Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Pathetic Decaying of Discourse

I used to watch William F. Buckley's "Firing Line" a lot, back in the day. I found it/him fascinating - to say the least. Not that I always agreed with him, of course (matters pertaining to religion, most specifically), but his intellect, I'm saying, his good-natured pomposity, the fact that he could sometimes be unpredictable (his ultimate stance that drugs should be legalized, for example) it all made for some scintillating viewing, I think........................................But there was this one episode, in particular, that has really lingered with me. It was one of the episodes where his friend, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, was the guest. I remember it not just for the high tone of the interview, the fact that both men were putting forth their positions in an eloquent manner, etc.. No, it was more the civility. This, I'm saying, in that while they probably disagreed on 80% of the topics during the interview, the politeness/lack of bellicosity was what was really most evident to me.........................................And, yeah, folks, I am in fact going to ask you to compare THAT to the present level of debate amongst all these bloggers, talking heads on cable, talk-radio lunatics, etc.. Just look, for instance, at this site called Politics Plus ( This character (refers to himself as Tomcat) does a daily screed against McCain (who is, granted, an extremely flawed candidate this time out but, come on!!), accusing him of virtually every unpardonable sin (Ethan Brand, on steroids) imaginable. He also plays this extremely retarded game where he somehow feels the need to consistently bastardize McCain's name, calling him stuff like McConjob, McRacist, McShame, etc.. I mean, talk about a de-evolution of discourse, huh?. And, yeah, he's just the tip of the ice-berg, folks. Unfortunately.


  1. I cut my political teeth on Buckley. I honed my vocabulary watching him at my Grandparents house on Sunday evening after dinner. I was fascinated by the movement of his scalp as he thought. I wrote my own obituary for him when I heard of his death. It was an end to an era--the end of civility and intellect, except for Bill Moyers. He's still here.

    I disagree with you about politics plus. I like tomcats approach, his careful research. He does a great deal more than rant, and he is kind to other bloggers. He has certainly been kind to me. I'm a lefty. I do not claim to be fair and balanced. I don't believe that both sides in this election are right. I'm far closer to TC's pov than yours dear, but I still read you both.

  2. He spins like a frigging top. They all do; existentialist cowboy, Lydia Cornell, etc.. This, I'm saying, in that whenever McCain makes a miscue (and, yes, he has in fact made many, unfortunately), they're frigging all over it (ignoring Obama's gaffes totally). And, yes, they always go for the most sinister interpretation possible (yeah, just like Sean Hannity does with Obama); he's a racist, he's a madman, he's a traitor, etc.. As for his "research", he does research the same way Bush researched WMD, the same way O'Reilly researches spots for that idiotic cuture war of his. AKA, he only puts forth facts that support his pre-existing notion. And you know what, that's the same mindset that people use to get their information these days. They, instead of going places that challenge their paradigms, go to web-sites, news programs, radio shows that underscore, provide affimation, etc.. I'm sorry, Utah, but I am totally unwilling to give any of these pols a free pass. I just couldn't live with myself if I did so.

  3. Well, I'm sure to piss you off now and then. Why have you been so easy on me? Is it because I'm just a girl?

  4. 1) You're humble. 2)You're not really all that offensive. 3)You're a girl. Oh, and, 4) On those rare occasions when I do make a good point, you at least acknowledge it. One more, we both have a-fib (I have paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and paroxysmal supra-ventricular tachycadia neither of which will kill me, I've been told - at least not any time soon). And we're both crazy. I voted for Ross Perot twice. TOP THAT!!!!!!!


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