world and are still operating terroist training camps.

    General Petraeus seems to and most of the other military experts on the ground seem to agree with Obama's position that we should try to capture or kill the terrorists and stop them from training new ones to attack and murder us and the rest of the you CLAIM to disagree or know MORE than the military experts or generals on the ground........kinda like Volt CLAIMS to know MORE about energy than all the scientists, PHD's and experts in the field yet cant seem to provide a single fact to support his arguments and disprove Pickins...........go figure!

  198. Will LIED and said "2) To Mike, I never said simply that Obama was going to "bomb Pakistan". I said that he (his words) was ready, if he had actionable intelligence, to bomb strategic targets inside of Pakistan.

    No YOU NEVER ONCE mentioned "Actionable Intelligence" OR "Strategic Targets..........You GLEEFULLY tried to smear Obama and twist and misrepresent his his position just like a partisan hack like O'Lielly or Sean Hannitty would have here's what you said on TomCats's Blog " Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    And let's not forget, either, folks, how OBoomBoom (what can I say, the fun's contagious) has threatened to bomb INSIDE OF PAKISTAN! I mean, you think that the civil war in Iraq is bad, trying causing one in a country where extremists can get their hands on 3-4 dozen nuclear weapons. Thankfully, he seems to have backed off this madness.

  199. Those facts get you guys EVERY time............facts to a Reich Wing ideologue is like holywater or sunlight to a many lies have you guys been cau=ght in tonight Will and Volt?


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