Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sorry But, Yes, I Look Both Ways at an Intersection

One of my critics, folks, has recently compared ME to Bill O'Reilly. Yep, that's right, I've been determined by this blogger to be just as bad as the "bad" man himself. Not that I'm taking it too seriously, mind you, in that, if in fact you really do get down to it, me-buckos, one of the O'Reillyisms that truly burns me most is when he himself makes these same stupid, idiotic, hyperbolic comparisons. I mean, think about it, when was the last time O'Reilly DIDN'T make an extrapolation that WASN'T based on an extreme paucity of evidence? Bottom-line, folks I have written nearly 300 posts, the vast majority of which have been critical of Bush - and because I, what, have the audacity to conclude differently on an issue or two, I'm suddenly the clone of some Fox News lackey? Oh well, at least this guy didn't compare me to Hitler/Arianna Huffington. Yep, there's at least THAT, I'm saying.


  1. I had no idea you had a blog...but whoever compared you to Oreilly..omg- that is absurd....

  2. I'd happy to be on your blogroll. Just to let you know, though, I'm a moderate/centrist/independent/pragmatist and I criticize both parties. I was a big Paul Tsongas supporter in '92 and I liked the McCain of 2000. Oh and I voted for Ross Perot twice (protest votes, essentially). A lot of baggage, in other words.


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