Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Edward R. My Ass

I hate to say it, folks, but I think it's now official. "Countdown" with Keith Olbermann has clearly become the most biased news program in television history. In fact, I would go as far as to say that's it's starting to make me queasy. This, I'm saying, in that, even on Fox, while those folks always seem to frame the debate in a manner that puts the Democrats on the defensive, at least they do get people on to give a semblance of the other side. Granted, a lot of this resistance is token and, yes, the conclusion is often as predictable as a Globetrotters-Generals game. But at least they do give the allusion, I'm saying. On that frigging "Countdown" show, there is no dissent of any kind, EVER!!.......................................And the spin that happens, too, me-buckos. I'm telling you, this Olbermann guy will stop at nothing in his effort to tar-and-feather McCain. Take, as an example, McCain's vote against the Farm Bill. According to Olbermann, this was not a principled vote against wasteful government spending (as most fair-minded people would probably conclude) but, rather, a sinister/back-door effort to preserve something called the Enron loop-hole. Yeah, that's right, he's blaming McCain for the Enron mess now. It's like, what's next, Watergate, the Bay of Pigs (other far-left loons have already blamed Nixon for that one but, whatever), the Tea-Pot Dome scandal, for Christ?........................................I mean, talk about a freak-show, huh? This frigging guy is starting to make O'Reilly look like Howard K. Smith. Gee, I wonder if I could get him to do a "Special Comment" on me - you know, right before he utters, "good night and good luck". Frigging stooge!!


  1. Will,

    McCain IS responsible for all those things!

    It all goes back to Eisenhower and the Dulles brothers....

  2. McCain is held accountable because Phil Gram one of his top economic advisers and is a designer of the so called Enron loophole. If Obama is guilty by association I don't see how McCain is above these accusations. The truth is he is affiliated with the Enron loophole because his policy makers are affiliated with this provision.

  3. "the conclusion is..." is really just another way of saying: you decide. regardless of how fox may lean this way or frame something that way, they present facts as best they can, and try to book people who can argue for "the other side." and they do.

    the only "conclusion" that matters is the viewers'. olbermann is propoganda and sleight of hand/mouth. he is unreliable because of how his show is SCRIPTED, directed, and performed. olbermann personifies unfair and unbalanced. always has. and hes real f'n dumb. not to mention his attitude problems.

    he simply doesnt produce good, honest work, yet produces lots and lots of BS. netertaining perhaps, but this man is no one to emulate , follow, respect, or even fear. a total shmegma-face.

    and if you disagree with that, you are worse than hitler.

  4. Hi guys. As for the guilt by association thing, I just don't like it, period. Obama can have any preacher he wants. I'm more interested in what he has to say.

  5. I like Keith. Not as a news program but I find his delivery to be funny. I disagree with you though about fox. They seem to find the least connected, least informed, least relevant person from the left and then start grilling them about things they weren't involved in. It is worse because it gives the false impression of balance and furthers the impression that the left is full of idiots.

  6. The cup is half full of something I don't like what do you expect when a news organization is run by the guy who is credited with scripting the willie horton ad?

    Half truths smears and out right lies are stock and trade for him.

    Otherwise why would he keep around a guy who had to get Fox to pay out millions to settle a civil sexual abuse case of a married man harassing a woman half his age?

  7. Who do you disagree with cup 1/2 full? I've always said that Fox tends to look for either shrill or ineffectual liberals to form a counterpoint argument (though tonight they did have Ann Lewis and that was surprising). My only point was that Olbermann doesn't even do that.

  8. Will the only counter point to facts and the truth is falsehood, is that what your suggesting Olbermann put on as a counter point like Ailes puts on as his main themes through his shrills Hannity, O'Rielly, Doocy, Barnes, Ingraham, North, Cavuto, Kilmeade, among others ......... ??????????????

    When Keith Olbermann wants to express his opinion he calls it a special comment.

    Just because you do NOT like the truths that are being revealed about the most corrupt and incompetent administration ever doesn't mean the facts are not the facts.

