Sunday, May 4, 2008


For the record, while it may be true that Senator McCain, while undergoing his torturous experiences, did give more than "name, rank, and serial number" to his captors, any evidence that he gave away vital information is nonexistent. And, really, the fact that he supposedly signed some document that specified that he, John McCain, was a terrorist, does that not take a chunk out of the assertions that both NewsMax and Tomcat are making? It hurts the NewsMax position in that, no, what he allegedly confessed to was not in any way useful information. And it hurts the Tomcats of this world in that it clearly shows, well, basically the same thing; namely, that what he "confessed" to was so far from a treasonous act....that it's not even amusing as fodder...................................I don't know, folks, it all sounds as if there might be more than enough grounds for a divorce here. And a God-damned custody-battle, too - the loser, the loser actually getting McCain!!!

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