Saturday, June 7, 2008

Candid Fantasy

This is what I would say, folks, if I were Barack Obama. I'd say, "Folks, the only reason I joined that stupid-assed church/listened to that blithering idiot spout his paranoid rants for 20 years was because I thought it would help me in my political career, purely and simply. I did it, in other words, for the same reason that Hillary has stuck it out this long with Bubba/voted for that idiotic Iraq War authorization, the same reason that John McCain (boy, has that guy ever hit the skids, huh?) now, instead of taking on evangelical lunatics, has decided to seek out endorsements from them. Do I feel good about it? Of course, I don't. But I'm telling you, folks, starting now, I am going to give it to you straight-up. No bull-shit. And, yeah, you have my word on it - guaranteed!!"........................................What do you think? I think it might actually get him a vote or two.


  1. Well, the joke is that I think alot of people go to Church and think...reflect...and ponder...and sometimes they don't listen to their minister...( I am sorry but the men in my family were great Church Sleepers...and my grandfather was so adept at it- that he did not snore and would prop the bible so he looked like he was reading..)

    BUT you know what...atleast they can still attack that he is a Christian???- I mean how hypocritical as that ...the GOP and their Good Christian stand....the strangest thing I have ever seen...

    When the Plumber was here- and he wanted to talk McCain with me- first he was saying Obama was a Muslim- and then he brought up THE Minister I had the pleasure of bringing up Haggee... quickly that conversaion dropped...

  2. btw you have great taste in books..Flannery..Willa Cather...etc...excellent...

  3. Hey Will,

    I think you're right that Obama belonging to that particular church was out of political expediency. As has almost everything else he's done, like saying one thing at AIPAC, and then the next day saying something totally different after the muslim outrage for instance.

    Which simply shines light on the fact he's just a typical politician. (No change you can believe in there huh?)

    However, Clinton and McCain have all acted out of political expediency as well. Seems to be a typical politician thing.

    That said, it still goes back to my point that Barry is an empty suit.

    Geraldine Ferraro was right, he's where he is because of his race. If this was a young white man Hillary'd have buried him in the first primary.
    He has NO experience worth noting, and has made MANY gaffes that would have disqualified anyone else.
    Look what they did to Dan Quayle for misspelling "potato".

    The media has been shamelessly cheer leading for him from the beginning because of his lofty oratories and his color. (sorry ladies, but when it comes to left wing vicimhood, black trumps female.)

    And you watch, IF he doesn't win it won't be because of his lack of experience, it'll be because we're all racists.
    They'll also make some snarky comments about "white males" having a "tantrum".

  4. Which reminds me btw, note when Barry first announced his candidacy, blacks were the first ones to question him.

    Al Sharpton even claimed Obama wasn't "black enough", having grew up in Hawaii, and not having "been down for the struggle". A black columnist for the LA times even published a article calling him a "magic negro". (where Rush's parody song came from.)

    Note too that he associates himself with his father, the black father who abandoned him when he was very young, while he casually calls the white grandparents who raised and loved him "typical white people".

    I don't even know where to begin with his wife Michelle. Here's a woman who grew up in poverty on the south side of Chicago, went on to graduate from Princeton as a lawyer and see's "racism" everywhere, and thinks America is a "mean" place and only became proud of it after her husband had won the Iowa primary. While here and her husband rake in millions, she's telling audiences to forego weath and position for charity work.
    This woman has a HUGE chip on her shoulder.

    To put it bluntly, ALL the candidates this time around scare me. We need a national "do over".

  5. Oh, drop by my place and tell me what you think. I re-decorated a little.

  6. I'm kind of in a unique position, a moderate who has both conservative AND liberal friends on line. To enigma, I wasn't really slamming Obama here. It was more a knock on Sean Hannity and the way he tries to bury him with these negative associations. Really, I thought that political opportunism would be a lesser charge that extremism. To Voltron, my buddy, I was thinking not so much a "cheap suit" but more of a blank slate. People are projecting all of their romanticized notions of the perfect candidate onto this guy. If he's elected, I will definitely root for him. I'll definitely have to watch my wallet, too, though, huh?

