Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fair and Ballsy

Boy, folks, is that Fox news roster ever growing or what? They've even gone as far as giving Laura Ingraham a show, for Christ! And all these political analysts they've been adding over the past few months; Rick Santorum, Karl Rove, Mike Huckabee, etc.. It's almost as if they're not even trying to hide it anymore....................................I mean, seriously/think about it, folks, virtually every one of their "stars" over there is a conservative; Hume, Hannity, O'Reilly, Cavuto, Gibson (demoted to the radio but, still), Ollie North, those douche-bags on "Fox and Friends", and, now, Laura Ingraham. Couple that, I'm saying, with the afore-mentioned "analysts", Dick Morris, Newt Gingrich, Fred Barnes, Bill Kristol and, yeah, damned if the whole damn thing doesn't start to unravel itself (at least it will eventually, right?).......................................P.S. As for those so-called liberals of theirs; Mort Kondracke, Juan Williams, and, yeah, my personal favorite, Colmes!, they're essentially either DINOS (Democrats in name only) or ineffectual stooges. Not exactly the stuff of the Hegelian antithesis, in other words.

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