Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thank You, George W. Bush

I don't know, folks, I guess that this is a warning to both war-mongers and peace-niks, alike. This, I'm saying, in that, yes, when we finally get out of Iraq (and, yes, mark my word, we will be leaving eventually), what happens in that God-forsaken land is going to make what happened in Lebanon, circa 1980s, look like a damn tea-party. I mean, seriously, you're going to have not just all these recent scores to settle but, big-time, what happened during the Saddam regime and earlier (14 frigging centuries earlier, for Christ!!). And, yeah, you bet, to make this whole miserable analogy complete, you're even going to have a high dose of that proxy-war bull-crap going on over there. Only this time, it isn't going to be between Israel and Syria but between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Oh, and if you think that that doesn't sound quite as vicious, think again. To quote an anonymous Sunni bastard, frothing at the mouth, "The Shia, they're WORSE than the Jews."......................................P.S. This blog was not intended to advocate a position, relative to our Iraq policy. It was, instead, an essay on just what an untenable/damned-if-you-do-damned- if-you-don't situation that the Bush foreign-policy gurus have created over there. Pure negligence with a jolt of stupidity, folks.

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