  7. P.S. Voltron, that "typical white person" comment bothered me, too. Definitely a gaffe.

  8. Hi Will!,

    I don't know where Mikey's been lately. Probably at detox. He'll post again as soon as he's out.

    I have to agree though with Hannity on Barry's associations, we all tend to rise or sink to our own level. Who we choose to associate with reflects on us as well. Most of my friends (and yours I'm guessing) share similar values, morals and ideals. Maybe not exactly the same, but in the same ballpark.

    But if your friends are all thieves and murderers the odds are pretty good you are too.

    And IF Barry's friends are anti-American and racist, the odds are pretty good he is too.

  9. Regarding Barry's religious affiliations, if we agree his attending Trinity was an act of political expediency, then we really don't know exactly WHAT he believes.

    He was probably raised in a Christian household with his maternal grandparents, but we do know he at least learned about Islam as a boy in Indonesia.
    AND we know from his writings that he does have an affinity for his paternal ancestry which was undoubtedly muslim.

  10. Guilt by association? Man, if that's the case, I couldn't get elected dog-catcher. LOL As for what religion he is, I suspect that he's a Christian in that he goes to a Baptist church, has had his kids baptized there, etc.. But even if he were Muslim, I don't know why that would bother me. As far I know, the American Muslim community has acted exemplary. In terms of Obama's flip-flopping, there I think you have a good point. It shows his inexperience and, yeah, I think that that's the biggest concern about him.

  11. I suspect he's Christian as well.
    (I'm just sayin...)

    Regarding the American muslim community, well...

    Depends on exactly what you mean by that. Most of the "regular" muslims in my town are non practicing. Much like me, I was born, baptised and raised Christian and consider myself such. However, it's been so long since I've even seen the inside of a church, I'd probably get struck by lightning if I ever tried to enter one.
    Most of the muslims I know are like that, they've been Americanized and pretty much secularized too.

    If however you mean the national muslim groups who appear on TV and in print, they may say the right words (mostly), but they understand the subtleties of America too. As an example you can look at what CAIR publicly puts out and their relations with the ACLU.
    Their "jihad" is slowly using our own laws (and "progressives") against us. Sharia here is still coming, just at a slower rate and will eventually voted in, or worse, judicially legislated from the bench.

    AND there ARE muslim groups here who aren't prepared to wait for even that. Witness "Jamaat ul-Fuqra" which runs camps in Virginia, Georgia and many other states as well. They're armed to the teeth and training for the day they rise up. I recently read where they have a camp in New York somewhere along the Hudson river too.

    Check out this map:
    Terrorist groups in the USA

    Granted this is old (2003) and many may have been rooted out, but how many new ones have sprung up since?

  12. And we'll probably be all alone in that struggle too, Europe is pretty much rolling over for them.

    The Nordic countries are in a Islamic mess, France continues to have riots, as does England and Spain. Hell they recently fined Brigit Bardot for writing a frickin letter!

  13. I almost forgot, did you hear that Bill Clinton wrote a letter to John Hinckley?...

    To: John Hinckley
    From: Bill Clinton

    Dear John,
    Hillary and I wanted to drop you a short note to tell you how pleased we are with the great strides you are making in your recovery. In our country’s new spirit of understanding and forgiveness, we want you to know there is a bilateral consensus of compassion and forgiveness abroad throughout the land.
    Hillary and I want you to know that no grudge is borne against you for shooting President Reagan. We, above all, are aware of how the mental stress and pain could have driven you to such an act of desperation. Hillary and I are confident that you will soon make a complete recovery and return to your family to join the world again as a healthy and productive young man.

    Best wishes,
    Bill & Hillary Clinton

    PS: Barack Obama is screwing Jodie Foster.

  14. We seem to be a little better at assimilating the Muslim community than the Europeans. Many of them have actually bought into the American dream. Just hoping it continues.


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