  9. You want me to defend Fox, Clif? You want me to defend the Bush administration? Sorry, I'm not going to take the bait. I don't support either. And if you took the blinders off for a second, you would know that. As for the facts, Olbermann does exactly what O'Reilly does. Namely, he puts forth only those facts that support his myopic vision. Why can't you accept the fact that there are people out there who despise both parties and who aren't tow-the-line partisans like you? So hard to deal with people like you.

  10. Sorry BUT Olbermann verifies the facts he presents and admits when he makes a mistake unlike YOU or faux noise does.

    You still can't admit you were the ASSHOLE who trolled Lydia's blog and not the other way around can ya widdle boy?

    Your just a slimy right winger who claims he isn't like republicans, and what they did all through the 90's trying to legitimize their destructive policies which have destroyed a large part of the middle class.

    Your just as partisan as anybody else who THINKS they are right and every else is wrong son, YOU just don't see it, or at least admit it. at least the trolls at volts site are Honest about it son, you NOT SO MUCH.

  11. BTW will Lydia OWES you not a god damned thing after the shit storm YOU started on HER blog son.

    will the cry baby hart would be much more accurate son.

  12. YOU screwed up son accept it, and move on like most of the failed Internet dates you post about son.

  13. Gone like a fart in the wind eh son?

    Bet you wish YOU could find a way to APOLOGIZE to Lydia eh son?

    but big bad moderate will can't even think about apologizing for the carp he posted ATTACKING lydia when SHE did NOTHING to you .... heck of a juvenile attitude you show son.

  14. O.K., Cliffffff, you're done. Take a hike tou mean-spirited son-of-a-bitch. I made fun of the feeble-minded lunatic because she swift-boated John McCain. I would have done the same if she had swift-boated Ursula Andress. As for Olbermann, giving half the truth is not the same as giving the whole truth. He's a conniving lunatic who's pretty much worse than O'Reilly. If you can't see that, you stupid moron, then you probably deserve that disability check you're apparently living off of. Stooge!

  15. What's the matta will a little TOO much truth fur ya son?

    Don't like it when you get the treatment YOU laughed about giving others at voltron's blog?


  16. Hey Bill..........i'm calling you Bill since you deny facts JUST LIKE Bill O' were told on at LEAST 10 occasions that Larry wrote that post NOT Lydia yet you STILL DENY THE FACTS and attack Lydia for it and assign that position to other bloggers like a slimy little Reich Wing troll.

    Did I ever say I agreed with that post Will........Does EVERYONE in your blog agree with you........oh yeah sorry no one comes to your echo chamber but Clif and no one cares enough to read it.

  17. Your not going to use the delete button like you piss and whine about at Lydia's........that would be being a hippocrite Billy Boy!

    BTW, where's your partisan buddies Voltron and Rusty?

  18. Oh that's rich, Mikey once again crying about someone assigning a position to someone else while doing what?

    Of course, assigning a position to someone else.

    Oh and Cliffy?

    "Your just as partisan as anybody else who THINKS they are right and every else is wrong son, YOU just don't see it, or at least admit it. at least the trolls at volts site are Honest about it son, you NOT SO MUCH."

    Meet mirror. Mirror, Clif.

  19. Hey dolt, I never claimed to be NON partisan like widdle cry baby will does.

    So take that lie and stuff it chicken shit boy,

    BTW how did your trip to Iraq go?

  20. In fact I have claimed to be progressive .......

    NOT just a mindless minion of the democratic party ......

  21. Nice to see you come to the rescue of one of your pink pajama circle jerk butt buddies Dolt.

  22. "Your not going to use the delete button like you piss and whine about at Lydia's........that would be being a hippocrite Billy Boy!"

    Interesting too that YOU like to "piss and whine" about the simple possibility that you IMAGINE someone MIGHT delete you, even though that hasn't been done here OR at my place yet.

    Matter of fact, there's only one place I know of where that happens on a regular basis and it ain't us.

  23. neither three showers a day LIAR.

  24. What's the matta widdle will?

    gotta have big bad chicken shit dolty fight your battles fur ya?

  25. help me dolty help me;

    the evil liberals are posting here again.

