Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Intersection of Opportunism and Insensitivity

As I read some of these more irresponsible blogs (you know, the ones that are constantly comparing Bush and McCain to Hitler - shit like that), I can't help but wonder what Elie Wiesel and the other Holocaust survivors would think of such flippant uses of terms such as "Reich", "Nazi", etc. Personally, I can't even begin to contemplate that they would like it, find it an appropriate metaphor, etc. _ whatever their frigging political views, I'm saying!...................................I mean, it's just like I was saying before about the term, "racist", people going around using it left and right, etc.. If you start to use it (it, or any epithet, for that matter) too much, it loses it's punch. So, for instance, if Bush AND McCain are both Hitler, doesn't it stand that there could be a third? Arrianna Huffington, perhaps? Oh, wait a minute, O'Reilly's already beat us to the punch on that one, huh? I forgot. Pee Wee Herman?


  1. I read many of your posts and am rather impressed with your ability to get down to the brass tacks.

    Thank you.

  2. Thanks, Poetry Man. The problem is, though, half the people think I'm a conservative Republican. The other half think I'm a liberal Democrat (a member of the Obama police, a recent accusation). In reality, I'm neither and, hence, rather lonely at times. I appreciate the visit.

  3. Important point. I have been dealing with those sorts of faux-leftists for years--those who think if they chant "Bush is Hitler" a few hundred times they have said something profound. Endless ID politics and ad hominems, childish insults and rants. DailyKOS did it, I think, and its spin-offs.

    They know nothing about responsible writing or responsible politics. Unfortunately they usually support Obama, and have mostly shot down HRC"s campaign.

    Note my new URL, Mr. Hart:

  4. Welcome back. So, you're not any more? Who is doing that blog now?

  5. I changed the URL. Note that the clown put up the bogus "Contingencies" immediately afterwards. (Authorities have been alerted--it's a type of misrep, if not libel. None of that stops this person).

    If you would like to chat about the ongoing battle against this moron--who is, I believe, like a Mormon deacon or something-- provide your email, and I will send a note.


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