Monday, May 5, 2008

My Opinion of Dick Cheney?

I'd have to say it pretty much reflects the one that Brent Scowcroft has: "He's not the same Dick Cheney that I used to know." I site, specifically, that brilliant 1993 response that Cheney gave to THE $64,000 question, "Why didn't you topple Saddam after kicking him out of Kuwait?" Yep, that's right, Mr. Cheney himself once said that it would destabilize the region, cause a potential civil war, strengthen Iranian influence, make for a difficult exit strategy, et. al.. I mean, talk about a fellow who's done a 180 (textbook, as a matter of fact), huh?.....................................P.S. And, no, please, please, don't throw out that "9/11 changed everything" line yet again. This, I'm saying, in that, seriously, folks I just don't have the stomach for it anymore.


  1. Hey Will,

    Just thought I'd drop in and say howdy!

    One thing that always gets me is that a lot of lefties always cite the large coalition that W's daddy put together in gulf war 1.

    One agreement that was made to keep the Arab countries on board was that we WOULDN'T remove Saddam.

    I personally think we should taken Iraq then and split our forces, one half turn left and one half turn right and cleaned out the whole damned region.

    Might've been messy, but you can bet your rear end we wouldn't be fighting this war now.

  2. If you really want to know what I believe we're up against, check out

  3. Well, at least we had overwhelming force back then (the Powell Doctrine). Me, I tend to be more of a containment guy (not necessarily an isolationist, ala Pat Buchanan, but "conservative" regarding intervention - I didn't even like Clinton's Balkins war). But to agree with you, yeah, those lefties praise Bush 1 now but didn't a lot of them oppose him then (FYI, I did support the 1st Gulf War)?


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