  26. ivoryMike, you stupid fucking cunt. You idiot. You fucking child. I don't give a shit WHO wrote that article. It ended up on LYDIA CORNELL'S blog and she failed to disavow it. As for me, jerk, I've voted in 8 Presidential elections. I've only voted Republican twice (Reagan in 84 and Bush Sr. in 88). The other times I've either voted for the Democrat or for a third party candidate. And I always, ALWAYS, split my ticket. Those are MY nonpartisan credentials. What are yours, Mike? Being to the left of Nancy Pelosi? Attaboy!! And if I do decide to bounce Clifffff (he uses one f, I prefer to use 5), it won't be because of hypocrisy, asshole, it'll be for reciprocity -reciprocity for all the times I've had my postings (the vast, vast percentage of which have been civil, you douche) deleted (deleted because they couldn't be readily refuted and/or because they clearly showed me NOT to be the right-winger so moronically claim me to be). I mean, come on, how frigging nervey is that; deleting me while at the same time posting with impunity on my site. That's the fucking hypocrisy, asshole!!! As for my readership, dickhead, I write this stuff for myself, my friends, my former teachers, and my co-workers. I share it with them and it encourages healthy discourse. I could give a rat's ass if a bunch of internet lunatics like you and the average lunatic, Clifffff, whoever, read it. Your existence is as superfluous to me as that ink-stain on your disability check is to you. There, now fuck off, you stupid asssss!!

  27. Way to address the points I made, dick/drain on the body politic!

  28. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    ivoryMike, you stupid fucking cunt. You idiot. You fucking child. I don't give a shit WHO wrote that article. It ended up on LYDIA CORNELL'S blog and she failed to disavow it."

    You sound a little upset Billy for Lydia........YOU were told 10-20 times by many different people that she didnt write that i have told you i didnt agree with that.........and yet you still deny facts and lie and attack still smear people by calling them Lydia's henchmen for expressing their personal views whether it is on her blog, your blog or else where........if I think your a dooche bag thats me calling you that not Lydia, i'm not acting on her behalf or on her "orders" in any way.

    How come you have this hippocritical Reich Wing standard where YOU somehow dont have to disavow things other people say or that you dont say but other people are presumed guilty unless they say what YOU want them to hear.

    Unless i come out and defend mCsame like you want you assign me asnd Lydia the position of smearing him..........Newsflash Billy Bobb...........i dont need to smear McSame with unsubstantiated BS.............theres way too much truth and facts out there that make the senile old goat look stupid on his own.........

    1) he admitted to knowing NOTHING about economics

    2) His economic advisor tells working class Americans to stop whining the economies fine despite the fact record amounts are losing their homes, jobs or entering bankruptcy......ELITISM at its best and lets not forget his predatory capitalism helped cause the mortgage meltdown

    3) He CLAIMS to be a national security genius and warrior but doesnt even know the border of the country he claims to know so much about.

    4) Is 15 years a DECADE and a half behind the times in what countries exist and dont exist.

    5) CLAIMS to be an iraqi expert and doesnt even know the difference between Shite and Sunni

    6) Claims to know more than the Iraqis about whats good for them and what they need..

    7) despite CLAIMING he wants to win the war, when its actually an occupation wants to occupy Iraq for 100 dont win wars or occupations by keeping them going, you win them by ending them..........see this is an occupation, are you dumb enough to actually think the iraqis are going to present us with a sword and wave a white flag and say we lost you won.

    8) You dont win wars by getting shot down and made a POW, you win them by making the enemy POW's.

    (0 Just like GWB , McSame has been an incompetent screw up that has ridden his daddies coatails and daddy has paved his way and cleaned up all his screw ups and messes and changed his dirty diapers for him.

    See will there is too much real factual evidence to show McSame is an incompetent jackass for me to support smearing him with unsubstantiated BS kinda like YOU constantly do to me and Lydia.

