Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Obama the Bomber

As for Obama, folks, am I the only one concerned about that "striking Al Qaeda inside of Pakistan" comment of his? I mean, THAT is totally out of the George Bush play-book, for Christ! No scrutiny, though, on the far-left blogosphere for it.....................................I don't know, I guess you could call this another example of why I hate these political parties of ours so much, how they have a tendency to blind us, etc.. I mean, think about it. They go totally out of their way to try and trash the "other" guy but when it's their guy who's under the flame, yeah, that's right, they spin it up big-time. Talk about a bunch of partisan stooges, huh? And, yes, both sides do it, O.K.? - every chance they God-damned frigging get. Ugh!


  1. Well here I am again to disagree with you. The nerve of me. I thought that was what our little war in Afghanistan was supposed to be all about. Wasn't it all about tracking down Osama Bin laden? We had him, almost, but due to the idiocy of the Bush, Rumsfeld,et al, strategy for capturing or killing Bin Laden, we did a big pivot and decided that Iraq was far more dangerous. So that's where we focused. I'm sure you remember all this, and no, this is not condescension. But I, as well as most Americans, would rather have a do-over on that whole thing. Not so many trillions into the shit hole we have turned Iraq into--I hear there are plans to open a theme park in the green zone, and new bases with big building contracts for ...Hummm maybe Halliburton? But no plans to find Bin Laden. Is there a Saudi connection that might prevent the Bush family from wanting to pursue Bin Laden? Maybe. Certainly no action of that front. No threats, or even strutting posturing. Hands off. So, how does this make Obama as bad as Bush? You'll really need to spell it out for me. I'm a little slow sometimes.

  2. 1) I never said he was as bad as Bush. In fact, I'll probably end up voting for the guy (either him or a third party candidate, McCain, absolutely not) 2) I was against the war FROM DAY ONE. That's not the issue here. 3) We SHOULD have nailed bin Laden when we had the chance (both Bush and Clinton). My only point here (and, yes, I made the same point when Bush suggested this plan of action; bombing inside of Pakistan) is that to bomb inside of yet another sovereign Muslim country would be very dangerous indeed. First of all, this is a country with, what, 50 nuclear weapons? To create the type of instability inside of it that an American military strike would cause would be horrifying. I mean, we have one American-induced civil war in that region already. I'm really not thinking that another one would be a good idea right now, especially if it means the radical side of that equation getting its hands on the afore-mentioned arms cache. Actually, Obama himself may have come to the same conclusion (good advisors can do that for a candidate), in that, no, I haven't heard him spout about it lately. Still friends?

  3. I think I can count on one hand the number of times a woman has said that to me. Wow.

  4. I was a bit taken aback by Obama's comments on Pakistan and they seemed to not only set well with the neocon crowd, for obvious reasons, but they also seemed to slide by unnoticed by the left and even the center for the most part. I was none too happy that Obama said this and I hope that his cooler head if he is our next president would prevail.

    I was against the war in Iraq from the get go and I had my problems with attacking Afghanistan as well. Look what both actions have gotten us? Deeper in the pits of "terrorism" and less safe. The point, at least he and his neocon henchmen said "Alive or Dead"... Bull shit called.

    My honest initial response to 9-11 was "do not retaliate!" "Let's end it by not becoming terrorists ourselves!"

    Looks like I was wishfully thinking... again.


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