Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Return of Vintage O'Reilly

Saw your interview with Scott McClellan, Bill. Wow! All I can say is "where do I start?" First of all, I find it very curious that the easiest way to get you in a lather is to criticize President Bush. I mean, seriously, is this guy your brother or something? And the fact that you were so dismissive of Mr. McClellan - saying that he sounded "rehearsed", saying that he was staying on message. STAYING ON MESSAGE!! I mean, come on, YOU, Bill O'Reilly, actually had the audacity to accuse another human-being of acting predictably so. Talk about a ballsy maneuver, huh?........................................And, really, Bill those talking points of YOURS are really starting to wear thin; "Bill Clinton believed he had weapons of mass-destruction", "you're being used by the left-wing media", and, yes, my personal favorite, "we're winning in Iraq". In fact, why don't I take a few minutes and rip you a new one here.......................................1) Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton is an ass-hole, Bill. But even he, upon closer examination, I'm sure that even he would have seen that a lot of this pre-war intelligence (a humongous chunk of it coming from disgruntled/cowardly Iraqi exiles) was bogus. And, yes, a closer examination is in fact needed, Bill, when you're taking an entire nation to war.........................................2) The left-wing media. On this one, Bill, either you're flat-out wrong or a liar. I cite, specifically, Anderson Cooper's interview with Mr. McClellan. To say that that was an easy interview (I mean, granted, he didn't mug him like you did) is ridiculous. And neither was Wolf Blitzer's interview easy. I mean, granted, Keith Olbermann's interview of McClellan was as form-fitting as it gets. But, being that you don't have the courage to even mention Olbermann by name (and you accuse McClellan of not having testicles), I don't really feel the need to count that interview......................................3) Progress in Iraq. Bill, I hate to sound like a broken-record but anytime, ANYTIME, a police-state is instituted (an increase in the number of check-points, etc.) violence in that jurisdiction WILL BE SUPPRESSED. And, yes, when you add to that the fact that 1) militias have clearly been bought off and 2) many of the regions have already been ethnically-cleansed, of course there's going to be a cork-in-the-bottle effect. How much longer, though, Bill, can we afford to be that frigging stopper - bleeding and bleeding while we keep what is essentially a rancid brew in it's place? Not a hell of a lot longer, right?.......................................Bottom-line, Bill, I don't have any idea where this McClellan fellow is coming from. Therefore, I'm neither going to reflexively denigrate him, like you did (lambasting him in "Talking Points" memos before you even crack the book), OR take what he says as gospel. Nope, I'm going to keep my powder dry. Well, that and obviously keep my eye on you, too.


  1. I think I would gag, and die on my own vomit if I had to watch O'Reilly. Just the Olbermann, "Worst Persons in the World" bit are hard on my gag reflex. When they show clips of Rush I have to look away. You're a brave man Will.


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