  29. Bill the wimp Hart said "As for me, jerk, I've voted in 8 Presidential elections. I've only voted Republican twice (Reagan in 84 and Bush Sr. in 88). The other times I've either voted for the Democrat or for a third party candidate. And I always, ALWAYS, split my ticket. Those are MY nonpartisan credentials. What are yours, Mike? Being to the left of Nancy Pelosi? Attaboy!! "

    Ahh you voted Demacrat who the fuck cares will...........there you go denying facts AGAIN.........YOU maybe to the left of me Bill.

    See as usual YOU take the intellectually lazy route and label any oppoenet as a far left partisan with no facts to back it up..........Me i'm not a registered Democrat and NEVER have been, i've ONLY voted Demacrat once in my entire life..........further I support gun ownership in fact i own several guns, i support nuclear power, LNG, clean coal, building more refineries, deep water drilling (things Obama is opposed to) fact i support T Boone Pickins energy plan over Obama's...........i suppoert free market capitalism, i support the Constitution and all the freedom it protects and the Neo Cons wanna trash........i also support fiscal responsibility something NO ONE supporting war and huge trade deficits like Bush and McSame crave can claim to support, i support a strong military......something Bush has destroyed and McSame wants to further weaken and destroy

    See Bill I support ideas and principles NOT political parties........if a repug be he a politicial or civilian like Pickins has a good idea ir is on the right side of an issue he has my fact i am a registered supporter of Pickins.

    See Bill I am a cross between a moderate liberal and a libertarian from the way it looks unless YOU PROVE otherrwise you are too the left of me!

  30. Bill Said "I mean, come on, how frigging nervey is that; deleting me while at the same time posting with impunity on my site. That's the fucking hypocrisy,"

    Do you have some kind of reading comprehension problem or are you just a lying troll who loves denying facts and truth.......i said i never deleted fact i would love the opportunity to dismantle you and volt on lydia's blog in front of a real audience but clearly Larry or Lydia dont want you there.

    How can you CLAIM To be fair and balanced when you keep parroting lies..........You dont want anyone yo label you a Reich winger yet you seem to have no problem assigning me phony positions or lying and claiming i delete you..........the truth is its Lydias blog she decides what gets deleted, she has deleted Bart, Clif, myself, Sara, Carl and others on occasion and will likely continue........i KNOW she doesnt want Rusty there and its looking like someone doesnt want YOU therte as well.......but apparently you cant respect their wishes and keep trespassing.

  31. I'm not voting for McCain, asshole. I just defended him when he got swift-boated. You actually don't see the difference, do you? What an idiot! So, how many Republicans have you voted for?.... O.K., she didn't write it, I GET IT!! But it ended up ON HER BLOG ASSHOLE!!!! And she didn't disavow it. And neither did you, Mike. I was the only one with enough courage to upset the apple-cart. So, those are your beliefs, huh, Mike? A libertarian? You must then be in favor of privatizing social security, of abolishing the department of education, and be against national health care. Wow, I didn't know that about you, Mike.

  32. Your writing is incomprehensible, Mike. Do you even read your comments back before you press "publish"? That might help, seriously.

  33. I brought up my voting-record, MIKE, BECAUSE I'm always being accused by you and Clifffff of being a right-winger. I mean, I thought that the over 100 postings I've published against the Iraq War (most of which I wrote....BEFORE I EVEN KNEW YOU ASS-HOLES!!!!!!) would have been proof enough. But I keep forgetting that I'm dealing with idiots.

  34. So, "their" wishes are that I refrain from "tresspassing" there? Hm, well I would prefer that you and Clifffff stop coming here. Care to respect MY wishes?

  35. I have no respect for you dooche bag.

  36. Why should I, you have refused to stay out of where you were NOT wanted for the last two months, but when the SHIT is brought to your blog YOU scream like a sissy little punk

  37. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    I never said, asshole, that it was you, specifically, who was deleting. ONLY THAT SOMEBODY IN THAT FUCKING SHIT-HOLE IS!!!!!!!!! And, besides, you're on the record as saying that you doubted that I was even being deleted at all. Are you willing to concede NOW that I am?

    damn straight you are punk.

  38. I made a periodic posting there, disability-boy. And it was immediately deleted. Of course, that didn't stop the bevy of lunatics from ripping me anyway. Real courageous shit from you mental defectives, huh?


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